Idk. Maybe I'm just crazy...

I guess what I should define as staring is every time I glance in their direction for any reason I see them averting their gazes from me. LIKE ALL 'DA' TIME.

Circle circle hair hair

Now no one can ever stare.

I hope staring inoculations are just as successful as cootie shots.
i need my do it your self inoculation kit refunded

cost me an arm and my first born child minotaur
Okay. Do you feel better now? I wasn't really staring at you, but rather off in space. Anyway, when I feel that people are staring at me it usually means I am being self conscious about something and am hypersensitive about things. Sometimes my super charged Ni is going into overdrive and I just need to take a chill pill. Who knows, maybe you are just an attractive person and they are imagining all sorts of things....
You aren't doing the Chipmunk Video thing to try to catch them, are you?
I've actually had this same issue for as long as I've been in the work force. I never get the stare like "Damn, tap that ass," but I get stares like people are suddenly confused and intrigued by my presence. Having recently confronted a coworker about this exact situation, I found that was the case. She claimed that something about my "aura" was throwing her off or something, like it was "both calming and energizing."
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtNS1afUOnE&ob=av2e"]YouTube - OneRepublic - Stop And Stare[/ame]
They're lookin' at your butt.

No, are you near a wall or a clock or something? Maybe they aren't staring directly at you just around you, and when you look at them they see that you are in their field of vision, and they stop staring because they don't want you to think that they are staring at you. WHOORUNONFTW

I stare at stuff all the time, and people in my field of vision give me the most awful looks, but I'm not staring at them.
I work at an answering service, with clocks on the computers :P there's basically no reason to look towards my direction where I am sitting.
NOPE. I mean here's the thing, I'm pretty sure 3 of them are attracted since you can always tell by the glint in their eyes.

What will that accomplish, besides turning me into a 19 year old grandma.

Unless I were to put mass amounts of pheromones in the cupcakes... Could get some nice orgies going on.

well if you passed out cupcakes...you know why they would be staring at you. they want more. i'm just tossing ideas out there. there has to be a better solution.
Hmmm. I don't know, I honestly don't. Well time for work. SHOULD BE INTERESTING. If anyone stares at me i'ma stare right back at them! YEA! THATLL SHOW THEM