So, when did you realize there was something different about you?

Many have mentioned in forum posts or blogs about feeling different, out of place, or out of step with people around them, so my question is, when did you realize there was something seemingly different about you? Was this something you've always felt or was there a particular moment which stands out as the moment you began to feel that you were different whether because you were treated differently or because you didn't seem to click with some or everyone around you?

Second grade entering a new school.

The moment I stepped in the classroom, I knew it. I knew I was different and I was treated differently, but I have never been sure if it was me acting differently that prompted the feedback I got from others.
Some chick named Trinity said something to me about a white rabbit, and from then I ended up here somehow.

I think I figured it out when I was sitting on the curb and crying at the age of 6 or so because the other kids didn't want me to play with them. I had several experiences as a child where I was either deliberately excluded or singled out by the group for something negative.
My memories are of always feeling out of place, odd, different and I learnt quickly not to voice my discomfort as it would just be personified. So yes since I can remember as a little girl, very sensitive, shy, would need to withdraw to feel peaceful, loving my own space and happiest in my head so to speak. Wow, looking back I have grown so much :love:
My memories are of always feeling out of place, odd, different and I learnt quickly not to voice my discomfort as it would just be personified. So yes since I can remember as a little girl, very sensitive, shy, would need to withdraw to feel peaceful, loving my own space and happiest in my head so to speak. Wow, looking back I have grown so much :love:

the same pretty much.
I realized very early on too, but more on a "I always knew" (early Ni?) Sadly, I spent my childhood, teen and early adult years trying to fit in, not realizing I was, actually normal. I noticed things people my own age and beyond never noticed. Inconsistencies were noted, sometimes with disbelief or outrage. And then that blasted empathy thing got me into trouble a lot because with certain people you weren't supposed to notice that either.

wow this sounds like me a lot.
When I realized I was different the thought was more like "What is wrong with me?". Especially when I was a teen I thought there was a 'normal' and 'acceptable' way to be. I strived to be 'normal' like everyone else. It wasn't until the last few years, when I finally met others like me that I realized that there wasn't anything wrong with me, I was just different, and that isn't a bad thing. I have learned to embrace my differences and in turn the differences of others as well.