Solved for Now... My Function Set / Type

I am not so good in cognitive processes thing, but my thoughts:)
1.You mentioned that your identity is in question (or something lik that). Don't worry, you are not letters. You have identity of seeker for truth and for being authentic. You question your self and you are eager to find who you really are. It's like looking for grail in knight stories. It's always near, but not so easy reachable. But, all of these are elements of INFJ description, if I am not wrong.
2. In one of your earlier posts you mentioned that being on this forum helped you to excersize your Te (if I rememered well). Is it possible that it's eason for being nearer to INTJ?
3. Don't worry, and stop with tests for a while. Relax. Your identity are you, not letters. Letters just help us to explain ourselves.
One thing I would like to say. I know many of you have said that "this is just a test, it isn't right". The reason I am putting so much stock into this, is that I have seen it hold true for most people I have had take it (when taken right), and it has held mostly very true for me as well. I also can't stress enough that I feel these results are true because I answered extremely truthfully, and admitted to things that I didn't want to, such as adhearing to rules much more then I want to.

Another thing, I NEED numbers and data and satsitics for everything. I will make this work! It must! lol. Oh how I hate uncertainty... I want this nailed down and working damnit!

Also, in talking to several people today, and what I see in myself, I have realised that I am going to have to close out my F/T axis as well for the time being. I still feel INFJ, but I also have to put up serious concideration for INTJ, and ISFJ. ISTJ isn't up for an option really, as I do not see that fitting me very well at all. Edit: I am going to label myself as InfJ for now. As I really do feel that is my type, but I still think those two letters are counter-balenced strongly, and as such appear weak. Oh, for the life of me, I just can't leave that much open and feel confortable, lol.

I have also given myself a new updated function set:
I have placed Fi where it is because after thinking, I have realsied that I am very likely over estimating it, and not answering truthfully with it completely. Part of it is due to the fact that it is often all about basing something you do off moral worth. I have a hard time explaining that in myself because I do, but not alot. I don't like admitting that I don't do it a lot because it makes me feel like I am not trying to think about things hard enough. Also (as many of you know) Fi by it's nature is a pain-in-the-butt function to sort out with.

Thanks for all the feedback so far, it is helping me sorth things out.
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Have you considered how your enneagram type might be affecting things?

I know from personal experience that INFPs who are 5's or who have a 5 wing can sometimes seem like INTPs and definitely relate to more of the INTP descriptions than other INFPs, and I'm sure it's a similar story across the MBTI and enneagram spectrums.
Maybe you should put away testing for a while and then after break try again. Because sometimes good answers come after time of not thinking about problem.
About ISFJ and INFJ. I have been in that dilema also, but topic when Shai Gar (I think) copied differences between NF and SJ helped me to make difference in my head .
About INFJ and INTJ I've read somewhere that INTJs are not so worried what other will think about them like INFJs. Is it helpful to you? (Finding out this helped me to start a war again my addiction to opinions of other: when I start to overthink that topic, I try to pretend that I don't care (I pretend being INTJ:), I try to rationalize importance of what they think vs. what I think.).
If it helps, I definitely get an F-vibe from you. You have strong T functions, but I don't feel you being naturally a T type.
If my ennanagram is effecting my type, it would explain my apparent high T score. I have read the 5w4 description in the past and it hits me to a tee.

I am going to give the testing a rest for a few weeks/months. Then I will come back to it. It is the judger in me, but I must have things nailed down to be confortable. For the time being, the bits that I have figured out have left me feeling content for the time being, and as a result I don't have the drive to take more tests to sort things out. I think that I have the abillity to easily turn on my Si and Te at will (not mutually, that is rare), if the situation warrents it, and as such I can appear like an ISFJ or INTJ in certain scenarios.

Again, I feel like Ni>Fe is my primary mode. However due to some disconfort I might go into a Ni>Te to protect myself or if I feel that it will work better for the situation. Also, I think that at times I find Ni too indescriptive with things and people won't understand it so I will go over to Si>Fe mode to sound more clear and understanding to people. In rare cases if I am needed to be very cold, analytical, and exacting with something, or I do not care for someone, I will go into Si>Te mode. So like you gloomy, where you are an xNFx hybrid of sorts, with Ni>Fe being your main default, you can jump to, Fe>Ni, Ne>Fi, and Fi>Ne depending on what the situation calls for and what you need things to work with. I just have the other two posistions as locked down. In the end, I think that I am an INFJ, just with some morphing abillity if you will. Much like you have.

Oh slant, you know you love me as I am. :hug:
I love no one, but if it were the case that I did, they would be an INTJ.