I havent spoken to my father in years. I still keep up with my mother.
More or less my immediate family has long been a source of instability for me. I now live far away from all of them...And I'm doing great
That said.
Your parents are going to inevitably think they know a) whats best for you and b) better then you in general. This is almost intrinsic of being a parent. (I do not have kids)
Your family is what it is. You cannot change it. The best you can do is accept it, Learn what you can from it. And move on.
If you can manage to do so, I do think it is worthwhile to attempt to keep in touch with family. You are more then likely going to outlive them and while you might not realize it now. When the time comes that they are not around anymore you are going to wish you spoke to them more. There will be plenty of time in the many years down the road to feel however you are going to feel. (I could probably take some of this advice myself with my own father...)
While the exact dynamic of your relationship with your father and what the source or even topic of your issues is not made clear. I can only assume that your father is trying to teach you or mentor you on something in his own way. This may even be extending itself to the extent that your father is trying to make you into him.
Assuming any of that is at least close to the mark. I think it would be important to attempt to communicate to your father that you dont need lessons or mentoring on how to be more like him, But rather, Support for being who you are and what your good at, which should probably be evident by now. (Your age is not disclosed, but I gather .. that you are younger then middle aged)
As far as your relationship with your father .. making you apathetic to ... everyone else. It sounds a lot like you've internalized your conflict with your father and almost let it consume you to the point that its now being exported out on the rest of the world. Your relationship with your father should be just that, With your father. If you've managed to internalize it to that point then you need to take a few large steps back and realize that everyone else in the world has nothing whatsoever to do with your father, Other people with similar issues or similar attitudes are never going to be your father and your father should absolutely not be the 'model' on which you base your outlook and perception of anyone else!
I hope some of this advice has helped.