Satya is pretty fricken arrogant and close-minded.
Ah, thanks, I was wondering about that.By the way, you're J. I noticed the XNFX type, and I just thought I'd let you know. Your Ni is showing.
Cuz i'm not allowed to debate with people cuz they see me as intimidating due to being a mod. But within a thread I created, I can do so.Also... if you're an advocate for socialism, why are you saying things like "this is MY thread"? ....
Yay!Socialism is good in small doses. When it comes to alcohol & weed, I usually follow the customs of a gift economy- it's more fun when everyone can be inebriated! Weed is cheap, alcohol not as much... but I'm okay with giving it to my friends.
Yah, pure socialism would suck.But if socialism ruled all aspects of life... well first of all I don't see how I couldn't have a government or some authoritarian figure/mob. What happens if I'm in a libertarian socialist group and I decide to keep something? For myself, and have nothing else? Who enforces my behavior? Does anyone? If they DON'T force me to share is it really socialism?
It also allows major retailers to do business with China, which drives American manufacturers out of business since they can't compete against a communist country which has an undervalued currency and where workers are usually paid less than 50 cents an hour. And that wonderful free market then leads to all the manufacturing companies closing down factories and plants here and building them in China so they can compete. That in turn leads to all those hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs where people were earning $16 an hour with full benefits turing into service industry jobs where workers make $7 an hour without any benefits. And of course, all the means of production is in China, which means the United States has an increasing trade deficit with that communist country of around $200 billion a year. That is money being funneled out of the American economy and into the Chinese economy. The result is the standard of living goes down.Having a free-market economic system allows people to save and control their resources! Which allows me to give people gifts and participate in the gift economy!
I prefer a fair market to a free one. The free one has a habit of selling out our freedom.If it wasn't for the free market, we wouldn't have gifts.![]()
When you make me a gift, you offend me. You're saying that you possess something that I don't have, and I'll have it only because you give it to me. It makes me obligated, indebted, dependent on you. That also violates my own preferences, as if you should make decisions and choices for me, because I'm some kind of idiot. Maybe I would have picked something better for myself. The whole notion of charity is veeery perverted.If it wasn't for the free market, we wouldn't have gifts.![]()
It also allows major retailers to do business with China, which drives American manufacturers out of business since they can't compete against a communist country which has an undervalued currency and where workers are usually paid less than 50 cents an hour. And that wonderful free market then leads to all the manufacturing companies closing down factories and plants here and building them in China so they can compete. That in turn leads to all those hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs where people were earning $16 an hour with full benefits turing into service industry jobs where workers make $7 an hour without any benefits. And of course, all the means of production is in China, which means the United States has an increasing trade deficit with that communist country of around $200 billion a year. That is money being funneled out of the American economy and into the Chinese economy. The result is the standard of living goes down.
What do you think the inevitable conclusion is by following a free market economy?
Americans turn to their government, which then tires to spend it's way out of trouble, but it doesn't have the money to do so because the standard of living is falling every year for its populace due to the increasing trade deficit, so it borrows money from China.
How long do you think it is before America is so indebted to China, and so dependent on it for our means of production, that this country becomes nothing but an extension of their communist regime?
I prefer a fair market to a free one. The free one has a habit of selling out our freedom.
A good question. Is there a free market when you do business with unfree nations?
As for the trade deficit: I feel that is the fault of the government, and not the free-market. The government has been trying to provide socialist programs (medicare, medicaid, social security, welfare) and it is costing us a lot. (There are some non-socialist programs that are costing a lot too: namely the Department of 'Defense'.)
Meh, I shouldn't complain. America is going to be a communist country by the end of this century anyways. After all, we are selling off the means of our production to China every single day with every trip to Wal Mart we make.
The thing about China is that politically they are communistic and economically they are capitalistic.
HAHAH give it a grip.. USA will not be communist. However China is definetly a threat to the world as they are predicted to be the next world power.
That is correct. China's economy is a market economy. Your point?
I would say the fact that American's have currently turned to the government now that their standard of living is falling, is more than enough evidence that this country will inevitably end up with an authoritarian socialistic government.
There is no chance in hell that it will happen haha. America is a country with people who value their freedom and have a 'bond with god' which gives them faith, courage and hope. Thus they will have strength to fight it, in that case.
Oh, Americans will sell out their freedom. All you have to do is offer Americans the lowest price, and they will take it. It doesn't matter that they are driving their own small businesses and manufacturing plants into the ground, or that they are channeling money to foreign markets and foreign governments, or that they are exchanging high paying manufacturing jobs for low paying service industry jobs, or that they are driving their standard of living down by building up a large trade deficit.
Do you know what you call a country which has no means of production and has to get all its goods from elsewhere?
A third world country.
And that is what the United States will be. And ironically, who does the American government borrow most of its money from?
So what do you think happens when Americans reduce themselves into third world status in their quest for the lowest price and are hundreds of billions of dollars in debt to China?
The answer is that we become a puppet state. We might be allowed to believe that we are free, but in reality, China will be calling all the shots. Whenever they want something, they only need to put pressure on the government to start repaying loans or pressure on our markets by withholding goods.
At this point, we are selling our freedom to the lowest bidder every time we shop at Wal Mart.
The free market is becoming the tool to our enslavement.
CORRECTION: A third world country is a country which is undeveloped and/or is currently developing...
Why would there be war? If we sell ourselves to China, then we only have ourselves to blame.No chance. There will be war long before China ever gets that upperhand my dear!!
It's happening right now. Right as we speak.No other nation in the western world, especially Europe will allow this to happen...
Developed what? The ability to manufacture! That is what is meant when countries are referred to as "developed".
A third world country is a country which is not industrialized.
Why would there be war? If we sell ourselves to China, then we only have ourselves to blame.
It's happening right now. Right as we speak.
NO! Actually a third world country is one in which there is a very low living standard such as regional wars and food shortages etc.
Whereas "A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment."
Its not new that China is developing fast, it is threatning to the whole world - Not just America. Throughout history America always came to the aid of others, therefore if worst comes to worst many nations will have their backs.
I've never had a person argue that a third world country isn't, by definition, a country that doesn't have a manufacturing industry. Tell me what you base your definition on, because I'm pretty much going by the economic textbook definition.
We wouldn't allow that. We believe in a free market here! If we freely sell ourselves into slavery, then who are you to try to help us?
America doesn't come to the aid of others unless there's profit to be made.