Seeing Other Folks' Auras?

The second part I wrote was probably just over-simplification of a feeling.
hmmm....I would never hurt you or anyone else...and i was definitely hurt as a child...I empathize with you, though i would not blame you for hurting me just because I understand and feel what you feel...
Thank you. I'm very sorry you were hurt. It seems often with INFJs, and I can't understand, because of all people they should be most loved, at least judging by what they grow up to be (maybe one effect depends on the other). I wouldn't blame anyone too. Just meant that with some people my defence is weaker, if they ever decide to hurt me, which they very rarely would do, of course.

Said it to oppose the situation, when I sense someone very spoilt, thrashing everything around (eg. something like dominant Te), in which case a person like me becomes their worst adversary, because I'm also spoilt enough to not be afraid of them at all.
Er, no. I can't say I see auras. I do believe that people do give off certain "energies" that are actually microexpressions and that some people (I'm assuming that a strong Ni would be the MBTI equivalent) are subconsciously more sensitive to these physiological patterns. And this is the explanation I stand by when I say that some people really do give me the heebeejeebies while others give me warm fuzzies without me being able to tell just why.

But auras in the traditional, New Age sense? Hmm.

I suppose my skepticism on all this business hinges on the fact that there is so much of this New Age literature floating out there, communicating what you're supposed to see and we end up having the Forer Effect to thank for most encounters with this subject validation of this described phenomena. Would you be able to see coloured auras if nobody told you that auras are supposed to be a certain colour? Would you be able to see them if there wasn't literature confirming that certain MBTI types are prone to ESP-esque phenomena?

I'll be the first to say that my intuition is many things, but it isn't free from cognitive biases.

But each to their own, I guess. Wasn't my intention to rain on anyone's parade... :)

*bows out gracefully*

I welcome Rain....

I'm freaked out by New-Agey people. I don't know why they would want to share everything with everyone and involve people who really think it's like an introductory pottery class and then hey can go out into the world and start reading people and developing chakras and sh*t.

I actually find a lot of them offensive and annoying. *shrugs*

Honestly, I know nothing technical about INFJs. All I know is that I fit. And I do have a tendency to be eerie and have stomach-drops about certain situations, and I tend to be generally correct about my perceptions of people....
The second part I wrote was probably just over-simplification of a feeling.Thank you. I'm very sorry you were hurt. It seems often with INFJs, and I can't understand, because of all people they should be most loved, at least judging by what they grow up to be (maybe one effect depends on the other). I wouldn't blame anyone too. Just meant that with some people my defence is weaker, if they ever decide to hurt me, which they very rarely would do, of course.

Said it to oppose the situation, when I sense someone very spoilt, thrashing everything around (eg. something like dominant Te), in which case a person like me becomes their worst adversary, because I'm also spoilt enough to not be afraid of them at all.

Thank you for the clarification... I needed that. I tried really hard not to take offense to your original response. This really helps... I agree I am easier to hurt because of it, and it hurts more when I let some one in...
I suppose my skepticism on all this business hinges on the fact that there is so much of this New Age literature floating out there, communicating what you're supposed to see and we end up having the Forer Effect to thank for most encounters with this subject validation of this described phenomena. Would you be able to see coloured auras if nobody told you that auras are supposed to be a certain colour? Would you be able to see them if there wasn't literature confirming that certain MBTI types are prone to ESP-esque phenomena?

I'll be the first to say that my intuition is many things, but it isn't free from cognitive biases.

*bows out gracefully*

Although i'd love to say i have the ability to read people, i really suck at it. Any reading people skills i have is based on analytical thinking + sharpened critical thinking and inductive reasoning skills. It would be misleading to call anything i sense ESP i think.
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I welcome Rain....

I'm freaked out by New-Agey people. I don't know why they would want to share everything with everyone and involve people who really think it's like an introductory pottery class and then hey can go out into the world and start reading people and developing chakras and sh*t.

I actually find a lot of them offensive and annoying. *shrugs*

Honestly, I know nothing technical about INFJs. All I know is that I fit. And I do have a tendency to be eerie and have stomach-drops about certain situations, and I tend to be generally correct about my perceptions of people....

Just curious. Why auras in the traditional, colour-coordinated sense? What do you see?
I've met a few people who claim to read auras. One of them I really miss and I hope I can see her soon. Maybe she'll read my aura again. She told me mine was silvery. I tried to get her to teach me how to read them, but she was never really good at explaining things.

I just thought of something. You're supposed to maybe try to read auras in the dark? Haha.
Just curious. Why auras in the traditional, colour-coordinated sense? What do you see?

I never looked up aura stuff until a couple of months ago when I kept thinking of the color blue when around a certain person.

I'd be looking at him, and his face just looked blue. Or had a blue personality but not like melancholy billie holiday blue...

argh..Not sure if this is making sense but hey. lol

So I noticed that I noticed that energy in other people. Or like some people appear "brighter" than others. Which are the people I like to be around, and I hug them a lot too. And I noticed some people "felt" Red to me, and these are usually people I avoid. We will never have anything in common nor will we like each other so no use in pretending.

It sounds really LSD'ish I know, and I've never touched the stuff.

Does this make any sense? Maybe not... ha!
Thank you for the clarification... I needed that. I tried really hard not to take offense to your original response. This really helps... I agree I am easier to hurt because of it, and it hurts more when I let some one in...
I tried a while ago (I saw every aura blue, though), until I felt I was screwing up my eyes.
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I can see an aura if I try to, but its not a natural skill for me. I have to sit down, calm my mind, and will myself to see them. What I see is a cloud of mixing and swirling color. Though, I have to say, the coolest aura I've ever seen was that of someone who was probably dreaming: a whole plethora of colors swirling and dancing, an absolute spectacle!
I can't see auras. I would be interested in the understanding that comes from being able to understand people from them though.
I cannot see them :(

However it can be explained by synesthesia effect in the brain or due to residual images. So I don't think that you can actually look into the other dimension.

i was wondering whether it was related to synesthesia. Cool.
Does anyone here have this ability?

Which aura attracts you?

Which one causes you to walk quietly in the other direction?

I sense them quite clearly as vibes, but I have also physically seen them on occasion, and it's always a real surprise when I do. I'm never expecting to, and am still honestly skeptical about it. When I physically see them, it is usually as brief little sparkles of light. I have looked up the meaning of the colors I was seeing and they matched up almost perfectly with what I was sensing, so I took it as a visual confirmation.

When someone has a 'good' aura, I am attracted to them. I'm also attracted to people with auras that are hurting, lonely, sad, and the like.

When someone 'selfish', 'evil', or 'toxic' aura, I generally walk the other way unless I feel that I need to intercept them from someone I care about.
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There was one point where I could see auras, following an internal drama which cleansed my emotional baggage at the time. The important thing is to believe they are real, even if you must suspend disbelief. I understand to some people this sounds foolish, but it actually works. If you can concentrate on transforming the way you view something, and dedicate your mental resources to that belief -- you create something that I call a 'perceptual filter', things you do not normally notice become real to you. It's like the brain trains itself to take all of the raw sensory data you're paying attention to, and convert it into an abstraction which in this case is the ability to see auras. When one sees auras it is sensory data which is processed then converted, through intuition, into data about that person's feelings, focus and intentions -- without relying on conscious thinking (which is very slow, compared to subconscious thinking) to do that for you.

It is a remarkable mental exercise, and when utilized, can create happiness for you, as dealing with social situations becomes effortless.
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It has to be under thee right conditions. If the person is sitting in front of a wall that is white, or bright. I can see an energy outline on the left side of the head to the shoulder. There is one time when I sensed a red line in the energy outline.
So people who can see auras

I have been told you don't see ONE aura
so when you do a test and you get one colour, it doesn't really work that way...

They say it keeps changing especially depending on the situation

So I guess it's more reliable how it moves than the colour. Some people here describe agitation /explosion versus still and not moving
So people who can see auras

I have been told you don't see ONE aura
so when you do a test and you get one colour, it doesn't really work that way...

They say it keeps changing especially depending on the situation

So I guess it's more reliable how it moves than the colour. Some people here describe agitation /explosion versus still and not moving

My understand is that there are layers of color, and the colors change depending upon the person's mood.
I can't see aura's with my own physical eyes, but I can feel them.

Through my mental eyes I see shades and tones of illuminated lights. I don't see vivid colours, but more tones.


Can anyone relate with me on this?

Or maybe I'm just weird.