Son of Son of Hamas


What about the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid convoy?
Oh did that fellow blow that up or something? Said he was a counter terrorism agent in the article I read.
No, sorry man i should have been more clear....i mean the attack recently on the Gaza aid convoy by Israeli commandos....i just think it is a bigger story then this character

Here is a link, which has further links at the end of the story:
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What about it? He's been in the U.S. for the past three years, so I would imagine that's kinda irrelevant.
Ahh ok. The Israel/Palestine discussion is a touchy one. I wish that what happened to the Jewish people to never have occured, but then again my ancestors were displaced by people feeling they were entitled to land too.

This Son of Hamas fellow though, he could be a good asset to our country. Wonder why the FBI says one thing and Homeland Security says another...Ignorance?
Sorry Eric i should have started a seperate thread, i just figured if you were bringing up this story and not the attack on the gaza convoy then maybe the focus of the US media is not on the gaza convoy attack...which i think is important

I think this other guy is irrelevant. Often the media will use other events to 'bury bad news'. So perhaps this story about this 'son of hamas' guy is intended to distract north americans from the gaza convoy story

Anyway, have a look at the link if you are interested
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You are from the US right?

And you just posted a story related to the Israeli/Palestinian situation, yet you chose to post this story about this guy who has played both sides and now finds himself untrusted by anyone, instead of a story about an aid convoy being attacked by Israeli commandos

The story you have posted also stirs up all sorts of fear by talking about attacks on mainland US

This makes me wonder if the media you are absorbing over there in the US has lead you to prioritise this story over the gaza convoy story

The point i am trying to make, and perhaps i shouldn't have bothered (maybe on some level i'm curious), is that the convoy story is the one to give your attention to
I haven't even heard of what you're talking about, so your point doesn't apply to me because I haven't even had the chance to 'ignore' it. Also, this is not related to the Israel/Palestine thing (and YES, I know plenty about it, so don't think I'm blindly supporting one side, there is much from both sides that I do not agree with)'re trying to drag meaning out of it that isn't there. If you wanna talk about that stuff, make your own thread instead of muddying up this one with things completely unrelated to it. Take it elsewhere please.
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No that is exactly the meaning!!!!

If you haven't heard about the convoy story then it shows the bias of the US media

Also i have taken a look at the World Net Daily newspaper and i seriously suggest to you that it is not an 'independent news company dedicated to uncompromising journalism, seeking truth and justice and revitalizing the role of the free press as a guardian of liberty' as it claims it is....just look who the editor is and his can bet your ass the paper is funded by the right

If you want a balanced view then why not also look at some left wing media such as the link i posted
Good lord, just give it up already. I barely look at any news to begin with, and I just randomly came across that story, so don't crucify me for it, ok? Geez. I should've known someone would come in here and try to pull that crap, why do I even bother posting anything in this section...people try to find one thing they see as a flaw and derail the entire point.
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muir cnn covered it, it's known, stop with the US media bullshit. If I wasn't bored in between reactions I wouldn't have heard the news either. To simply put it, news is shit and I try not to watch it. All news is biased, humans are biased it doesn't matter, it's a shame that that convoy got raided due to paranoia, it's also a shame to see paranoia cloud the judgment of officials whom are making decisions with other peoples lives
Look at the way the socialist worker (link i posted) reports the story...ok...then look at the way the World Net Daily reports the story

Totally different right?

The story about the 'son of hamas' is designed to drum up fear and hate
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Kavalan if you are interested in these issues then there's a lot of good documentaries which you can view easily online that discuss these issues; for example:

'Orwell Rolls in his grave' and 'Peace Propoganda and the Promised Land'
everything is propaganda blah blah blah same old crap

Just leave this thread please and quit being pointlessly argumentative. I should not have to post articles about every single thing that happens in the world in order to appear to you (and others) as being unbiased (I couldn't care less about that to begin with, other people make such appearances an issue though.). That is just ridiculous.
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Kavalan if you are interested in these issues then there's a lot of good documentaries which you can view easily online that discuss these issues; for example:

'Orwell Rolls in his grave' and 'Peace Propoganda and the Promised Land'

In the case of the convoy attacking to not be propaganda it would only state
Who was attacked, whom attacked, how many casualties, when, and where in neutral tone. anything beyond that has slant you made a comment about left wing you say the wnd stirs fear well from reading the first paragraph of the one you linked

everything is propaganda blah blah blah same old crap

Just leave this thread please and quit being pointlessly argumentative. I should not have to post articles about every single thing that happens in the world in order to appear to you (and others) as being unbiased (I couldn't care less about that to begin with, other people make such appearances an issue though.). That is just ridiculous.

I was happy to leave the thread but seeing as you edited your post after i left to take a parting shot at me then i feel i have a right to answer. This is a discussion forum and you have posted a story in the news and politics section of it.....if you don't want people to discuss on a discussion forum then don't post your hateful right wing trash

It is not just a matter of 'bias' is a matter of truth

The article on the convoy attack by 'World Net Daily' claims the activists attacked the Israelis with 'live fire', implying they fired on them, but they didn't have any guns. They then say activists were killed and wounded by the Israelis and some Israelis were too, implying Israelis were killed, when they weren't.

The WND also doesn't mention that the flotilla was in international waters so the Israelis had no right to attack them.

The World Net Daily has some of the most missleading and hateful, rightwing journalism i think i have ever wouldn't look out of place in Nazi germany
In the case of the convoy attacking to not be propaganda it would only state
Who was attacked, whom attacked, how many casualties, when, and where in neutral tone. anything beyond that has slant you made a comment about left wing you say the wnd stirs fear well from reading the first paragraph of the one you linked

your's stirs anger and resentment. You do realize that gaza is under military blockade correct? You have proven my point in showing that ALL news is biased unless it tells just the facts.

The World Daily Net articles (and there is commentary and letters to the editor posted as well) say that the activists attacked the Israelis with 'live fire' implying they shot at them, but they didn't have any guns. This is a very important point in terms of accounting for criminal behaviour in the world courts

They lied by omission by not saying that the flotilla was in international waters and therefore the Israelis just attacked it out of no where at 4am in the morning and started machine gunning people.

The WND isn't interested in the truth it is merely interested in creating fear and hate in the minds of people, so that they can justify further acts of violence and terror. If the left wing media sounds angry and resentful.......well a load more people have just been murdered....anger and resentment is the normal and healthy response

Yes i realise that Gaza is under military blockade, and you realise that it is full of women and children right? The Israelis are trying to starve them into submission
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How about we actually talk about the thread's op and NOT derail the thread with petty arguments about a topic this thread never meant to have anything to do with until you barged in here and started accusing people of being blind american sheeple?

I'm amazed at how brave that guy is to just tell the US homeland security idiots who he was and what he was. I sincerely hopes he can indeed keep this in a never ending legal loop, if not get the whole deal dropped entirely. What it is with the US and their different departments all acting like they are their own country within themselves, and being enemies with other departments? So childish and counterproductive... SO glad I don't live there.
How about we actually talk about the thread's op and NOT derail the thread with petty arguments about a topic this thread never meant to have anything to do with until you barged in here and started accusing people of being blind american sheeple?

I'm amazed at how brave that guy is to just tell the US homeland security idiots who he was and what he was. I sincerely hopes he can indeed keep this in a never ending legal loop, if not get the whole deal dropped entirely. What it is with the US and their different departments all acting like they are their own country within themselves, and being enemies with other departments? So childish and counterproductive... SO glad I don't live there.

I didn't call anyone 'blind american sheeple' i said that the media in the US is biased and i particularly pointed to World Daily Net which is a neo-con paper

It is not a case of 'barging in' this is a discussion forum....people come here to discuss

The point i have made is entirely relevant to this situation....both stories are related to the Israel/Palestine situation, they are part of the same larger story

You want to talk about the 'son of hamas'....ok lets talk about that. In 2006 Palestinians in the Gaza strip held a democratic election...they voted for Hamas, because Hamas protect them from outside aggression and provide social programmes such as schools for the children. Israel refused to accept the choice of the Palestinian people and attacked the Gaza strip killing 1,300 people. This 'son of hamas guy' whilst being held by the Israelis turned on his own people, probably because he was sick of living in a giant prison (the Gaza strip) and probably because the israelis offered him large amounts of money.

So now having gone over to the side of Israel/US he is now being persecuted (it seems anyway) by the US. Regardless of whether he is actually deported or not the World Daily Net has used this story as an opportunity to spread fear and hate. They have quoted this guy saying that the violence of the middle east will spread to the US unless the US tightens up security.

In Nazi germany a fire was lit in the parliament building which then justified Hitler into passing laws which lead to totalitarian control. Fear and hate is used to justify the taking away of civil liberties for example the 'Patriot Act'.

In the UK we have new 'terror laws' which allow people to be stopped searched and detained for 28 days under suspicion of terror, so far none of the hundreds stopped and searched have been found to be terrorists.

We the people are giving too much power away and it is not good, fear and hate is clouding our judgement
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