Some say
assisted suicide. Others call it
mercy killing or
death with dignity.
It means that people travel abroad to e.g. Switzerland where it is legal, looking to get a prescription, allowing to end their own life.
People who are eligible are:
- Couples who are very old and cannot stand the thought of living without one another.
- Patients suffering unbearably and basically have no hope of recovery.
I saw this heartbreaking documentary called
'The Suicide Tourist' about a very courageous man, who had a dissorder which would make him fully paralyzed. Preferably he would choose life (as it was before) but had only two options: A slow painful death or simply death. After about an hour of getting to know this brave wise man, they filmed the assisted suicide. He asked them to play Symphony No. 9 by Beethoven. And you could see how he struggled to get the solution down, how his eyes were filled with sorrow about leaving. Ohhh...
You just have to see it to understand it!!!!