
How about: snapping is an involuntary loss of logic?

(RE. Slant's definition of snapping?)
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How about: snapping is an involuntary loss of logic?

(RE. Slant's definition of snapping?)

I couldn't agree with that. My snapping has led to me feeling more logical than ever before. I would say that my snapping is the result of my world being proven a lie and my questioning everything in it. Whether that is healthy or not is unknown to me. All I know is that I know a loss of what I thought was self but may in fact just have been illusion.
Your right - I occasionally experience what you describe. It isn't loss of logic, but as though the parameters for logic shift suddenly.
Your right - I occasionally experience what you describe. It isn't loss of logic, but as though the parameters for logic shift suddenly.

The parameters of logic don't ever shift...only our understanding of them has ever shifted.
I know what you are saying, but I didn't mean that the process of logic changes, but that there is a change in what is being processed.

When logic is dealing with problems of relative values (which are far less clear cut than when it deals with problems of existence) nothing is more disruptive than a sudden arbitrary change of values.