I absolutely agree that horses help people heal. I have no idea why. When I'm with them (riding, walking, grooming, hanging out with them, etc) I feel balanced, centered, and at peace.
Yesterday I took the dogs out a second time in the late afternoon and we walked through the woods instead of along the trails. (I try to bring them on a different route daily because my male dog gets bored and mopes if things get too routine.) I climbed on top of a glacial erratic, they happily followed, and we sat quietly in the woods for a long time. It was the most successful I've been at this so far, except that I was with my dogs.
I've been meaning to get back here and pose an idea for you....but in typical INFJ fashion the idea can be complicated to put down in to words...and I've been going through activation after activation along my spiritual journey and this creates a state of No Mind within me. Words just don't come... Hahaha...
There is (of course) very little main stream science research about the following idea...but if you wish to look further I first ran across this knowledge through the Heart Math Institute and the Global Coherence Initiative. Years ago they put their findings out on the internet for free. Then to survive began to require money to gain access. So I walked away from it. Besides....my own direct experiences tell me about Energy Fields.
Every Being of this planet creates its own Energy Field(s). The Human Being creates multiple fields within its overall Energy Field which include the brain, the genital area, and the Heart. Many people are surprised to find out the Heart field is the largest by orders of magnitude and is in fact the driving factor of our lives. Many many people only think of their Heart as regarding affairs of love and pumping blood.
It would be helpful for us now if we could view the Heart as the Cell Phone to our Universe....or a Portal to vast amounts of energy in the form of information data and the Feeling of Unconditional Love.
So it turns out the Feelings we hold within our field has a certain vibration. All Feelings are either based upon Fear(anger,worry,and indifference)...or Love(allowance, kindness, and compassion). And you know that what we Think about generates these Feelings....and these Thoughts and Feelings create a certain Vibration (or frequency) within our Field.
Let's suppose now for the time being that you are walking around with a field that radiates out around you by many feet. You hold within that space some Feelings and Thoughts ...perhaps a memory you are actively conscious of....perhaps one you aren't....and this space in your field is heavy with Trauma energy. Remember.... Thoughts and Feelings are Energy vibrating at a certain frequency correlated with those heavy trauma memories.
Now....Nature ...Trees....Wild creatures....Horses.... do not generally hold that kind of vibration within their energy field(s). The key word is Hold. I say "generally" because I have rescued a few horses in my time and those specifically held some memory traumas due to the way they were treated prior to coming to me. Like people....they had PTSD...and I had to work a loonnnnng time to help them relax and just Be.
You mention you know being around Horse makes you Feel
balanced, centered, and at peace. The energy field of an animal is generally proportionate with their size. The energy field of a Horse is bigger than a human. So when you are engaging with Horse their field vibration is strong and steady (so to speak) and can handle yours....which contains discordant vibrations held within it.
Your Dogs energy fields are different than Horse because they have lived with humans most of their lives and they contain "some" discordance within them. Nevertheless... their fields are generally peacefully strong and stable similar to Horse....and combined together create a space around you of peace(love).
Trees do the same thing for us. I have great honor and respect for Tree....
I was thinking it's time for you to try a different approach in meditation and develop your senses for feeling the Energy in the fields around you. By developing this skill you can tune yourself to your surroundings...and/or....tune yourself to the State of Being you wish to choose no matter your surroundings.
Wear a blindfold. Close your eyes. Sit in a stall with a horse that's very calm. Lay out on the ground in the sunshine with horses nearby eating hay. Close your eyes while grooming a horse cross tied in a quiet area of the barn. Close your eyes....Then put your awareness on your self....your Heart area in your chest...and a few inches away from your body. I'm sure your mind will come up with all kinds of ways to do this. Make it playful. Let your intuition spin out all kinds of fanciful ways your energy field could vibrate with the Horse field. I played the flute for 10 years through school bands and orchestras and being in Tune with sound comes to mind.
The same could be done while sitting in the woods with your dogs. Again limit your external sight and practice extending your senses to feel your energy field.
I could go on and on and on about all of this but I think I'll just put a picture and then let your mind and Heart muse on this for a while. My words are clumsy ... so take what you will from them and let the rest go. Namaste'