There are no smart and stupid people really, but there are people who need to take the role to tell others if they are smart or stupid. And telling people what they are works, when you are very determined. It only doesn't work on another one who would tell others...
Another approach is, to tell people what works and what doesn't, not what they "are", because maybe nobody is nothing. But we don't choose this approach. We keep telling people what they are, and showing them icons (like einstein) of others who would do that too /remember, he complained the world is full of 'fools', so he was one of the 'definers'/ ... and so it goes and goes. I really wonder how we manage to get even a little grain of truth about the real world through these false labels of who is what, but for now I assume we do, even if very little.
Unfortunately, most often those who understand, don't define, and those who define, don't understand. Very little of the efforts of each group comes to fruition, and mostly by accidents.
I wanna say something upfront, sometimes I come off as insulting when I don't really mean it that way. So, please, take everything I say with a grain of salt.

I ask you, would you not label a person as physically strong if he can bench 350 pounds? Would you not label someone as mentally intelligent if they were able to solve a defining aspect of the universe? What about someone who shows great empathy as caring? Heck, you even label yourself an ISTJ (which is 4 labels in itself I may add).
As for me, I label myself as smart because I am proud of how intelligent I am. I take pride in my ability to problem solve and think on my toes. BUT! I do not hold myself above anyone simply because they can't understand how computers work or because they can't solve a seemingly simple math problem. I too have my own weak points, I am horrible in social situations and I suck at sports.
If this seems a bit argumentative, I'm sorry, but for someone to say that you can't be proud of yourself and have aspirations to live up to an icon is just wrong. And, the bit about Einstein, I'm quite sure the fools he mentioned were the science community as a whole. I mean how do you think you would feel if you had solved so much but were being called crazy by the science community of the day.
All in all, a label is just how we see each other. The most important thing is to never let anyone effect how you see yourself. One thing I've always believed is that we are not labeled by our weaknesses, it is our strengths that shine.