- Hey Ho
- Enneagram
- flibble
Life is beautiful
Life is ugly
Suicide seems like a reasonable way out
Suicide seems like an appalling waste of life
Society might allow
Society might condemn
and inbetween, is the real, the personal. The shoes of another, that we can make conjectures about stepping into, but never truly understand.
I can only judge for myself, never another
and yet, there have been times when I've been tempted
and times when I could never do that, so what do I really know?
Life is so ambiguous, death the only certainty, but how will it happen? When? Where?
I can understand the fear that drives the need to control this. The how and the when and the where.
and yet, there is only so much that can be controlled - and then it happens anyway - you come to that place where you are no longer able to control the outcome, and must surrender.
I wish love to all those who ever come to that place. My heart goes out to them. I wish them peace and serenity at the last.
That is all
Life is ugly
Suicide seems like a reasonable way out
Suicide seems like an appalling waste of life
Society might allow
Society might condemn
and inbetween, is the real, the personal. The shoes of another, that we can make conjectures about stepping into, but never truly understand.
I can only judge for myself, never another
and yet, there have been times when I've been tempted
and times when I could never do that, so what do I really know?
Life is so ambiguous, death the only certainty, but how will it happen? When? Where?
I can understand the fear that drives the need to control this. The how and the when and the where.
and yet, there is only so much that can be controlled - and then it happens anyway - you come to that place where you are no longer able to control the outcome, and must surrender.
I wish love to all those who ever come to that place. My heart goes out to them. I wish them peace and serenity at the last.
That is all