Okay... please keep in mind... I don't mean any offense to anyone...
I hope it's okay if I just share my point of view even if it's a little different...
I agree with everything about needing to balance our care for others and our care for ourselves, but I can't agree with the use of the word selfish itself... probably because when I was brought up, I was taught that to be selfish is a bad thing... which certainly... it is... according to its definition anyway.
The reason I dislike the use of the word selfish is because we know what "selfish" really means."Selfish" means that we are disregarding others and only focused on ourselves. The word selfish infers no sense of balance of that focus.
When my children were young I had to teach them how to share and not be selfish.
Would I appreciate it if someone came along and said, oh no, your mom was wrong, it's ok to be selfish? Certainly not.
I think the concept we're actually discussing is called 'personal boundaries'. Having healthy personal boundaries is important in life. We need to learn that there's a time when it's okay to say no, and a time when it's important to say yes... balance. I don't like calling it "selfish" though.
Healthy boundaries are something I have been striving toward for a long time. Mine were stomped all over when I was a kid. Even just daring to state my point of view is something I learned to do in the past 2 years from being in online forums.
Anyhow... good subject.
Oh, I wanted to say that I have seen people with unhealthy boundaries who are always serving other people and never take care of themselves. On the surface that looks so saintly, but in reality there can be a lot of unhealthy issues feeding that kind of behavior.
But on the other hand, there are some types which are very service oriented and they certainly shouldn't be condemned for doing what comes naturally to them.
I agree with those who have said that having a balance where you look after yourself and others is something we should strive for.
I mean even in an airplane, they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then put one on your child. What good would it do your child if you passed out?
Hello intjmom,
I agree with you completely. No doubt, you are right. But here, i had tried something else different, It is about be happy in your life. This is also way to bring happiness in your life. Isn't it? Look, in every posts they are fully aware of one thing, just be selfish in such a way that harms no one.