- Enneagram
- 8w9 sp/sx
One day I was waiting in the office for my OBGYN appointment... I have this older African-American lady in her lates 60s as a doctor.. and she's super loud and boisterous. She will talk you up, even during a pap smear, about what she saw on Oprah that day and go off on tangents about her kids or how much she hates health companies. Anyway, the woman is freakin' crazy but she's one of the best OBGYNs in my area. This older Latina women, around early 40s... came out of her office and my OBGYN said to her, "You need to stop using those products down there. It's very important or you will die." as she kept a straight face.
The other girls in the waiting room and I looked at them with confusion... and the latina women starts crying and says... "but I want to be clean! I need to keep it clean and spotless!" So the doc goes... "I know you want to keep it clean... but if you continue using the Lysol it will infect you... and make the irritation worse. If you want to use anything, just wash the surface of your mound with soap.. Here let me give you a bar." and she STILL kept a straight face.
After the woman left, the room was completely silent and we all looked at each other nervously laughing.
..... because of this, I will never wash my vajayjay with anything other than soap... and I only wash the surface because the vajayjay has it's natural way of cleansing.
The other girls in the waiting room and I looked at them with confusion... and the latina women starts crying and says... "but I want to be clean! I need to keep it clean and spotless!" So the doc goes... "I know you want to keep it clean... but if you continue using the Lysol it will infect you... and make the irritation worse. If you want to use anything, just wash the surface of your mound with soap.. Here let me give you a bar." and she STILL kept a straight face.
After the woman left, the room was completely silent and we all looked at each other nervously laughing.
..... because of this, I will never wash my vajayjay with anything other than soap... and I only wash the surface because the vajayjay has it's natural way of cleansing.