Science Links Anxiety to High IQs, Sentinel Intelligence, Social Anxiety Psychic Gift

They have a broad interest in music to suit their many expressive temperaments, and others can query how empaths can listen to one style of music, and within minutes, change to something entirely different. Lyrics within a song can have adverse, powerful effects on empaths, especially if it is relevant to a recent experience. In these moments, it is advisable for empaths to listen to music without lyrics, to avoid playing havoc with their emotions!
They are just as expressive with body language as with words, thoughts, and feelings. Their creativity is often expressed through dance, acting, and bodily movements. Empaths can project an incredible amount of energy portraying and/or releasing emotion. Empaths can become lost in the music, to the point of being in a trance-like state; they become one with the music through the expression of their physical bodies. They describe this feeling as a time when all else around them is almost non-existent.
When people ask me what type of music are you into, I say "everything". I'm not being lazy, I just appreciate value wherever it's found.
I think the article linking anxiety and intelligence rings true. It means the person is potentially aware of more of the potential possibilities...
Imagine how different the world would be if it was viewed in this way...
all the most anxious people would be getting the best jobs, introverts would be singled out for promotions etc.

I read somewhere how basically the introverted brain naturally processes a great deal more information, and this requires the individual to reduce the amount of stimulation in their environment - thus basically having a preference for introversion. By contrast the extrovert has a less stimulated brain, less information being processed at one time, and therefore craves more stimulation and is an extrovert. Viewed like this introversion/extroversion is a way of modulating brain functions. (Sorry I can't tell you where I saw this).

On a slightly different note relating to;
empaths are more inclined to pick up another's feelings and project it back without realising it's origin in the first place.
I think this may happen to me. Sometimes when I'm around people, especially on a group discussion context, I feel compelled to speak...sometimes to say things I do not want to say, or in a way I don't really intend, or at a time I don't intend. Like I have to blurt it out.
It feels like a force is moving me to express myself that way. It's hard to explain, but I usually feel pent up somehow when this happens...not 100% at ease or natural, and that I'm saying the thing wanting to be understood...but feel uncomfortable opening my mouth in the first place. I don't understand it really or what is happening. I can feel uncentered in a group of people, but it's not enough to just feel like that sometimes I open my mouth and talk from that too.
Usually I wonder why I do talk from this un-centred place, when I'd rather speak when I feel grounded. I think that's why I've wondered what's going on in these moments.
There are also moments when in particular peoples presence I reveal secrets to them that I really don't want them to know. I have no idea why I do this, but I think there may be something in their energy field that I find a bit overwhelming and I am behaving like a dog showing it's belly (submissively), or something like that. I tend to kick myself afterwards and scratch my head. Thinking wha, why did I do that?

Does anyone have anything like that or know what I'm talking about?
I'll keep trying to observe the above, and see if I can shed anymore light on it.
There are many people who are aware of many things at once, but don't experience anxiety.
This is true for me. However, When I was younger too much stimuli caused me anxiety. Now, If I sense negative "stuff" I try to get away from it or put several feet of distance between me and the thing or person giving off the negative energy---it's when I cannot remove myself I begin to feel anxious and the more I have to stay in that zone, the worse it becomes, I literally start to shake the longer I'm exposed. I have begun crying when forced to stay in a place with negative energy. It is like scrambed signals and all my senses go haywire.

I believe that most of INFJs are EMPATHS - not all, but great majority from my own observations and my personal experiences.
I would agree. Some more keen or sensitive to it.
Empaths can perceive physical sensitivities and spiritual urges, as well as just knowing the motivations and intentions of other people. You either are an empath or you aren’t.
See my comment above...I've picked up objects at a yard sale or second hand shop and it felt like molten lava in my hand and I drop it...broke & felt compelled to pay for a few items.
I've picked up rings or neclaces and can feel love envelop me too. I've teared up at yard/estate sales doing this.

I think young (or unknowing) Empaths may suffer anxiety issues until they can learn what is theirs and what is not theirs in sensing, emotional, or thoughts.
...they are just as expressive with body language as with words, thoughts and feelings. Their creativity is often expressed through dance acting and bodily movement. Empaths can project an incredible amount of energy portraying or releasing emotions. Empaths can become in the music to the point of being in a trance-like state,-they become one with the music through the expression of their physical bodies. They describe this feeling as a time when all else around them is non existent.

This is definitely true of me but this is the first time I've read an account of it. This has got to be just about one of the most enjoyable aspects about being an empath I should think.
I was making fun of myself here because I've had anxiety for a long time, and it's usually because I'm stressing about the many possibilities of how something could turn out, which is a lot of thought and analysis. Not that every nervous feeling means something or signifies reasonable or sensible thinking, but most people too often see anxiety as a sign that someone is not thinking or being irrational or paranoid (which also happens) but fail to realize that it could be a sign of noticing more in people and environment than others do. I do pick up on subtleties that others miss but I'm often having to diminish those observations or pretend that I didn't notice or ignore it, because it's often dismissed. This denial or disconfirmation can lead to self doubt, and consequently anxiety. It makes you second guess yourself, when your thought processes were on point, but because you don't have the recognition or support for those feelings, since it is easier for people to ignore or dismiss those nervous feeling as irrelevant or unrealistic, you suppress those feelings or inclinations. But later something confirms that you were right, but by then it doesn't matter. People are surprised when they realize it themselves, while you wonder why it wasn't already obvious, not because you are smarter but because your mind has already considered the many possibilities, so it wasn't as difficult to imagine as it is to them. I don't think it's psychic. I just think that we all have varying types of naturalized observational skills, and this is displayed in different ways. I've been slowly trying to separate other people's vibes from my own or else you feel overwhelmed by it. This is why someone with high anxiety needs a good about of reserve or quiet to feel more calm or relaxed. They need to focus. When they're around social or other intense stimuli, their mind veers into different directions and connections. This is why they become so easily overwhelmed, not because they can't handle situations because their mind is processing so much at once.

So, I'm not feeling this anymore. It all sounds like poppycock. :D Was just another way to rationalize my anxiety, and give meaning to the swirl of nonsense that goes through the mind when experiencing anxiety. The only thing I remotely agree with is that being anxious doesn't make you less rational. It's sensory. Your system feels flooded with tons of information at once, conceiving of the worst case scenario as if imagining it will make it come true. None of what I've experienced had anything to do with giftedness. I was a bit too obsessed with finding something connecting emotional sensitivity to giftedness. I just needed to learn how to deal with reality better.
This is a fascinating thread. I think I read somewhere that the brain receives billions of 'signal inputs' every second, a seemingly staggering amount of data. From this it/we try to draw a picture of our environment in our minds, detect threats, find food etc all done in a very instinctual manner. I think within any group of 'animals' there are always some that are more attuned or alert than their social group, the one that bolts first and triggers the rest of the group to run from predators or escape danger.

Is this maybe part of what an INFJ was meant to do in our groups ? I think if you ask people whether they are 'anxious' perhaps a great many will say no, as it has some negative associations. However if you asked them whether they are alert, 'switched on' or quick on the uptake ? Many more will respond that they are. Rationally I think this is a subject worthy of greater study and understanding, especially in regards medical treatments. Without advocating any 'kooky' treatments, I think it is very well known whatever the medical condition, a persons emotional and pschological well being can have a very significant impact on their physical health.

I get quite a degree of social anxiety, though I have learned ways like controlling breathing, to reduce this. I recently visited my cousin and there were many people there, young and old, some who I knew, and some who barely know me or didn't at all. It was easy for me to get a sense of the room, and their feelings. I did what I could to relax them, took my cousins cue and made an 'icebreaker' remark to help them and me. It seemed to work well thankfully. I joined in the conversations but gently and not over much. I was the 'newcomer' and they need time to adjust and get their bearings of me, and what I was like. I was fine with that, I was glad to be there. I think as INFJs it can be easy to forget most types get social anxiety, even extroverts.
Well there is something to be said for a mind that can see all the possibilities and outcomes of a certain situations, one could argue that you would have to be intelligent (by traditional standards unless they were an Idiot-savant or similar).
Ignorance is bliss...children are a perfect example of that being true, and as we get older and less ignorant (most of us), we realize we are not indestructible, that our actions have consequences, that the futures of most people is teetering on the edge of falling to shit a good portion of the time.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but it only takes one big medical emergency to bankrupt the average family with our current state of healthcare still being run by the insurance companies for profit.
So, it seems logical that the more educated and aware of your situation and current state of affairs going on in your life and those in the society where you live, the more a person can see all possible outcomes...INFJs and INTJs are particularly good at dwelling on possible negative future outcomes...there is a fair amount of cynicism if one cannot come to terms with the suffering that life can bring you.
I have to purposefully look for and find the positive aspects of things because my default is to be pessimistic.
I recognize that part of myself and have been, and still am working to change my perspective, not to be unrealistic, but to see that it is unrealistic to expect the worst to happen in every situation.
We create the outcomes of certain things by the way we approach and view the issue/problem/puzzle, be it good or negative.
Attitude really does make a difference in how things turn out sometimes.
I know this is kind of a zombie thread but I am totally fangirling out about it. I don't have too much time to delve into all the articles at the moment, but I will definitely be reading more on this and probably take it to my debate board to get more insight into it.

I have GAD. I am Gifted. I am also extremely extroverted. It seems like many in the studies and on this board need the quite and solitude to focus and calm their anxiety, however my experience has been the opposite. When confronted with too little stimulus, my anxiety goes into overdrive and gives me something to worry about. I am perpetually fidgeting. I have to doodle in meetings to help me focus on the person speaking (something that I always make sure to inform people of so they do not think that I am zoning off). When I am overwhelmed by cacophony inside my head I go and sit in a public place and let hustle of life take me out of myself and back to the world.

As for the potential links between shamanism and MI ... I will need to better collect my thoughts and reflect on how to best convey what I want to say. This is a very dear subject to my heart, in part because my children come from a line of Shamans on their paternal side, and in part because I've been told by many people that I have some sort of "psychic" ability (though I think it is probably just heightened intuition due to my never ending excessive analysis of everything, combined with my amazing ability to be specifically vague in a way that allows others to infer personal meaning ... however, I know there is something "more" out there, I have seen the work of Shamans and know there is truth to it, I just doubt that one such as me would possess such a skill).

Also totally OT but @Solongo are you aware of the meaning of your SN?
Intelligence leads to "low self esteem" and an inability to converse with the majority of individuals in close vicinity, or in ones neighberhood and home.

This is due to low self esteem, that is why intelligent people are funny and it's okay to make fun of them because thwy are "nerds" like in tv shows such as Big Bang Theory.

Finally, the masses are starting to get used to how weird intelligent people are.

I get over stimulated fairly easily, but I can cooe and deal with it, my biggest problem is the social rejection and scorn. People still think I am really eccentric, and strange, and I have to be careful about who I let close because they are appalled or offended by my living habits or routines I keep, which I do not think are that strange, but simply exist mostly as a way of dealing with my unique temperament and alsos because I am not the best at being super organized, and practical.

Another thing I think, a lot of people do not like me because I think for myself and simply do not just follow and it is horrifying to them and they are always trying to correctt me.

Also, I would consider it a form of perception, but because I show signs of sensitivity or just I am very reactive by things around me, I looks like a weakness to many I encounter and I am told that its low self esteem all of the timr, mostly because I am well mannered and somewhat nice.

No matter what I do I get told it's low self esteem, but...It's because I don't follow social norms exactly, they feel too limiting and stuffy for me but so many people take it as this huge failing.

Basically, just having Fi alone instead of a thinking function or Fe just confuses and upsets people.

It would be a lie to say it does not cause me emotional pain.
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They only looked at 42 people? That is seriously underpowered for a social psychology experiment. They have a very high chance of making a type 1 error, which means it's very likely that they falsely detected an effect, with these numbers. Effect sizes in this field tend to be around d=0.1, but 40 participants really only gives you power to detect effect sizes greater than d=0.7. I wouldn't trust this study at all unless it replicates with a higher subject pool.