Sensor attraction

Sheepie, Sheepie, Sheepie

Mmm... I've dated.... ESTJ, 2 ESFPs, ISFJ, ESTP, andddd that's it for sensors.

I don't find myself attracted to people by their type or even looks. Actually, looks are never a factor for me. It's all about intellect and how the chemistry between us happens. If I can talk to the guy for hours and still be interested, then my curiosity is hooked. Out of those, I had the best chemistry with the ISFJ (and overall). I would rate the ESFPs as second best since they brought out my playful and fun-free side. They weren't very dependable though and they seemed to lack the stability and dependability that I need in a relationship.
i like ISTPs and ISFPs. i wanna be ISFP when i grow up.
:) I want to be an ISFP.

My other two long term partners were I think an ESFP and an ISFP. I tend to like perceivers generally, romantically. The ISFP I was with was a designer and we had similiar interests and tastes, plus he was a sweet guy. My ESFP ex was a promoter and we worked on things together, so we were always busy. He also had similiar interests and tastes as me in music, visual things and he was fun and entertaining. Before now work's been the top priority and it hasn't bothered me that they've not shared my views about spiritual things. I really respect both of my ex partners. They're good guys. :)
I get jealous of Sensor types. I had a friend who was (as best I can remember) an ISTJ type and I was always jealous that he could just sit there and do anything at any time like it wasn't a big deal. Being friends with him was like watching a cooking show where they fast forward through all of the hard work and all you see are the beginning and the end results. It was as if that 8 hour gap of school or work didn't exist in the middle of the day and never really came up in conversation.

I also married and ESTJ and I love the fact that I can leave the "mundane" things in our lives to her and she actually enjoys them. Filing taxes, organizing a closet... jeez! I'll admit that I sometimes have to wonder how a sane person can find satisfaction in that, but hey... who am I to complain?
I would say something mean about Sensors but that makes @Black Sheep angry and hurt. God he is so sensitive about being a Sensor. If I close my eyes, plug my ears and go "lalalalala" really loud, I find that totally adorable about him.

Dont we have a make-out appointment coming up here soon? Who are you trying to fool here?
There is someone I know personally that i am almost for certain is an isfp that drives me nuts but in both good and bad ways . They frustrate you but fascinate you simultaneously.

Can you explain that a bit more? What is it that drives you nuts both good and bad? With the ISFPs I know, well, what I liked about them was mostly their looks and their confidence. They were fine and polished, yet they had that sensory, sexual confidence beneath it. One ISFP, for example, who recently signalled interest, she's soft and idealistic in everyday life, but she does extreme sports. There's one photo of her where she does kitesurfing, with that look in her eyes and the body language being very confident about tackling the water. And I think that's what I find attractive: on one hand being polished, on the other hand being primal and that body sexiness.

I would say ISTJ's are attractive to me if we're talking Sensors. I am sure I know other Sensors in my life but the ones I've been attracted to are ISTJ.

So what do you or did you find attractive in ISTJs? I used to be interested in an ISTJ and what I liked about her was her strength. It made me want to tackle it. So raw. I was wondering if there was actually anything she would have found interesting in me.
Can you explain that a bit more? What is it that drives you nuts both good and bad? With the ISFPs I know, well, what I liked about them was mostly their looks and their confidence. They were fine and polished, yet they had that sensory, sexual confidence beneath it. One ISFP, for example, who recently signalled interest, she's soft and idealistic in everyday life, but she does extreme sports. There's one photo of her where she does kitesurfing, with that look in her eyes and the body language being very confident about tackling the water. And I think that's what I find attractive: on one hand being polished, on the other hand being primal and that body sexiness.

So what do you or did you find attractive in ISTJs? I used to be interested in an ISTJ and what I liked about her was her strength. It made me want to tackle it. So raw. I was wondering if there was actually anything she would have found interesting in me.

I'm really good at interacting with ISTJ's I think mostly because my mom is one. So I kind of get how they operate and such. The ISTJ's that I've interacted with here have been awesome. What I like most about them is that you don't have to do tons of guess work with an ISTJ to figure them out. There's usually no hidden meaning or agenda in what they're saying or doing and I actually find it a relief sometimes. This isn't to say they're simple people or something, but they're kind of a "no bullshit" type and after primarily interacting with INTJ's, INFP's and INFJ's it's a nice break for me.
Can you explain that a bit more? What is it that drives you nuts both good and bad? With the ISFPs I know, well, what I liked about them was mostly their looks and their confidence. They were fine and polished, yet they had that sensory, sexual confidence beneath it. One ISFP, for example, who recently signalled interest, she's soft and idealistic in everyday life, but she does extreme sports. There's one photo of her where she does kitesurfing, with that look in her eyes and the body language being very confident about tackling the water. And I think that's what I find attractive: on one hand being polished, on the other hand being primal and that body sexiness.[\quote]

I know someone who is very present minded and easygoing, but sometimes to a fault. Since I am a future oriented person some desicions can make me feel anxious. I find the isfp at times endearing but you want to shelter them because they are so open and vulnerable because they accept life without barriers and walls. It is great to be spontaneous but some desicions just need to be thought out better.
I find myself drawn to ISTJ females, mainly because they are so grounded. There are 2 in my physics class that I have become close with, and we are very understanding of each others' needs, which makes for a beautiful friendship full of growth.
ISFP—Don't even get me started. ISFPs are the bomb! We can talk for long stretches of time being playful or serious. There's just so much interesting stuff to talk about. I love jabbing them with Ni, and they're delighted. (And perhaps that's just what introverted functions are: jabbers.)

ESTJ—There is an ESTJ friend that I really enjoy. It's so obvious, isn't it?

Just enough Ne for my taste but not constant. Not enough Fi to make me suspicious. Just enough Si to provide structure for me, but not so much that it slaps me in the face. I usually tolerate his Te and enjoy the planning that he prefers.

ISFJ—Lots to like here. I've known five ISFJs, 3 of them for more than a decade, and all of them have been loyal friends. We don't always interact, but when we do, it's always warm, pleasant, and funny. We can also talk for long stretches of time—with one of them, there can be a lot to say, too.

ISTP—I'm continually mystified by ISTPs. They are action-oriented to the core. I've known one that I interacted with a lot for the time that we knew each other. They're not intrusive, yet still buddies. I feel safe and unguarded around them while still allowing them to help me with being more active and outgoing.

Primary Sensor attraction: ESTJ.
What the differences in type do mean is that there will be different ways in maintaining that relationship. Some times two different types are incompatible enough that the strength of the other factors arent enough to overcome that.

Yeah, but I think there's a sufficient correlation between types and compatibility. Just this past weekend I went to a party and there was this girl who was like a hamster popping up behind corners and people, staring at me. Turned out she's an ENFP.

i like ISTPs and ISFPs. i wanna be ISFP when i grow up.

I like ISFPs too. But what I don't like is when they start complaining about things. They then have this burdening, aching, dragging tone. Sometimes I get the impression that ISFP suffer under their scrutiny.

I find myself drawn to ISTJ females, mainly because they are so grounded.

Oh yes, I know what you mean. I once worked with an ISTJ female and she was hot in the way she was steady. I even asked her out, but she politely said no. But I think she googled me because now she kinda seems interested.

ISFPs are the bomb! ... I love jabbing them with Ni, and they're delighted.

Explain please, the "jabbing" and the "delighted".
Crazy, but I think I was attracted the initial arrogance of my ISTJ husband. He was an egg I needed to crack. Now he's scrambled eggs.


The funny thing is that I don't know if I'm kidding or not.
I realized something recently: With Sensor women it seems you're boring as long as you don't do anything, like babbling, dancing etc. With Intuitive women it's the other way round: it seems they're more fascinated when I'm just staring into the distance. Funny...
I like the steady, grounded STJ's.