Starcraft 2

I wanted to have the HD trailer in half speed uploaded, for details appreciation. If the music is annoying, simply turn it off. :) I love it, and think it fits surprisingly well:
[ame=""]YouTube- I let the Starcraft play[/ame]
Holy Moley! Already $15'000 tournament with only 16 participants. SC2 is getting TV coverage on Eurosport, the major sports TV in Europe (not just esports). Also to quote Blizzard: "We're pleased to announce that within one day of being on sale, StarCraft
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Holy Moley! Already $15'000 tournament with only 16 participants. SC2 is getting TV coverage on Eurosport, the major sports TV in Europe (not just esports). Also to quote Blizzard: "We're pleased to announce that within one day of being on sale, StarCraft
IdrA is the most badass nerd on the planet.
I expect to be easily available from Eurosport; and also a ton of people will likely re-stream and VOD. But here's the original source: Here people argue what games it would include, and is claimed to be exclusively for SC2:
They also mention the development of a league with $400'000 prize pool. That's... sick.

p.s. I have played one of the $15'000 tournament stars, Cloud, on the ladder. He was the real one, because in chat he used some words incorrectly (clearly from Italian). :) Needless to say, he was also way too good.
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I love love love love it.
I still need to get it. :m142: That is if my crappy computer and boot the thing up.
The plot is... meh, but the gameplay seems much improved, and the AI is very good. In SC1, you could eaisly tell you were playing a computer. If you attacked on guy in a group, the whole group would go "we're under attack!" and charge after you. When the computer decided it was going to attack, it didn't matter if the front of your base was lined with 25 cannons--it was going to attack, succeed or fail. When it decided it was going to do dropship-attack, it didnt' matter if they were sending 25 overlords and you had one missile turret... the overlords would get hit by the missiles and go "oh shit, he was ready for this one" and run away.

Not so, in the new one. I've only played the computer on normal in head-to-head games (which is about where my skill level is), but it seems like they have an internal meter judging the relative strengths of forces. A zerg troop ran into my zealots, and as soon as they started losing, the computer turned around and ran away, trying to save the rest (about 3/4) of it's army.

It's very cool, overall. I like it a lot. Just not the campaign story.
I like this match. TheLittleOne (one of the best western players) vs. MadFrog (former Warcraft 3 player.) The commentator must be ENTP by the way.

[ame=""]YouTube- TheLittleOne vs MadFrog - Game 4 - Blizzard StarCraft 2 Showmatch[/ame]
I must really recommend the Starcraft 2 tournament that is going on at Gamescom in Germany right now. Idra (Z) vs Morrow (T) in the finals tomorrow. I have watched a lot of the matches and many of them have been awesome, with great live commentary by Day9 and some other guy.

Here is the full schedule:

Bronze final: Dimaga (Z) vs. Tarson (T) 12:50 (CET)
Final: Morrow (T) vs. Idra (Z) 15:10 (CET)

And here is the live stream. You will have to install a plugin, but fear not - it works just perfectly:

Here is an interview from earlier with Idra, btw. I wonder what they were thinking when they decided to do it half laying down in those bags.
[ame=""]YouTube- gamescom 2010 - IdrA about Intel Extreme Masters GC Cologne[/ame]

- Who is the player you would like to avoid?
- Maybe Morrow.

Indeed, this event rocks! Just to get a feeling - here's how the live audience looks and some gameplay:
[youtube]ddeDAnXW99o[/youtube] [youtube]rPGzo1s8xEM[/youtube]
Idra claims to be afraid of early reapers in ZvT at the moment, which Morrow is quite good at - so Idra would prefer to avoid Morrow. However, Idra showed that he has a fairly strong response with transition to roaches, and with preventive gas steal. We'll see how the mind games between them are going to end. :)
I like this match. TheLittleOne (one of the best western players) vs. MadFrog (former Warcraft 3 player.) The commentator must be ENTP by the way.

I like watching Huskys pod cast, he always seems to make the game alot more interesting then they really are.

We will never forget you Tychus..
aarrrgghh..... so tempting! ...but if it were anything good, I would be really pissed off at myself for spoiling it.

To be honest I think I'll still probably get the second one anyway. Even though I thought the plot sucked in the first one, I really did still find the missions to be a lot of fun. Each one had a creative twist to it, and no two were alike.

Plus I play zerg, primarily, so I don't think I could stay away from it even if the plot continued to be disappointing.
aarrrgghh..... so tempting! ...but if it were anything good, I would be really pissed off at myself for spoiling it.

To be honest I think I'll still probably get the second one anyway. Even though I thought the plot sucked in the first one, I really did still find the missions to be a lot of fun. Each one had a creative twist to it, and no two were alike.

Plus I play zerg, primarily, so I don't think I could stay away from it even if the plot continued to be disappointing.

Ooooh Fellow Cerebrate :D! Well... those don't exist anymore~ sooo Fellow zergling xD! :P Anyways :P so in the end you did watch it, right ? ?? ? What did you think of it :o It was well kind-of tacky and personally I prefer tragic/neutral endings to "happy ends" but I guess some diversity compared to SC1 is good? :P I don't know