So, how smart are you? ; )

So, how smart are you?

  • I'm off the charts genius . . .!

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I think i'm above average

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • I think i'm a pretty smart cookie . . . meh

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • Well, i think i'm smart . . . not sure

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Nope, don't think i'm smart . . . not at all (. . . nor this)

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Like, there is even a question . . . i'm absolutely brilliant, no question!

    Votes: 5 10.0%

  • Total voters
There are no smart and stupid people really, but there are people who need to take the role to tell others if they are smart or stupid. And telling people what they are works, when you are very determined. It only doesn't work on another one who would tell others...

Another approach is, to tell people what works and what doesn't, not what they "are", because maybe nobody is nothing. But we don't choose this approach. We keep telling people what they are, and showing them icons (like einstein) of others who would do that too /remember, he complained the world is full of 'fools', so he was one of the 'definers'/ ... and so it goes and goes. I really wonder how we manage to get even a little grain of truth about the real world through these false labels of who is what, but for now I assume we do, even if very little.

Unfortunately, most often those who understand, don't define, and those who define, don't understand. Very little of the efforts of each group comes to fruition, and mostly by accidents.

I wanna say something upfront, sometimes I come off as insulting when I don't really mean it that way. So, please, take everything I say with a grain of salt. :m155:

I ask you, would you not label a person as physically strong if he can bench 350 pounds? Would you not label someone as mentally intelligent if they were able to solve a defining aspect of the universe? What about someone who shows great empathy as caring? Heck, you even label yourself an ISTJ (which is 4 labels in itself I may add).

As for me, I label myself as smart because I am proud of how intelligent I am. I take pride in my ability to problem solve and think on my toes. BUT! I do not hold myself above anyone simply because they can't understand how computers work or because they can't solve a seemingly simple math problem. I too have my own weak points, I am horrible in social situations and I suck at sports.

If this seems a bit argumentative, I'm sorry, but for someone to say that you can't be proud of yourself and have aspirations to live up to an icon is just wrong. And, the bit about Einstein, I'm quite sure the fools he mentioned were the science community as a whole. I mean how do you think you would feel if you had solved so much but were being called crazy by the science community of the day.

All in all, a label is just how we see each other. The most important thing is to never let anyone effect how you see yourself. One thing I've always believed is that we are not labeled by our weaknesses, it is our strengths that shine.
People, stop being modest! I'm pretty sure we have more than two off the chart geniuses.
Are you saying my ego is too high and I'm skirting round 'I'm dumb'? :D

I only pick up new knowledge quickly if I like it, but I have trouble retaining half of what I learnt often. Apparently I discard stuff that is of no use to me, according to life colours!

edit: And glad you like the slow loris, moxie :D

sounds exactly like me!!

I can remember very detailed things of theories but not their names for eg hehe
My intp friend calls me a genius, but that's just because I explained some of my background thought processes, and they're somehow over his head. But no, I'm not. I am decently intelligent, though. I can figure out and remember how to do practically anything.
I wanna say something upfront, sometimes I come off as insulting when I don't really mean it that way. So, please, take everything I say with a grain of salt. :m155:

I ask you, would you not label a person as physically strong if he can bench 350 pounds? Would you not label someone as mentally intelligent if they were able to solve a defining aspect of the universe? What about someone who shows great empathy as caring? Heck, you even label yourself an ISTJ (which is 4 labels in itself I may add).

As for me, I label myself as smart because I am proud of how intelligent I am. I take pride in my ability to problem solve and think on my toes. BUT! I do not hold myself above anyone simply because they can't understand how computers work or because they can't solve a seemingly simple math problem. I too have my own weak points, I am horrible in social situations and I suck at sports.

If this seems a bit argumentative, I'm sorry, but for someone to say that you can't be proud of yourself and have aspirations to live up to an icon is just wrong. And, the bit about Einstein, I'm quite sure the fools he mentioned were the science community as a whole. I mean how do you think you would feel if you had solved so much but were being called crazy by the science community of the day.

All in all, a label is just how we see each other. The most important thing is to never let anyone effect how you see yourself. One thing I've always believed is that we are not labeled by our weaknesses, it is our strengths that shine.

Hmm. Interesting points, but I don't think enfpcanbeshy was necessarily singling out your comments. I think he was just talking at the room. :)
I've actually made an interesting shift more towards a middle-ground lately.

Back during K-12 years, I was doing really well from an academic-side of intelligence. Left brain was supercharged like a hamster on a four-pack of Red Bull. Especially with a focus on math, science, and english. That said, since standardized test focus almost entirely on those three areas, the also served to inflate my ego a bit, haha. :m187:
I was really bad at points. I remember as a kid getting into a tizzy when I got a 144/100 on a microbiology test, only because I knew there was more I could've added in. There's something wrong there.

However, in terms of common sense and social intelligence, I was completely living under a rock. Nada. Nothing. In fact, I had almost isolated myself from wanting to communicate with others out of a deeply ingrained fear that I'd make a fool of myself. Most likely because of that, I only had one friend up until I started shifting a bit, and even then I was worried that I wasn't a good enough person.

Around the beginning of my senior year of high school, I ended up taking a ridiculously large hit to how I saw things. I had started taking a stronger interest in the arts at this point, and had been enrolled for three a day out of the six classes I had. At some point or another, I ended up sort of clicking, and started worrying less about every small detail, and focused more on just trying to express myself in my work. It was really liberating, and started coming together pretty well. I think it was around that point that my right brain intelligence started to grow a bit, and I kinda began to move towards an equilibrium.

Something, something, art school more of above paragraph. Social intelligence developing, slight decay of academics, though I still take tests on the mind set (albeit a bit weaker). Something, something, conclusion.

And so, trying to cut this short since I didn't realize I was turning a simple question into an essay, I think I'm pretty good in some areas, and definitely have a few notable weaknesses. That's evened out a LOT though over time.

Yeah... sorry 'bout that.
I picked the last one, because it made me laugh out loud. I don't really think it matters how smart I am, compared to anyone else, so I suppose I like the idea that there's not even a question - I'm brilliant anyway, and so is everyone else.


Yep. heh
I think I'm intelligent enough to know some things and to learn the things I don't know. I'm also able to use the knowledge I've accumulated to accomplish the goals I've set out for myself. But I could not be considered as an intellectual in any way.

IQ wise, I'm somewhat average. EQ wise, the same. But I've never felt the need to compare myself with others or rub it in someone's face. Live and let live.

I do feel inadequate more often than not because I'm aware that there are so many things I do not know and never will.

But, keeping all that in mind, I totally chose the "I'm brilliant!" option, just for an ego boost. :D
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The only thing I know for sure, is how little I know. As for IQ tests, I think they're very subjective things. I can never do the picture puzzle things on them, which my wife says are really easy.

In the end I think wisdom is more important than knowledge or IQ. If I only had some of that I could be rich !!
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I'm smart -- I don't go around flaunting that, though. I choose to judge people on their integrity, not their intelligence, and I hate it when people think I'm too "smart" for them.

But I am smart. My SAT was 2020, after about a week of leisure study. Even at a difficult accelerated high school, I've had little trouble keeping A's (although I was borderlining an 89% in AP Calc this semester). Right now, I'm in the running for a full ride scholarship based on merit alone. And that's just how things always have been. It's just easy for me to understand things, and easy for me to learn.

I'm usually much more modest than this, but there it is.
I think I'm a pretty average person. I definitely don't outshine people in one field, nor am I super smart. I graduated high school with a 3.9 GPA (taking honors and AP classes) but I didn't really do much studying. The only class I can remember being challenged in was AP calc. It was probably the only class I ever had to study for. Even then, I never really got it. I've 2.0 all my math classes in college, and I studied my arse off for those 2.0s (only went up to calc, and even after taking it in both college and high school I only 2.0 it). Math and science definitely aren't my forte.

History, philosophy, social sciences, and English/literature are much easier for me to comprehend. I just kinda "get" them. I rarely study for classes. I do assigned readings and pay attention in lecture (but never take notes), and have managed to 3.5 or 4.0 everything (except math classes).

I find learning to be relatively easy for me (that's why I've never really had to study) because I learn by listening or reading. However, this hardly makes me a 'smart' person. I'm not out creating miracle drugs, solving world issues, or writing heart melting poetry/songs.

I believe I'm relatively 'good' at what I like to do, but I'm hardly exceptional.
Above average. Depends on what kind of intelligence we are measuring, but in acadaemic pursuits I am above average according to their metrics. I am not the most knowledgeable person though.
I think i value being informed or knowledgeable, as NAI, said than "smart." I think overvalued intelligence. When someone would say to me, "You're very intelligent," i honestly never knew what that meant. And i would obssess over it, and gave it too much value or importance. I'm glad that i've gained some sanity as i've gotten older. I don't think it's as much as about how much intelligence someone has, but as many already said, but more about the type of intelligence or smarts you have, and whether it's enough to get you from point A to point B. It's the value of what you know, that's truly important, not that you know it.

I remember, when i was young, i was a real snob, always wanting to be the person who got the answer right, or wanting to be known as the kid who could spell the word correctly. Yes, I was a grammar Nazi, and my name is Restraint. ; ) But i guess i learned over the years that it was not always getting it right or the recognition that comes with it. Hard lesson to learn. It really isn't about knowing more than anyone else in the long run. Still learning this one.

So, smarts is relative. What i need to get by in everyday life is different from what someone else needs to get by. And sometimes, it's really more important the skills, talents, resources, etc. you have and need which make your life satisfactory than whether you're smarter than average or more. That's my take on it. But it's still cool to know stuff though.
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Well I'm not sure...My family and friends constantly surprise me by telling me how deeply intelligent they *think* I am or see me as but I think I could be much smarter when it comes to many things. I guess the quest for knowledge truly is never-ending. I do feel many times though, that my thoughts and ideas are at a place that many other people find unreachable. So I'm also very misunderstood quite a lot. I guess I'll go with the the yummy cookie. : )
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Eastern philosophy says that the path to true knowledge starts with the words "I don't know"! Intelligence is all relative. IQ tests are random and biased. And peoples definition of "smart" is as varied as they are. It's hard to talk about something when you can't nail down what it is!

I am fairly intelligent. I have my strenghts and weaknesses like eveyone else. I usually score around 125 on any IQ test. These type tests favor those who are in the acedemic world more, I believe. You study on how to take a test.

By the way Hotkebab, if you score 145 on an IQ test, you are not a little above average if you believe the results--that is near genius! And MF, a 3.9--seriously?!! I need to bitchslap both you sandbaggers! U R smarts and stuff....get close to that Forrest!!

To me it comes back to the Wise vs. Smart debate. I started a thread on this a while ago. I decided a while ago wise was where I wanted to go. There are a lot of smart people out there. Not so many wise ones. The wise ones always seemed happier to me. A nice mix of both is optimal though.

One other point, a lot of people don't understand Ni. They mistake it for super-intelligence, which it is not. It's just a different way of seeing things. Check out my thoughts on Wise vs Smart for more musings!
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I am fairly intelligent. I have my strenghts and weaknesses like eveyone else. I usually score around 125 on any IQ test. These type tests favor those who are in the acedemic world more, I believe. You study on how to take a test.

This is the reason why i question, not the validity but the questions on IQ tests. But i guess the nature of the questions directly affects the test validity. So, hmm. In any case, the IQ test seems to measure what it assumes is a particular way of thinking without considering how exposure to other dominant ways of thinking will shape the way someone answers a question. So, it may be reflection of cultural bias. But since i don't have the credentials to evaluat the test, i'll just state that as an opinion, because i have not proof to substantiate it. The wording of a question affects our response to it based on our understanding of what the question is asking, which may have nothing to do with our understanding of the principle being tested.
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How smart am I?
How long is a piece of string?

One must have a context for the question to mean anything.
How smart am I compared to what?
I am as smart as a crow.