Truth is not subject to the beliefs of people. It is objective.
Truth is a label for an idea created by people. Truth is the belief in something to be of a certain state (whether true or having truth). I'm not sure how it could be objective, although people could try to use an objective system to understand it. In any case, you still have evaluations being made by subjective creatures (humans).
Religion asks for Blind Faith
Science demands Complete Questioning.
An interesting arrangement you have chosen; you have personified both science and religion. Religion does require some amount of faith, but calling it blind is a subjective judgment on your part. While the process of science is about mistrust and questioning currently 'accepted' facts, theories, and laws, it is also as much persuasion of others to believe in ideas (which may have
some or no current objective support for its basis).
Science has also come up with many amazing discoveries and technologies that are interesting 'miracles' (such as personalized medicine, gravity, biotechnologies, etc). However, not everything that has been found/discovered by science are 'good' miracles (such as nuclear weapons, eugenics (in humans, such as Hitler's germany in WWII), chemical weapons, biological weapons, etc). Although there are many peaceful approaches to use what science has given us, I would argue that science and technology have allowed people to commit war, murder, and destruction on a larger scale. I personally do not want to be a part of any of those 'miracles'.