Buddhists don't actually have to explain reincarnation since there is no self (anatta) to reincarnate. There's just a collection of thoughts, experiences, ideals... attachments that we hold on to. If you remove the attachment, you remove the self and reincarnation is a non-issue.
At least that's the Zen teaching my teachers have taught. I think the confusion comes with the Tibetan tradition more so, where you have hundreds of years of tribal culture with a splash of Buddhism added after the fact. Trying to separate the tribal traditions from the Buddhist teachings creates a very sticky web.
I only skimmed through this cause tl;dr
but I like the question so I'm going to resurrect it if I can...
there are souls and spirits.
souls are low and baseless as they sound
spirits are lifted.
the physical plane we are in is a place of tests... it tests our soul (think Dante's Inferno)
we wander around with no memory of who we are or what we are supposed to do. People get attached to food (gluttony), sex, drugs, TV, cars things, stuff, oh yeah and the worst offender money... when you die your soul separates from your body. However, if you still want to eat, or d
Buddhists don't actually have to explain reincarnation since there is no self (anatta) to reincarnate. There's just a collection of thoughts, experiences, ideals... attachments that we hold on to. If you remove the attachment, you remove the self and reincarnation is a non-issue.
At least that's the Zen teaching my teachers have taught. I think the confusion comes with the Tibetan tradition more so, where you have hundreds of years of tribal culture with a splash of Buddhism added after the fact. Trying to separate the tribal traditions from the Buddhist teachings creates a very sticky web.
would like to resurrect this thread cause ...awesome most basic question ever and the thread is 4ish years old (and stupid tablet crashed half way through last post)
You have souls and spirits well what is the difference:
souls are lowly and baseless just like it sounds... we are dropped off on this earth and we know nothing memories wiped clean, but we are here for a purpose and we have to figure out what that is.
The problem is there are many pitfalls waiting for us to screw up. (see dante's inferno) Demons waiting to trap us with lust, gluttony, things and stuff... the latest i-phone, new car, money, sex, (ever notice whenever you get a gf many hot woman decide they like you and tempt you?) These things distract you dirty your soul so you can't hear the oneness of all (or God or the supreme counciousness, your over self etc). God can't lead you if you can't hear him. when you die your becomes trapped close to earth pining for your lost things. These are ghosts attached to earth by the things they lust after. Lost souls. They are born again to relive life until the get it right. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. The way to heaven, what is the way to heaven?
The seed of life and the tree of life of sacred geometry is the way (see spirit science on you tube *awesome*)
long story short you have to give up the things you love about this planet. Our give up the attachment to things, give up smoking, drinking, fapping, sex (except for creation), good food in excess (see fasting) *side note: fasting shows you how attached to food you are. When you give up these things you clean your temple and God moves in... and you can hear him if you listen closely in meditation. So, you have to go through hell (Dante's inferno) to come out to heaven on the other side. Buddhist monks do this in many ways , cannot touch women, cannot touch money or eat food not given to them.
You can skip all your future painful lives trying to lesson or you can be like a monk and learn the lesson now. Very few will follow this advice... There is a reason why only 144000 will be with Christ at the end times... Christians can't even keep the sabbath sacred ... last day of the week is Saturday not Sunday.... check any calendar.
Sorry tangent...
Further, you should not cut your hair (these are advanced lessons), your hair are like whiskers of a cat and help your body. Cutting your hair means your a slave... look it up mongols cut the hair of Chinese, native trackers can't track without their hair....
Don't spill the sacred water (don't jerk off) because your messing with power of creation spilling a bit of heaven very time defiling it.
Respect women tip your hat in respect because the are ALL the holy grail which holds the sacred waters of creation.
This is HARD it is supposed to be.... are you worthy for heaven?
You now know the sacred path to life ever lasting and how to be reborn into heaven from soul to uplifting holy spirit...
Let's see...