so what do you think of this

Divine Wannabee

no idea :)
i heard recently that woman are not the only ones who experience
whats called the "period"
and that men also experience a form of period
but ours is not a physical period but a Psychological Period
and that if we pay attention to our psychological status
there should be around 5 days which men experience this vulnerability
amongst the 28days or whatever it might be.

the best way to do this would be to keep a diary
and play it out honest .

but who here agrees that men experience
a period of time which they are more vulnerable
and in which area of psychological embodyment
do you think this would apply?

after all - men and women arn't diffrent species; think?
Everything else moves in cycles, so why not?
The moon has been related to the female hormonal cycle;
I imagine men would likely follow a similar pattern.

In astrology, the moon rules emotions,
so when the transiting moon makes adverse aspects
to particular degrees in a chart, it can be correlated
to a change of mood.
stick a tampon in your vena cava ;)

I keep my insides clean and pure by giving them a healthy 4 shots of vodka every cycle to disinfect my body like it's a hypodermic needle. Every 5 days is about 5 to 6 times a month. I've never felt better!
I recall my psych and bio teachers in high school saying men go through as many mood swings in a day on a regular basis as women do during their period. I'm not sure if that's true or not... but I'd be willing to believe that men probably do have periods of psychologically vulnerability that recur on a monthly cycle.

*shuts mouth to prevent self from making a slew of period jokes* :m025::m025::m025:
actually, women have a pretty hardcore increase of LH and FSH (-> progesterone and estrogen) before ovulation, and estrogen has a huge impact on mood...
"Life is not invented for happiness, I do believe. It is made for something else."--Arthur (The Book of Merlyn)

i believe if not created for happiness, then maybe love?

anyways heres another question: if all this is true.
wouldnt men need somthing to be put in place to counteract these vulnerabilitys?
What should be used in place of this physical tampon, but for males?
some sort of psychological tampon?(Somthing that absorbs negative thought?or completely opposite, that exerts positive thought?)
to soak up psychologic blood emited from thought?

question; what can soak up psychological bleeding?
maybe a short run?
or maybe a peacefull time of reflection?

leads me to question number two?
what can psychological bleeding be parralleled to?
Period which men experience an overflowing of thought?

i have no idea.

any thoughts? can you message me?
little curious
my school wasnt wisdom enough :P

i dont know many people here in my country that knew of this.

but i wonder why no apllication has been made to Reduce the effects of such a Regressive period of time
why men arnt more informed of the existance of such a phenomina
that has been perceived as a non-existance for so long
Everyone does. It pisses me off when women use their periods as an excuse. Okay, so you happen to have external "proof" that you're experiencing mood swings at the moment. But everyone goes through periods of psychological vulnerability, moodiness, whatever you watn to call it. How is it any different?

PMS is a myth, if you ask me. No one is going to be in a fantastic mood when it feels like their abdomen is in a grinder, but other than that (and some special cases that can only be diagnosed by a doctor) it's all BS. Everyone has highs and lows, men and women alike.

I'm generally a moody person so I think I can say from experience that the moodiness that comes from PMS is extraordinary. It can make you feel like you are losing your mind so although it would be nice to be as polite as normal sometimes it's pretty damn near impossible. For one thing it feels like every nerve in your body is overly stimulated. It's like being on edge. Take a look at the PMS symptoms listed on this page. If you notice that goes far beyond moodiness. I assure you it is quite real. However, if their is external "proof" as you put it then it's not PMS. PMS is "pre-".

After, PMS comes cramps and trust me if it wasn't for strong medication I would have disemboweled myself a long time ago.

I have sympathy for you though because some women do bandy the terms around carelessly. However, please give the benefit of the doubt.
Everyone does. It pisses me off when women use their periods as an excuse. Okay, so you happen to have external "proof" that you're experiencing mood swings at the moment. But everyone goes through periods of psychological vulnerability, moodiness, whatever you watn to call it. How is it any different?

PMS is a myth, if you ask me. No one is going to be in a fantastic mood when it feels like their abdomen is in a grinder, but other than that (and some special cases that can only be diagnosed by a doctor) it's all BS. Everyone has highs and lows, men and women alike.

Come hang out with me the week before my time, I'll damn sure change your mind.
I'll be having a hysterectomy soon, but as my ovaries are healthy, I'll be able to keep them. This means I'll still have the monthly hormonal side effects. Having an outpouring of blood or not has little to do with mood swings. They'll be there regardless, I just won't have anything to bleed from.
PMS is a myth, if you ask me. No one is going to be in a fantastic mood when it feels like their abdomen is in a grinder, but other than that (and some special cases that can only be diagnosed by a doctor) it's all BS. Everyone has highs and lows, men and women alike.

:m077:but.. I do PMS :( ... like A LOT....:m119: and I know it's a bad excuse for being mean to others :)

But whenever I have mine or one week before I'm going to have it, I get easily irritated.:m133: It's really hard to control. Like sometimes, ....... I know this is bad :( but.... even other people's faces irritate me.. <--- that's so bad. I'm sorry :( hehe

also, I get even more sensitive. :m040:Whenever I'm about to have mine, I always want to be with my friends :) hehehe I want to feel needed.

I do my best to control it. (I guess) hehehehe :) :)
I say boys are lucky to just have a Pyschological period.... XD I mean, I know we have it as well as the Physical period, but the Physical period is damn right painful. O.O

Since, I normally get really bad headaches and stomach aches, it makes me kind of grumpy o.O but I do try and control my grumpiness xD seeing as I dont like being grumpy at all o.o and like @soulseeker I get very sensitive also xD and the week before I start I sometimes cry for no reason at all o.O

But I refuse to take the pill for periods, periods are a natural cycle, therefore I think they shouldnt be interfered with. ^^
But I also refuse to wear tampons... they are the most uncomfy things ever T_T pads ftw XD

So yea.... its not funz XD
I say boys are lucky to just have a Pyschological period.... XD I mean, I know we have it as well as the Physical period, but the Physical period is damn right painful. O.O

Since, I normally get really bad headaches and stomach aches, it makes me kind of grumpy o.O but I do try and control my grumpiness xD seeing as I dont like being grumpy at all o.o and like @soulseeker I get very sensitive also xD and the week before I start I sometimes cry for no reason at all o.O

But I refuse to take the pill for periods, periods are a natural cycle, therefore I think they shouldnt be interfered with. ^^
But I also refuse to wear tampons... they are the most uncomfy things ever T_T pads ftw XD

So yea.... its not funz XD

At least you know when it's coming. Testicles can give you pain at any time, especially when you sit on them. Just imagine your ovaries being on the outside.
At least you know when it's coming. Testicles can give you pain at any time, especially when you sit on them. Just imagine your ovaries being on the outside.

ooo..that made me cringe that did O.O yea, I bet that ain't fun at all...

I get random pains sometimes, sometimes I dont know when theyre gonna come about. It's very awkward if it happens in public... T_T
ooo..that made me cringe that did O.O yea, I bet that ain't fun at all...

I get random pains sometimes, sometimes I dont know when theyre gonna come about. It's very awkward if it happens in public... T_T

Oh and sometimes they crush in and ache by themselves. Not fun.

I think in terms of physical pain, we're both about equal.