I was making fun of myself here because I've had anxiety for a long time, and it's usually because I'm stressing about the many possibilities of how something could turn out, which is a lot of thought and analysis. Not that every nervous feeling means something or signifies reasonable or sensible thinking, but most people too often see anxiety as a sign that someone is not thinking or being irrational or paranoid (which also happens) but fail to realize that it could be a sign of noticing more in people and environment than others do. I do pick up on subtleties that others miss but I'm often having to diminish those observations or pretend that I didn't notice or ignore it, because it's often dismissed. This denial or disconfirmation can lead to self doubt, and consequently anxiety. It makes you second guess yourself, when your thought processes were on point, but because you don't have the recognition or support for those feelings, since it is easier for people to ignore or dismiss those nervous feeling as irrelevant or unrealistic, you suppress those feelings or inclinations. But later something confirms that you were right, but by then it doesn't matter. People are surprised when they realize it themselves, while you wonder why it wasn't already obvious, not because you are smarter but because your mind has already considered the many possibilities, so it wasn't as difficult to imagine as it is to them. I don't think it's psychic. I just think that we all have varying types of naturalized observational skills, and this is displayed in different ways. I've been slowly trying to separate other people's vibes from my own or else you feel overwhelmed by it. This is why someone with high anxiety needs a good about of reserve or quiet to feel more calm or relaxed. They need to focus. When they're around social or other intense stimuli, their mind veers into different directions and connections. This is why they become so easily overwhelmed, not because they can't handle situations because their mind is processing so much at once.