so what do you think of this

I don't think talking about sitting on testicles is really appropriate to the topic.

Let's keep it civilised, shall we.
It seems more likely to me that men have emotional triggers so to speak than it being on any sort of cycle, although it could be. however I know for me personally that if I'm emotional one way or another there is usually first an external stimulus of some sort that enters my internal world and spins around in there a bit until an emotion is created.

Edit: I gave this thread 5 stars cause someone gave it one star at that seemed mean XD.
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I read that men are supposed to be in better moods in the mornings.

Everyone does. It pisses me off when women use their periods as an excuse. Okay, so you happen to have external "proof" that you're experiencing mood swings at the moment. But everyone goes through periods of psychological vulnerability, moodiness, whatever you watn to call it. How is it any different?

PMS is a myth, if you ask me. No one is going to be in a fantastic mood when it feels like their abdomen is in a grinder, but other than that (and some special cases that can only be diagnosed by a doctor) it's all BS. Everyone has highs and lows, men and women alike.

...Lol. Hormones have a significant effect on the body, physically and mentally. The change in estrogen and progesterone accounts for estrus within the female cycle as well. If you believe that PMS is a myth in this case, then depression which can also be caused by chemical imbalance in the brain must also be BS.
I know. My original post was poorly written. Of course I know that hormones have a significant effect, but I also expect people to have a certain amount of self control. PMS should not be as severe as clinical depression (if it is then it's one of the special cases I mentioned), so I find it reasonable to expect decent behavior from women during that time. What I really meant was that the notion of women having absolutely no self-control during that time, or the idea that it excuses their behavior, is BS.

Yeah it's true. It's like being drunk. Cheating while drunk is still cheating, etc. Same idea. Lol I mean you can control your drunkenness and not your period, but you still have to take responsibility for your action.