Sugar fast

meal 3 ... I get hungry for sugar I drink water.

Today was so hard. the only fruit i have at home is bananas so I may have over done it there, because it was fruit. I have to go to the store and get some other fruits tomorrow. I was hungry every two hours. ...

BUT the best part about today is that I DIDNT CAVE! I didnt give up and pour me a soda thinking "its just one" I didnt have me some of the delicious twizlers i bought for brain food for nano. I stuck to it.

Alright Entyqua! Way to go! And I'll make a couple suggestions for helping with hunger. Nuts - just a small handful of them (not peanuts) - do wonders for curbing the appetite. Wheat germ too (which is full of B Vitamins, btw) is excellent for making you feel full. I cook oatmeal in the morning and sprinkle some in, and I'm STUFFED after a bowl full. (I'm a big eater - without the wheat germ I could eat 2 or 3 bowls of it.)
Only a month...I would recommend 5 months and try an anti-candida diet instead.

Its strange but you know hypoglycemia is very common in people with Candida yeast. The good thing about this is that the Candida diet is also a good diet for people with hypoglycemia, so when you follow the Candida diet you will be addressing the issue of Hypoglycemia.

Healthy candida is in everyone but when the immune system is weakened its a different story, when you starve the candida of craving sugar not because of anything hypoglycemic related, then you are winning the sugar addiction. Because when the immunity is stressed and weakened through the agents of fluoride, sugar and the like it is likely candida has a better chance of flourishing.

And you know carbohydrates, that's yeast in beer, white bread, white rice, starchy potatoes and the like convert to sugar too. And that means that when you eat many things that are from wheat like pasta and bread then this too would feed your candida. Your candida screams most when there is a lack of sugar and in turn demands more. Imagine why icecream is so addictive, a combination of cows milk and sugar. And you know that sugar is added to milk and processed foods, anything that is processed has some form of processed sugar. And then stimulants like coffee would be out of the question too, which is in sodas as caffeine, and it baffles me that artificial sugar is expressed as sugar free when its a different chemical composition to sugar. I doubt the candida would differentiate sweet from sweet? And then you know that natural foods like fruits would promote candida growth initially as would wheat, any kind of sugar for that matter, whether good or bad. Which is why in an ideal world eating complex carbohydrates and protean foods, like eggs, meat, vegetables, brown rice etc and to remove grains like wheat mostly out of the diet, and sugary fruit like watermelons, apples, bananas even, at least for the first month would help.

And stuff. :D

To stop sugar addiction you would have to maintain the diet for many months and watch those withdrawals fly like an epic battlefield, Probiotices and or Nystatin instead are viable options though.

Oh and why did I say months because your hypothalamus set point needs to adjust, when it does then the regulation of your shape would change to the new shape after and then your set point is going to try to maintain the new shape more rather than maintaining the previous shape.
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woke today with a migrane headache from hell. Sick to my stomach and dizzy. I have not eaten today at all because of this, and slept after taking my migrane meds. I dont know if this is anything other than a bug, cuz my husband was recently sick, but I will pick this back up as soon as I am on the mend.
I really want to have a garden, and grow all my own veggies. Its a lot of work though. that and I have a black thumb.

Ok meal 2.

Whole grain sandwich ham turkey and provalone. dijon mustard and pepper.
real mayo is out not HFCS, but sugar.
Canned soup was a big bust had the HMCS in it. surprisingly enough the cup o noodles i buy for the kidlets have NO sugar, or corn starch in them. They may not be the healthiest thing in the world, but hey. im going for sugar first. ill fight the rest in 28 days.

I can tell my meals are energizing me more, but im still coming off an illness so i feel like balls regardless.

I was COMPLETELY starving after breakfast this morning. So starving in fact I kept looking for things to munch. I didnt, thank god, but the urge was difficult to combat.

I'm not sure if you are, but if you are looking for an alternative to mayo, or an addition to your sandwiches, have you tried avocado? I try to be conscious of how much of it I eat because it's high in fat (and I've heard we shouldn't eat more of it than 1 a week), but I spread or slice it on bread (or cube it into a salad) and it's delicious! Plus, that beautiful fresh green/yellowish colour... *beautiful food love* lol.

ETA: From what I know, it's high in fat but is a healthy source of fat the way certain nuts, oils, etc. are.
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I'm not sure if you are, but if you are looking for an alternative to mayo, or an addition to your sandwiches, have you tried avocado? I try to be conscious of how much of it I eat because it's high in fat (and I've heard we shouldn't eat more of it than 1 a week), but I spread or slice it on bread (or cube it into a salad) and it's delicious! Plus, that beautiful fresh green/yellowish colour... *beautiful food love* lol.

ETA: From what I know, it's high in fat but is a healthy source of fat the way certain nuts, oils, etc. are.

I am deathly alergic to avacado. it makes me dead...and I wants to live!