Rothchildian Agent
- Enneagram
- 9
I think what's happening is that women wait longer to have children, to pursue career and other goals. As a result, when they do want to have children, they are not as fertile as they were in their twenties and so end up having to spend quite a bit of time, effort, and money trying to have children. So, the time spent working hard earlier on in their younger adulthood to become successful and established in jobs or careers, is the same thing that seems to have kept them from making a decision earlier that would not be as risky. Now, as they try to get pregnant so they can raise a family, that want is compromised by a bio time table they can't control. Fact is women don't have the same opportunity as men to be able to have kids going into their 60s, 70s+. And if they do have kids, their jobs are sometimes inflexible and put them in positions of constant compromise where they are having to make regular decisions to choose one at the expense of the other.
Everyone has to make choices and the work-life balance is extremely hard to strike, especially in some walks of life or careers were there is a culture of prioritising work and being a workaholic rather than prioritising family. The Nic Cage movie The Family Man was entirely about this.
I dont think that women are unfairly discriminated against in this respect, I think there are countires which perform better in terms of maternity and paternity leave than others but those same countries do not have a history of those things being abused or misused to the point were the abuse or possibility of abuse result in political pressure for those sorts of things to be withdrawn or for their becoming ineligible for anyone.
The whole waiting "too long" idea has been dealt with well in a TED talk entitled the twenties are not the new thirties or something along those lines.