so true


So true:

I guess though~ The motivation matters as well :P I mean I can imagine people get quite flustered about the fact that Assange is anti-America and such~

But he's not seen as a villain eeeverywhere in the woorld :P

amagawd I don't hear aanything from Mr.Facebook~ I haven't seen the movie either~~ I know relatively little about him :0~ such an alien world here in Europe~~ hihihi
It's all in the smile.
Aww but look how cute he is; he reminds me of a little kid. Surely someone who looks like that could do no harm?
He looks like an over grown 5 year old.
People sign up for facebook and submit themselves to the bombardment of advertisements and whatnot.
I'm sure it's in the terms when you register.

But yes. Ha ha. Funny joke.

...Is it just me or Assange looks like NPH? Or am I late in this?
My hero's. :mcute:
You know, that's how they make processed meats.
Did you catch the Frontline piece about Wikileaks?

Interesting stuff...if you are an absolute nerd...cause yea, I watch PBS....DAMN proud of it too.
God, I know what two I got :\

Hahahahah true enough. But that assumes you can only pick two / all or nothing type of thinking. :)

the previous pic is kinda disturbing, btw; :|
Yea, I was like...which ones to pick? Weighing pros and cons...LOL


I actually did think about this for a few seconds. I think to protect myself from the squids of anger that would no doubt manifest if I said anything, I'll keep quiet on my thoughts there :m194: