Should you work harder because you are younger?

I think my argument was weak and not very well stated or supported. But thanks to everyone who responded. A good work ethic should start when someone is young. Best of success to everyone. :)
I dont mind working hard if I have to to survive, but a company that treats me like shit just because I am new can expect no loyalty when I find a better job and take off and tell them to go fuck themselves and have fun finishing the project short handed.
When it comes to the young and inexperienced, I just don't trust them enough to give them anything they can screw up, where it will matter.

How they might screw up:
1. Being unreliable: either not sticking with tasks, no matter how exhausting/boring; breaking protocol; breaking orders; breaking things; or much, much worse.
2. Being too slow: not meeting deadlines.
3. Causing the team mechanism to break down.
4. Creating more problems, that other people have to dedicate time to fix up.

If you can trust someone to do menial tasks reliably, then you can trust to do other tasks reliably.

I expect people earn: their pay, their position, my trust.