It will take far too long for me to reply to everyone. I would like to, but I can't. One thing I would like to say though, is I don't see anyone as sounding delusional, egotistical, crazy, or wrong. Not in the least.
The frusterating thing is, I am aware of all the facts that everyone is telling me. World consciousness, energy shifts, portals opening, the whole works. I am involved with the new age community by proxy because of my mom. I have gone to spiritual channelings, energy workshops, more tarot (many different kinds) readings then I could ever count or recall, reiki, many medititation excersizes, confrences. Really, the whole works. I concider myself very lucky that I had access to this since I was little (I also want to point out, that it was my choice to be involved, my mom nor anyone else, ever pushed it on me). I read a lot of things about the energy shifts, and download that are happening. All kinds of things. I have come up with my own theories in a way, that branch off from everything that is presented. One example is the whole 2012 scenearios, the lot of which I concider alot of bull. I don't believe that anything major that we can see is going to happen. Just a collective shift within us all, or at least, those of us open to it.
I'd very much like to believe that something wonderful that we can all see is going to happen. Yet, the rational side of me will not let me. That is fanatical thinking and I just can't truly believe that. I do firmly believe in many other things though, the energy shifts being the most signifgant. Despite all of the information I have received, and everything I read. It all makes sense, and gives reason to it all. It still isn't good enough. I really just can't put it to words. I don't feel like things are nailed down strong enough for my liking. I want more details, more information, more anything. I feel like there is something more then what I see. Call me crazy, but when I say I can see and feel these things in me, I mean it, I really mean it.
I have been working on myself a lot for the past year, even before I noticed these downloads and energy shifts really accelerating. When I mean working on myself, I mean in a pratical, real world sense. Fixing personality flaws, understanding myself completely, being more efficent. The works. I noticed a marked change in myself, for the better indeed. It has also happened much faster then it has ever before. The thing is, there has to be more to it then this. My brain is working faster then I can keep up with, in a way it really scares me, I feel like I am literally losing my mind. Yet, I don't think it is possible for one to be totally aware of themselves going insane, and at the same time. I don't want it to stop. My emotions are doing the same thing, if not more strongly. All my thoughts are tied to it as well. Call me putting myself on a high horse, but the changes and feelings I have been having, including the really in-your-face synchronicites I have been getting, are in a way telling me that I myself am being set up for something larger then these downloads and what not.
And I don't know what. This bothers me BADLY. I have to know, I must know, I must figure all of this out. Even beyond the spiritual realm, I have to figure everything else out. My mind has changed alot. It's gotten much faster and has a higher capacity. Yet, it is beyond what I can do all at once, and the change in itself is making it hard to sort it out. I can't keep track of it all. Nor can I understand it all, in particular how my emotions feel, I simply dont know. Yet, I must know, I have to. It is my hope that this thread will help clear this up, because I can't possibly be the only one feeling all of this, and going through all of these shifts.