Shai Gar
Alchemy is just ancient Chemistry.
If you want to study it, study the real thing.
If you want to study it, study the real thing.
I tried to study kaballah but didn't get it - at all. I keep trying to go back to studying it, and come up with the same 'do not understand.' I also knew someone who was big into alchemy. There really isn't that much out there to study it.
That strikes me as being true.The foundation of all foundations, and the pillar of all wisdom is to know that there is God who brought into being all existence. All the beings of the heavens, and the earth, and what is between them came into existence only from the truth of God's being.
Peshat (lit. "simple"): the direct interpretations of meaning.
Remez (lit. "hint"): the allegoric meanings (through allusion).
Derash (from Heb. darash: "inquire" or "seek"): midrashic (Rabbinic) meanings, often with imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses.
Sod (lit. "secret" or "mystery"): the inner, esoteric (metaphysical) meanings, expressed in kabbalah.
just a few things. there's no such thing as a bad wiccan spell (except one that's poorly done). Wicca's main precept is "harm none," so if the spell is aimed to harm, its not wiccan. Also, one's specific beliefe set doesn't matter when it comes to magic, but confidence does. if you go into a spell expecting it to fail, it will most certainly fail.I used to practice 'good' wiccan spells, but never really felt like they worked for me - but the belief really wasn't there either. I've tried playing with crystals and 'touch' healing, but those didn't really seem to work very well either. I'm not sure if you have to have a belief in something for it to work - it seems to me that things should work if they're going to work, regardless of your beliefs.
The past year I don't do too much of any of this except runes. I have a theory that your ancestry guides what divination abilities you will be best at. The Runes have always worked well for me, but Tarot doesn't nearly as well. One of my friends who is Italian swears that the Tarot works well for her, every time, but the Runes don't work for her. All of these things work for me, just not as well as Runes and Bibliomancy.
Alchemy is just ancient Chemistry.
If you want to study it, study the real thing.
I think I like the idea of Kabbalah so much because I've been translating the Hebrew Bible - I wrote a 37-page paper about a passage of Hosea
I've PM'd you - the excerpts that are worth posting are long and not particularly on topic.Hey jlynnr, maybe you could post excerpts from your paper?
The feeling between the out of body and the aura expansion isn't much different, both modes I can feel the land, glass on the ground, the sound of the cars, flow of the wind, interactions of people, etc.
Except when I am in half sleep/awake the areas I can explore is still limited to my aura size except that aura is no long attached to my body.
You mean the only tarot?Thoth tarot?
Erotic unions with spirits have occured throughout history, but the methods have been suppressed and lost, save for references and fragments in ancient alchemical and magical texts. This book presents a magical system for initiating sexual unions with spirit beings and using the energy released from these unions for self-empowerment and personal transformation. It offers to show the reader: magical sexual practices and a sexual spiritual union to surpass the pleasures of physical sex; rituals to encourage the movement of Kundalini energy; magical uses for sexual fluids; techniques for creating a homunculus - an artificial human.
You mean the only tarot?![]()