Same Sex Marriage Now Legal Nationwide in USA

This is great news! It's so delightful to see that more and more countries are accepting it. Love should be accepted for everyone, regardless of anything like same gender etc. :)
I've never felt the courage to take part of the discussion on the topic of gay marriage, as I'm afraid to be missunderstod and misstaken for either one or another opinion. Still I have these thoughts and questions that probably noone will find that particularly interesting enough to find them worth thinking about, and especially not important enough to get yourself questioning gay marriage or vice versa.
And here I am, wondering, in silence.
The Supreme Court also issued a ruling on gay marriage, saying that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. I am disappointed in the ruling and disagree with its premise that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.

per our US Senator's understanding.
I've never felt the courage to take part of the discussion on the topic of gay marriage, as I'm afraid to be missunderstod and misstaken for either one or another opinion. Still I have these thoughts and questions that probably noone will find that particularly interesting enough to find them worth thinking about, and especially not important enough to get yourself questioning gay marriage or vice versa.
And here I am, wondering, in silence.

I think you should take part. I think no one here should be afraid of airing opinions in a civil way.
The Supreme Court also issued a ruling on gay marriage, saying that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. I am disappointed in the ruling and disagree with its premise that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.

per our US Senator's understanding.

I think same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right because it should be a basic human right. I don't understand why this should be considered an issue to some. If two people want to get married, then they should. It's a secular nation, and religious dogma should not barricade marriage between two people, regardless of sex.
I can certainly see the logic of the ruling. It is all how we interpret the Constitution. The Supreme Court can interpret it as they imagine the founding fathers would have intended, or they can interpret the spirit of the founding father's intentions through the lens of the times we live in. The latter prevailed and that makes sense. I don't have huge gripes with the ruling myself. Like I said, it makes sense legally. However, I do actually see the point re the slippery slope issue that some raise. Under the logic of the recent ruling, I don't really see what's to prevent polyamorous marriages between say 50 people from being the next issue. No, I am not so worried about people marrying their cow or their shoe (or their kid), but this ruling does in fact open the door for the polyams to make the same Equal Protections argument. How people feel about that I don't know. The OP in this thread stated something to the effect that lots of people must be happy re the ruling. It crossed my mind that according to the last gallup poll, less than 4% of the US population is gay, so relatively speaking as far as the entire US population goes, that's not really lots of people. But yes, there are many people who've shown their solidarity to gays, and their disdain for mistreatment and stigmatization they have historically suffered here and elsewhere. So I understand that is a point of celebration for some people across the board, regardless of sexual orientation. A final issue though that crosses my mind about this supreme court ruling as well as the court's affirmation of Obamacare, is simply that this is all smoke and mirrors for much more serious and unfixable shit that is going on. People want to get all happy that the White House got lit up by rainbows. Parades are fun! But I am not sure the people celebrating the Obamacare ruling know how effed that entire system is. It plain and simply doesn't work and I don't see how it can. There are much deeper issues in the US right now. Like ongoing fiscal depression (you can call it recession if you want, it's all semantics), instability of the dollar, millions upon millions on food stamps, death of productivity, likely collapse of the EU and the very bad financial ramifications that will have on the US, a heavily leveraged banking system that cannot be bailed out again, debt-ridden individuals, ongoing home foreclosures, the education bubble, untold levels of under and unemployment, imminent wars (including the shit show in Iraq that we will some how no doubt end up involved in again). So how I feel about gay marriage and the recent ruling by itself is fine. But how I feel about all the pomp and circumstance about this and the unfixable healthcare system is that it is a circus to distract from the real issues. Everyone likes a rainbow light show when reality gets a bit hard to swallow.
Not everybody. Lighting the White House in colors of a rainbow disgusted me.
That's fine [MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] as I also see you to be an incredibly disgusting excuse for a human being.
It's about time. This change is long past due.
Why would it be otherwise?
God created mankind, he loves everyone.
Do you honestly believe that god created a homosexual man if he disliked them?
What im trying to say is. No matter who you love if its male or female, it is your choice.
Nobody have the right to tell you its wrong cause it isnt!

For all i know your best friend could be gay and you wouldnt know.
and would you start hating your best friend if you found out? i doubt it.
No excuse in hell could make my beliefs flounder. Everyone thinks so much alike, why did one vote mean so much all this time? Our nation is divided.
[MENTION=12088]Don[/MENTION]TauschMe I didn't know you cared so much for me. Thank you so much.

Another "taking away of states' rights", far as I'm concerned.
I am not sure I understand why gay marriage upsets people. We've had it legal here for a while and so far Canada isn't falling apart. I don't think anyone even notices.


Maybe it is above your understanding.
I'm glad for them, it's nice to see that happening, and about time. Here where i live it's not legal, and just yesterday there was a MASSIVE march to celebrate this, organized by the LGBT of my country. Draggqueens, leather underwear, trans, half naked bald dudes dancing... I was going downtown for another reason, and i was clueless of this, it took me by surprise, very nice and fun to see, it made my day somewhat.
I think same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right because it should be a basic human right. I don't understand why this should be considered an issue to some. If two people want to get married, then they should. It's a secular nation, and religious dogma should not barricade marriage between two people, regardless of sex.


The only time religious beliefs should be taken into consideration when it comes to The Constitution of The United States of America and the people that it protects, is to protect your right to practice your religion. You are entitled to that, because The Constitution protects that freedom as a basic human right. Marriage is also a human right. Not a Christian right, nor that of any other religion.

Why oh why was that 'wall of separation' never completed Thomas Jefferson? I despair.
However... I wonder if the day will come now when this same argument is used for people who wish to marry inanimate objects and someone says.... "marriage is between two people!"

such a day will never come, because an inanimate object is not able to formulate or express any level of consent to a legal contract.
it is so confusing to listen to americans talk about their constitution. obviously i understand that the constitution exists to protect people and to promote order in society, but often it seems as though the preservation of the document in the form in which it was composed is seen as more important than those reasons for why it was composed. in argument, appeals are made to it as though its statements should continue to be upheld for no reason other than that they are in it. "but it's in the constitution!" is the same thing as saying "but we have always done things this way, so therefore we must continue to do them this way!" it is a fallacious argument style. but i hear this kind of thing being said all the time. im not saying that everyone approaches the document in this way. but for some reason it is very annoying to me to hear this fallacious argument.