Star Trek Types

Holden On

Community Member
I posted this as an aside in the Typing House thread. I'ma big Star Trek nerd, so I wouldn't mind discussing it more but I don't want to hijack that thread. :)

So according to this website, Captain Sisko from Star Trek Deep Space 9 is an INFJ.

The types they list for other Star Trek characters are:
ESTJ: Riker and B'lanna Torres
ISTJ: Dr. McCoy
ISFJ: Dr. Crusher and Chakotay
ESTP: Scotty, Tasha Yar, and Geordi LaForge
ISTP: Odo and Wesley Crusher
ESFP: Captain Janeway and Tom Paris
ISFP: Vedek Bareil and The Doctor
ENFJ: Counselor Troi and Jake Sisko
ENFP: Captain Kirk and Dr. Bashir
INFP: Garak and Kes
ENTJ: Q and Quark
INTJ: Captain Picard and Seven of Nine
ENTP: Harry Kim
INTP: Worf

What do people think? Do you agree? Disagree? Are there other Star Trek characters you have pegged for certain types? (Tuvok, Chekhov, Uhura, Jadzia Dax, Ezri Dax, Major Kira, Nog, Rom, Dukat, Weyoun? Any Enterprise characters - Captain Archer, Trip Tucker, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Hoshi, Dr. Phlox, Shran?) And what about Data? As an Android, can he be typed?
Jim Kirk: ESTP
Spock: INTP
Scotty: ISTP
Uhura: INFJ
Chekov: ?
Sulu: ISTP

Jean Luc Picard: INFJ
Riker: DORK
Worf: ISTJ
Bev Crusher: ESFJ
Troi: INFJ
Geordi: INTP
Wes Crusher: BITCH

Sisko: ENFJ
Kira: ESFJ
Odo: Hilariously ISTJ
Bashir: ?
O'Brien: ISTP
Quark: ESTP
Garak: ENTP (best star trek character ever)

Janeway: ESFJ
Tuvok: INTP
Chakotay: BITCH
Seven: INTJ
Kim: Who cares?
Paris: ESTP
Torres: ESTJ
Docter: INTP
Can't go on these characters are too dull...

That other show:

Who cares?

*Ones in bold I'm more certain of.
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I only got into TNG cause that's what I grew up with, but this is how I see it:

Picard: INTJ
Dr. Crusher: ENFP
Troi: INFP
Worf: ISTJ
Data: INTP (but he's unrealistic so to speak, so it sort of doesn't count)
LaForge: ESTP
Guinan: INFJ
Q: ENTP (one of my favorite characters, if not my most favorite)
Wesley Crusher: ENFJ
Riker: ESTJ
Lwaxana Troi: ESFJ (omg I LOVE her character! She is hilarious!!!)

Am I forgetting anyone? Following Quinlan's lead, bold I am fairly certain of.
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Wes Crusher: BITCH

Agree fully. The older episodes where Picard and Beverly tell him to shut up all the time were hilarious.
I posted this as an aside in the Typing House thread. I'ma big Star Trek nerd, so I wouldn't mind discussing it more but I don't want to hijack that thread. :)

So according to this website, Captain Sisko from Star Trek Deep Space 9 is an INFJ.

The types they list for other Star Trek characters are:
ESTJ: Riker and B'lanna Torres
ISTJ: Dr. McCoy
ISFJ: Dr. Crusher and Chakotay
ESTP: Scotty, Tasha Yar, and Geordi LaForge
ISTP: Odo and Wesley Crusher
ESFP: Captain Janeway and Tom Paris
ISFP: Vedek Bareil and The Doctor
ENFJ: Counselor Troi and Jake Sisko
ENFP: Captain Kirk and Dr. Bashir
INFP: Garak and Kes
ENTJ: Q and Quark
INTJ: Captain Picard and Seven of Nine
ENTP: Harry Kim
INTP: Worf

What do people think?

I think those are some of the worst typings I've ever seen. :tongue:

Here's how I'd type them:

ESTJ - Sisko
ISTJ - Worf, Odo
ISFJ - McCoy
ESFJ - Dr. Crusher
ESTP - Kirk, Geordi (maybe)
ISTP - Tasha Yar (maybe), Sulu
ESFP - Riker (possibly ESTP), Jadzia Dax (maybe), Trip Tucker, Tom Paris
ISFP - Bareil
ENFJ - Archer
ENFP - Harry Kim, Dr. Bashir (maybe INFP)
INFP - Wesley Crusher (unfortunately), Kes
INFJ - Troi (maybe INFP), Guinan
ENTJ - Janeway
INTJ - Picard, Tuvoc, Seven, Spock
ENTP - Garak, Q, Quark (maybe)
INTP - Data

Not sure what the Doctor's type is, but I'm practically certain it isn't ISFP.
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I think those are some of the worst typings I've ever seen. :tongue:

Haha :) I'm pretty new to the intracacies of this stuff... I mean, I've known my type for a long time and the types of those close to me, but as for picking out someone's type just by observing them... well, I have never really tried to do that. So I am finding everyone's interpretations very interesting!
I'm extremely old school Trek, but I agree with many updates. Most the Original Series old cast were Sensors, except Spock, and I'd say Uhura.

But I respectfully decline the "ESTJ" label for Sisko. On what grounds? That man was a serious Feeler, and I think he was intuitive. But it's possible he was in shadow mode. Everything Sisko did was in conflict with who he was, and he often struggled with making some hard decisions because he had conflicts of head vs heart. To me, he was one of the more tragic Starfleet Captain figures. :( I think if he were written a bit better (more as an I/ENFJ) that many of his decisions would've made a lot more sense.

My old school list ('cause I seriously rocked my old school team) and the new gang from the movie...

Kirk original - ESTP
Kirk new - ESTP
Spock original - INTJ
Spock new - INTP
McCoy original - ISFJ
McCoy new - ESFJ
Uhura original - INFJ
Uhura new - INTJ* (investigating :D)
Scotty original - ISTP
Scotty new - ESFP (possibly...hard to say)
Sulu original - ISTP
Sulu new - INTJ (just something about him, maybe)
Chevok original - ISFP
Chekov new - ESFJ
But I respectfully decline the "ESTJ" label for Sisko. On what grounds? That man was a serious Feeler, and I think he was intuitive. But it's possible he was in shadow mode. Everything Sisko did was in conflict with who he was, and he often struggled with making some hard decisions because he had conflicts of head vs heart. To me, he was one of the more tragic Starfleet Captain figures. :( I think if he were written a bit better (more as an I/ENFJ) that many of his decisions would've made a lot more sense.

Like I said in the House thread, I'm not too sure about the ESTJ typing for Sisko.

Whenever he's relaxing he prefers to do it with other people, one of his favourite things to do to relax is to take people to baseball games. Compare that to Picard for example, who always relaxed on his own (usually in his quarters playing an instrument or reading or whatever). So IMO, Sisko = extravert.

He loves doing hands-on tasks, like in that one episode where he rebuilds a Bajoran solar-sail ship. You never see him reading (unlike the intuitive Picard). So stuff like that makes me think he's a Sensor.

This is the toughest one. Two of the episodes that stand out the most for me regarding this are the ones mentioned on this part of his wiki page. But are his value judgements a result of a well-developed "inferior" Fi, or is he a natural Fe dominant? The fact that he says he "feels no remorse" for what he did in that one episode might suggest it's because his Fe feels that he did what was best for his "group" (The Federation), but then again the fact that he's troubled by his lack of remorse might indicate inferior Fi being overridden by pragmatic dominant Te. Could go either way. *shrug*

Is there even any doubt on this one? :lol:


So from all that, I'd have to say that he's either an ESTJ or an ESFJ. He seems to have a much harder edge to him than Dr. Crusher, which might be down to different MBTI types, or a number of different things; gender differences, enneagram type, the demands of command, all of the above, none of the above...
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ESTJ - Sisko
ISTJ - Worf, Odo
ISFJ - McCoy
ESFJ - Dr. Crusher
ESTP - Kirk, Geordi (maybe)
ISTP - Tasha Yar (maybe), Sulu
ESFP - Riker (possibly ESTP), Jadzia Dax (maybe), Trip Tucker, Tom Paris
ISFP - Bareil
ENFJ - Archer
ENFP - Harry Kim, Dr. Bashir (maybe INFP)
INFP - Wesley Crusher (unfortunately), Kes
INFJ - Troi (maybe INFP), Guinan
ENTJ - Janeway
INTJ - Picard, Tuvoc, Seven, Spock
ENTP - Garak, Q, Quark (maybe)
INTP - Data


ISTP - Scotty (though he could go ESTP, the man was a talker), Travis Mayweather
INTJ - T'Pol (I really think the Vulcan race was designed on the INTJ stereotype)
ISTJ - Malcom Reed (Poor guy... an ISTJ on an ENFJ's ship. I'm sure nothing ever made sense to him)
ENFP - Dr. Phlox (This is a great example of an ENFP with a strong Te function, which can make them seem like very creative INTJs)
INFJ - Uhura (Definitely)

New Kirk - ESTP (though he developed a lot of Fe in the story, which was really cool)
New Spock - INTP (which was really weird seeing played against Nimoy's INTJ approach to Spock)
New Uhura - INTJ (I saw a lot of Ni in that one, and I have female INTJ friends who act like that when stressed)
New Bones - ESFP (Classic, loved the way Karl Urban played up the old Bonesisms)
New Chekov - ENTP (How could anyone miss this? Right down to the talking too fast...)
New Sulu - INFJ (Right down to the Se fail leaving the docks which ended up saving the Earth...)
New Scotty - ESTP (without a doubt)
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ISTP - Scotty (though he could go ESTP, the man was a talker), Travis Mayweather
INTJ - T'Pol (I really think the Vulcan race was designed on the INTJ stereotype)
ISTJ - Malcom Reed (Poor guy... an ISTJ on an ENFJ's ship. I'm sure nothing ever made sense to him)
ENFP - Dr. Phlox (This is a great example of an ENFP with a strong Te function, which can make them seem like very creative INTJs)
INFJ - Uhura (Definitely)

New Kirk - ESTP (though he developed a lot of Fe in the story, which was really cool)
New Spock - INTP (which was really weird seeing played against Nimoy's INTJ approach to Spock)
New Uhura - INTJ (I saw a lot of Ni in that one, and I have female INTJ friends who act like that when stressed)
New Bones - ESFP (Classic, loved the way Karl Urban played up the old Bonesisms)
New Chekov - ENTP (How could anyone miss this? Right down to the talking too fast...)
New Sulu - INFJ (Right down to the Se fail leaving the docks which ended up saving the Earth...)
New Scotty - ESTP (without a doubt)

I will take INTJ for N!uhura - I love the idea that there might be an in-charge INTJ female on the Enterprise! :D I'll change mine. I definitely need to see the movie again.

*Scribbles and changes info*

And I was back and forth with Urban as ESFJ or ESFP. I think the ESFP mode fits better, but it almost makes him less down to earth. I'll have to investigate that. Hmmm...:D

I think you're right about N!Scotty, too. I was waffling on that T/F point for him.
Like I said in the House thread, I'm not too sure about the ESTJ typing for Sisko.

Whenever he's relaxing he prefers to do it with other people, one of his favourite things to do to relax is to take people to baseball games. Compare that to Picard for example, who always relaxed on his own (usually in his quarters playing an instrument or reading or whatever). So IMO, Sisko = extravert.

He loves doing hands-on tasks, like in that one episode where he rebuilds a Bajoran solar-sail ship. You never see him reading (unlike the intuitive Picard). So stuff like that makes me think he's a Sensor.

This is the toughest one. Two of the episodes that stand out the most for me regarding this are the ones mentioned on this part of his wiki page. But are his value judgements a result of a well-developed "inferior" Fi, or is he a natural Fe dominant? The fact that he says he "feels no remorse" for what he did in that one episode might suggest it's because his Fe feels that he did what was best for his "group" (The Federation), but then again the fact that he's troubled by his lack of remorse might indicate inferior Fi being overridden by pragmatic dominant Te. Could go either way. *shrug*

Is there even any doubt on this one? :lol:

I can see this, definitely. Picard, no doubt about it, is an I. Sisko.... an E, probably, but perhaps only slightly expressed. Thinking about it, I agree with you that he's an S. The F/T is a hard one.
That is one serious resurrection.
TOS: I'm going to limit my analysis to the "big 3" since this series more than the others focused heavily on a few characters.

Kirk - ESTP. Clearly an Se-dom. Action oriented, adapts well to surroundings and improvises with ease. Often appears reckless to others but usually manages to emerge unscathed (clear marker of a skilled Se-user). Has little use for authority or structure beyond the bare minimum required; frequently bends and sometimes breaks the rules (Ti). Is emotionally expressive, charming and persuasive (Fe). At his worst, can brood over the future (inferior Ni); this being most apparent in The Wrath of Khan when he laments his 50th birthday and what that means for him going forward.

Spock - ISTJ. Practical and pragmatic. Relies on the concrete facts as presented, and demonstrates effortless recall of detail. Like fellow Si-dom McCoy, is shaped and honed as a person by his past experiences. Follows an external, sequential logic process and solves problems through procedure and experimentation (Te). Doesn't show his emotions often (obviously) but has a well-defined moral center that occasionally evidences itself (Fi). Is capable of speculating into new idea paths, but is usually hesitant to do so unless asked (inferior Ne).

McCoy - ISFJ. Clear Si-dom. Strongly values tradition and is resistant to change for its own sake. Is mistrusting of unproven technology (e.g. the transporter, the Genesis device) and stubbornly operates within his comfort zone when possible. Like Spock, is heavily defined by, and occasionally haunted by his past. Can be externally gruff, but this is almost always due to perceiving a lack of "humane" concern in others, especially Spock. Shows genuine concern and is purpose-driven to heal (Fe). Takes his oath as a physician seriously. Criticizes others for wasting time on protocol and procedure, particularly when lives are on the line (Ti). Can devise creative solutions to medical problems when pressed to do so (inferior Ne); is fond of using a variable catch phrase for humorous effect ("I'm a doctor, not a...") (Si/Ne).

Later I'll continue with TNG and the other spinoffs. :blush:
Wait, there are people who type Data as anything other than INTP? O_o

Or is this one of those things where people type Picard as an INFJ instead of an INTJ.