Sensitives, meditating and paranormal

Well, I had another experience today. After getting the kids back on the bus, I had gone back to bed. After waking around 9am, I laid in bed for some minutes ... thinking of absolutely nothing, just kind of happy I was existing without a care in the world ... and then ...

"I want to talk to you."

I responded: "Then talk." Silence. Maybe I am going crazy.
I meant to post something that had happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I looked on the internet, but let me explain first:

I was alone (Mr.S away at work) and I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt a disturbance. When I woke and before I opened my eyes, I thought someone was standing in front of me ... or at least I had the "afterimage" of someone standing in front of me (they were a dark figure with light behind them.) Ok shrug it off, I just woke up ... no biggie, shyt happens. I opened my eyes, thought it was a dream. It was still dark in the room, with some light coming from the window in front of me from the moon. I closed my eyes and had the same afterimage. I opened my eyes again to make sure no one was actually standing there.

I went back to sleep with the image still there (I didn't care enough to become fully awake.) What doesn't make sense is the afterimage itself, b/c that is the negative of what you are seeing. Hypothetically if there actually was someone standing there ... he (and I say he, b/c it was a he) would have been the bright light with darkness behind him.

Hmm. Just something to ponder.
I think it is possible that we are capable of many more things than we have been led to believe.
The idea that communicating using symbols and agreed-upon strings of noises is not the best that sentient life can do.

I have heard voices that are inside in that I don't hear them through my physical ears but they have varied slightly.
When I have had questions, complicated ones, I have received answers that really make sense and just more abstract spiritual experiences.
I am aware that sometimes my own anticipation of what I want (or usually don't want) to hear has almost a similar effect to interrupting someone mid-flow.
Just the thought behind the thought (perhaps the intention?) will sometimes be enough to cease communications seemingly very abruptly.

One is my higher self, I think. Because it is pretty much me and can bring up obscure (early childhood) memories whilst demonstrating a point.
Things I haven't thought about in a long time - and it is never malevolent.
There have been others who I think are different (well, they are) but also very good - supportive.

I am still getting my head around it all and I am quite reluctant to talk about it because I have little to no control at present.
Meditation is the way but I know that part of me is reluctant to gain knowledge into it's big. Still, that will not stop me for long.

There is a LOT more going on than we generally perceive but you do have to SEEK it earnestly. I believe that I did and I am far, far from done.
Perhaps it is possible to get unsought communications if the field of vibration relates to certain emotional states and there are areas where the 'veil' is thinner.
@Sriracha .... The magnetic resonance of the Earth is changing right now. Many aspects are opening up and happening now that have not been available before. People are having long buried and forgotten emotions/memories come boiling to the surface. People are having Non Ordinary Reality states of consciousness. My Mom is seeing my Dad in her room at night and he's been dead for over a year now. I'm starting to see energy fields around trees and objects that do not move.

@Cornerstone .... I can readily understand your reluctance to speak of hearing answers in your mind. I don't talk much about my experiences with that as well. Hah! I'm so strange I dance with my power animals some nights. They aren't standing/dancing in front of assume/assimilate them within and allow them to experience dancing through me. Now how's that for weirdness? :tongue1:

Now there is something I do need to learn to do - and that is to actually ask for help from my helping spirits.