Stranger danger?

I seriously want to have a big INFJ gathering and we can all make each other do things we don't want to do (like a large gathering...). It'd be hilarious. We'd order pizza to random people (AH!) and a bunch of other scary stuff. Seriously, all the comments on here made my night. [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] I've always wanted to do that. The closest I've gotten though is slapping a guy who tried to kiss me. It rocked.

Haha. Eeee.
Playing TF2 or Planetside 2 are scary enough for me. Especially Planetside 2. You like... have to cooperate with people and stuff in that game. People you don't even know! Up to like 40 of them at once all milling around in chaos while another 40 people of an opposing faction are shelling your base to smithereens. And some times a third faction comes in and trolls all of you. o.o

It's scary and confusing.

Also appropriately, choosing my friends carefully also applies to Planetside 2. I'm usually a passive engineer who pockets a MAX and continually repairs him/her because I don't want to fight the scary people. I protect the MAX and they protect me!
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I would rather have a conversation about something interesting and enjoy myself before considering giving a guy my number. I have honestly hoped they wouldn't text or call.
Someone randomly demanding my number is not going to be successful. It seems rude really.
guys in my age bracket don't do this as a rule. at least not to me lol
if a perfect stranger asked for my number I would say, "why?"
Honestly, it creeps me out and amuses me at the same time. I get frazzled and probably act awkward...this probably has something to do with the fact that I am demi-sexual as well, which only heightens the experience.

The way sensors go about wooing people (aka most individuals) doesn't work on me. Intellectual conversations however, are another story. I'm in this phase trying to be more receptive to typical acts of aggressive flirtation (asking for number, etc) because I think I section myself off from possibilities and immediately reject people without a second thought.