Sensing vs Intuition


I now that these are very different and most people understand it pretty well but here's a good explanation of it. I also want to share it because it's really funny with the S hate from an N perspective.
Note: This ain't me.
[ame=""]YouTube - Sensing vs Intuition[/ame]
Clearly, this D-bag does not actually know any sensors.

I love it when people jump on youtube and play expert. /sarcasm
Sensors bug me. Why? Heh, I'm not going to disclose that. I think it has to do with the rules fetish. Yes, I am aware that not all sensors do that. I was being humerous.
Yeah, I feel like some of it is right though. Like the bit at the beginning about how N's aren't really focused one spot in a conversation.

This guy says he's an intj so that may be why he seems like a dick. I also kinda posted it because i thought it was some funny S hate.
That dude really doesn't like sensors, lol. This video was enlightening, if pretty biased.
He doesn't seem very informed, and he's too weirdly biased to even be taken seriously. I think at one point he said, "I've never read a book about it yet" and then continued on about the glories of intuitives.
I don't know his type.. but INTJ does not seem accurate..
He doesn't seem very informed, and he's too weirdly biased to even be taken seriously. I think at one point he said, "I've never read a book about it yet" and then continued on about the glories of intuitives.
I don't know his type.. but INTJ does not seem accurate..

Ahaha, are you sure?
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yea if the sj you're dealing with has the capacity of a five year old thats is reasonable...
looking away = intuitive? yeah no. This guy is kind of stupid.

lol... sensors have no internal monologue and intuitives are clumsy? who is this clown?

edit again: your subconcious is driving the car? ummm... what? I use Se I would think.
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He doesn't seem very informed, and he's too weirdly biased to even be taken seriously. I think at one point he said, "I've never read a book about it yet" and then continued on about the glories of intuitives.
I don't know his type.. but INTJ does not seem accurate..

He said he was intj in another video. I thought he was an E from the way he spoke but he said differently.

And about your subconscious driving the car, I've actually heard something like this in my psych class before. Now, not all the time are you driving unconsciously but if you are having a conversation while driving, your concious mind is carrying out the conversation while the subconscious controls the car until there is something out of the ordinary happening.
Part of the problem is, of course, the old argument that "X" type is better than "Y" type - which isn't true. We all have negatives and positives. I guarantee you no one type has it better or easier than another type; we just function differently. I miss things all the time and it annoys me. I hate talking to someone while driving at the same time, because it's hard for me to aware of everything around me. And you'll never get me looking at you while I'm driving. And when someone's talking to me, I rarely look at them, which I know annoys them. I'm self-conscious and other conscious. I frequently miss the details. I'm organized for some things, but not others, and I can be jealous of those who are who they say they are (and what you see is what you get).

We're different, that's all. Best advice? Work on being the best YOU there is, and forget living up to someone else's type hype. :D
I agree. Not in a "oh yes, no type is better than any other equality all around." kind of way, but there many times I'd kill to be Se dom. I mean Se Tert ain't so bad I guess, but I still miss a LOT of details, and frankly it can get pretty embarrassing.
Part of the problem is, of course, the old argument that "X" type is better than "Y" type - which isn't true. We all have negatives and positives. I guarantee you no one type has it better or easier than another type; we just function differently. I miss things all the time and it annoys me. I hate talking to someone while driving at the same time, because it's hard for me to aware of everything around me. And you'll never get me looking at you while I'm driving. And when someone's talking to me, I rarely look at them, which I know annoys them. I'm self-conscious and other conscious. I frequently miss the details. I'm organized for some things, but not others, and I can be jealous of those who are who they say they are (and what you see is what you get).

We're different, that's all. Best advice? Work on being the best YOU there is, and forget living up to someone else's type hype. :D

Some of what he says seems right, but I don't think he understands his weaker functions well at all.

Describing intuition as a close connection between the conscious and subconscious seems valid, but describing it as an almost audible telling you what to do is very foreign to me. Perhaps Ni works that way, but not Ne. This reminds me of one time when my INTJ father (who incidentally has eyes a lot like this guy's) forgot to bring his house key with him and got locked out one night. He claimed that he had decided to go to sleep in the car and had almost dozed off when he heard a clear voice (which he, as a very religious INTJ, suspected was God or an angel talking to him) remind him that I had broken the window on the back door the weak before that and there was only flimsy saran wrap and electrical tape stopping him from reaching in and opening the door.

I don't think Ne is actually any good at coming up with ideas out of nowhere as he describes it. It is based off of Si, and thus needs to expand out from certain details. It takes these details more as suggestions than rules and may later choose to replace them, but some guidelines are required for bootstrapping the process. It does not create anything from nothing. Creative types are often said to fail horribly when not given any limits, as they need to have rules in place in order to rebel against them. I believe that we Ne users actually tend to be very aware of the various steps we take from one point to another, but it is not a linear path and we don't stay on many steps for very long. Some of the steps are obvious missteps we would rather not admit to making, but getting lost is a good way to see landmarks from new angles and discover new routes home.

I think that having your eyes move around frequently like his might indicate Se(/Ni) rather than intuition. It is trying to scan the area and take in lots of visual information on your surroundings rather than focusing in on something in particular. Those with Ne(/Si) will have their eyes move a bit too, but more in the sense of going back and forth between examining certain details and staring blankly into space as the connections are considered or recalled.

When people are actually trying to recall information they typically don't tend to look right at the person they are addressing, but instead stare off in a slightly upwards and sideways direction. People typically only stare right at a person when they are trying hard to make the other person believe they are being honest (which means they are probably not). A lot of people have the false impression that people telling lies are always to embarrassed to look you in the eye, which makes them overcompensate when they lie and stare right at you.

(Now that I think of it my likely ISFJ sister's eyes don't tend to move much, and she tends to look slightly above and to the side of other instead of right at them. That could fit with her cognitive functions test results that show very high Si, below average Ne and Ni, and almost zero Se. Her memory is not very good, but for an Si dominant especially that might make her work harder to try to remember things rather than paying attention to her surroundings or making quicker connections. On the other hand, I'm not entirely that her results are accurate and suspect that psychiatric medication had altered her personality type somewhat.)
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He said he was intj in another video.

This explains all the comments I've been reading (can't watch the video at work). !SWEEPING GENERALISATION ALERT! From what I see in a lot of INxx types and particularly INTJs is after discovering MBTI they start to develop some superiority complex, as if discovering they're one of the rarest types it automatically makes them better than the more common ones. Also some put all their teenage problems on everyone being S types and "no-one understands me", making them resentful towards us.

The great irony of it all being that if estimated MBTI populations has any truth to it, half of them are actually mistyped sensors anyway.

Oh and "sensors have no internal monologue" LOLWUT! So we're on the same level as beasts and babies now?
I seems to remember reading somewhere years ago that a lack of an internal monologue can actually make one's brain function more efficiently. I believe it was on a website adverting a program that is supposed to improve reading speed, comprehension, and retention. It was claimed that their system trained the subconscious to handle more of the learning process and that the stream of consciousness only got in the way of that. If anything it sound like it was supposed to improve one's Ni, so one got the answers without consciously working to figure them out.
This guy is an idiot. I've seen other videos of him and he spreads the worst misconceptions about MBTI.

This is not N vs. S, he's explaining an intellectual minded person vs. an unintellectual minded person. And with the S "stare" he might as well be describing a retard.

Agree with @acd.
Watching the video now. Am I the only one who thinks this guy could actually be ISTJ?
Apart from a few over generalisations this guy actually does know what he's talking about. No he's not a moron. Most of what he says is accurate.

Eyes moving about when thinking of what to say often indicates accessing internal stimulus.

A strong intuition does indicate a stronger link between conscious and sub conscious

The more you pay attention to internal stimulus the less you pay attention to external stimulus thereby increasing the tendency to be clumsy

The bit about driving? Spot on

All the people saying he doesn't know what he's talking about should really go back and watch it again. Notice he says often he thinks x may be the case. Or he's not sure about x but maybe this is what it is. He's not talking about absolutes. He's talking about tendencies

Oh, and not once does he say one type is better than any other

Good video