Show mbti, feelings, emotions, whatever you wish: with trees and parts

I did lol! Love that lil red panda guy!
He looks pretty content.

He sure does....but who wouldn't be gettin' to hang out in a tree all day - right? :tongue:
He sure does....but who wouldn't be gettin' to hang out in a tree all day - right? :tongue:
How about hanging out like a tree all day? Anticipation or anxiety?

Somebody PLEASE take me. Take ME! Hello? What are YOU lookin' at? ELEGANCE
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How about hanging out like a tree all day? Anticipation or anxiety?

I have told everyone I know that when I die I would want to be wrapped in a sheet and buried about 3 feet in the ground underneath a tree's branches. That way when I decay my molecules would be drawn up into the tree as it grew. I know the best I can do is be cremated so my wish is to have my ashes spread underneath a big tree somewhere.

I could sway in the wind - feel the breeze tickle my leaves - hear the birds sing to me and eat the bugs not good for me. I'd have a view. I'd breathe in the carbon dioxide exhaled from mammals and gift them with oxygen I exhale.
I'd get to sleep in the wintertime and put on a show in the spring, summer and fall.
Yep. I'd be quite happy being a tree.

Did you see this video posted here a while back?

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[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] , I'll listen and watch that when I can get it to download as a whole. Do you have a favorite type of tree?
Mine. Mine, in silent simplicity with grace abounding. I know of two places in the woods I can go and enjoy their beauty while walking amongst them. I hope to be able to climb the hill again to one of them, though may never try again. Still keep it fresh in my memory. Those red seeds get spread around by the wildlife that eat them.
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The pink dogwood is striking in it's beauty!

I love watching Bluebirds in my back yard. I never see them fight and argue like the Mockingbirds or the Jays.
More trees mixed with gold...[video=youtube;cg_dRAmSzvA][/video]

Saw this little one in the morning last year. Felt a kind of kinship while we watched each other, even though I have no way to verify if the feeling was mutual.
Where would all the critters be if not for the tree?
confused and not sure about my directions in life


trying to hold onto things i know are true

I found this one today and just had to post it.

The Sound of Tree....

guitar tree_n.webp
@Kgal , I'll listen and watch that when I can get it to download as a whole. Do you have a favorite type of tree?

Not really.... I loves them all. :wink: ....even the prickly ones. I saved a baby Toothache tree and brought it with us when we moved down here. It is now almost 20 feet tall.

The leaves and bark of these trees contains a fairly strong anesthetic. Native Americans would cut off one of the thorns and place it on the gum near their hurting tooth. After a few minutes that area would go numb, allowing a friend to yank the bad tooth out. Pioneers and early Texas settlers would use the leaves instead of the bark/spines. I have no idea why one people used one part and other people used a different part for the same treatment.
