Supernatural Abilities?

Si + Ni Overload!

I've wanted to post this for a week or so, and this seems to be the best thread to post it in. I had this experience back in December 2008. At the time, I had been looking into Reiki, Human Energy Field, Body Talk, etc. There were many similarities, and yet many differences, in the various healing modalities. I figure there is one unifying truth behind it all. I don't know if this qualifies as a 'spiritual' experience or not, but I'll post it anyway and see if others relate. :) I'm paraphrasing the following from my journal, and trying to be as clear as I can be.

I was in a room by myself, at home, with a blanket. I made myself comfortable, and began meditating. My focus was on healing. I wanted healing, and the phrase I focused on was something like "With all the authority given to me by God, I want healing!" I breathed very deeply, and kept focusing on that phrase. This got me into a very interesting state of mind. I was highly relaxed, yet highly intense. I first had shivers, or waves of sensation, running all over my body. Gradually they became stronger to the point where twitching would have been visible. This was not voluntary, but something that my body was doing on its own, or reacting to. I felt VERY warm - especially my hands, and I began sweating all over.

Then it got even more interesting. I realized that I could feel the life energy of my body actually flowing through me. It created a picture in my mind - motion and life, almost a liquid light - circulating through me. (It interesting to note that I pictured the light as being sort of a light golden-yellow colour with spots of white - according to the online aura test, my aura is VERY yellow!) I also realized that there were 'dark' locations, where the energy didn't flow. They felt 'dead' - as if those parts of my body were made of metal, rather than living cells.

I began to examine the dark regions, and some were physical problems - muscle knots, for example. Self-massaging took care of some of them, and the life energy began flowing. Cool! Other dead spots had emotional or spiritual ties, and I had to deal with the underlying issue(s) to resolve them and allow the life energy to flow. Sometimes I didn't know why the area was dead - just a vague feeling of pain or loneliness. I tried out a few different words, until I found one that matched the feeling.

One was fear and isolation, which was healed by me quoting from the Bible (specifically where God says "I will never leave you nor forsake you"). Very awesome! I didn't attempt to deal with everything - that didn't feel right for some reason - but I allowed myself to be guided by my intuition. The whole time the deep breathing (almost ragged breathing at times) and the mini-muscle-twitches continued.

There was one dark spot that I tried to resolve, but failed. It was centered in my left hand, in the large muscle between little finger and wrist. I honestly don't recall trying to identify what it was, but I definitely recall "attacking" it with healing! I had learned to influence the flow of the energy, and I directed it at that dark spot. I timed it with my breathing. When I inhaled, the dark would creep down towards my elbow. When I exhaled, I could "push" it back. I even used my other hand to help my focus my "push". Even though the spot was 'dead' it went CRAZY pins-and-needles! I was making headway against it, having most of it trapped in my hand. But that was the problem too - it wasn't relenting or exiting, only building pressure in my hand! The pins-and-needles feeling built to the point of very strong pain, and I actually looked to see if I was causing any visible damage to my hand. (I wasn't.) That approach obviously wasn't working, so I left it alone and tended to other areas.

Like my right shoulder. I actually spoke with my right shoulder! It was in pain because of how I'd been using it (or rather, abusing it). I agreed to do what I could to use it properly from then on, and it thanked me! My own shoulder thanked me!!

Every now and then throughout the whole experience, my body wanted to change position. I didn't even think that I could get into some of the positions it wanted, but not only was each one possible - it was comfortable too! Eventually I wound up laying on my left side, bent like the letter C - but very comfortable. I sensed that I was done whatever I'd been doing, and so just focused on deep breaths.

And fell asleep. :) I think that was about the perfect ending to the whole thing. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was or when it was at all - which is very unusual for me. Shows how disconnected I'd become from the rest of the world. I checked the time, and it was 2 hours after I started doing meditation!

I've thought about attempting to repeat the experience, but somehow that felt wrong. I'd like to further explore this healing or connection with my body or subconsious, or whatever it was - but I don't know how to do that without violating the memory of it.
Wow, Milan, that is so awesome!!!

I can feel when there's a spirit/ghost nearby (almost all of the women on mum's side of the family can), so I've had lots of supernatural experiences with that.
Everyone has the abillity to meditate and feel their energy, and the energy. Also, everyone has some kind of 'strong point', in a spiritual sense. For me, it is feeling/sensing energy, and 'reading' people. However, from what you said Milon, you have a strong gift, a very strong one for healing. You should look into reiki more and maybe persue formal classes on it.
Everyone has the abillity to meditate and feel their energy, and the energy. Also, everyone has some kind of 'strong point', in a spiritual sense. For me, it is feeling/sensing energy, and 'reading' people. However, from what you said Milon, you have a strong gift, a very strong one for healing. You should look into reiki more and maybe persue formal classes on it.

:D Thanks IndigoSensor. It makes sense to me that I have a gift for healing - that's my number one passion, and what I believe God made me for. It's part of the reason I'm considering chiropractic. And yes, I've considered taking some Reiki courses as well, but I'll give it some serious thought now.
Can't having anything that doesn't exist. :D

I've had "prophetic dreams" but in reality they are only "prophetic" after the fact, people have tons of dreams so it is not unexpected that people will connect an event to a dream they had a while back, it's called confirmation bias.
Can't having anything that doesn't exist. :D

I've had "prophetic dreams" but in reality they are only "prophetic" after the fact, people have tons of dreams so it is not unexpected that people will connect an event to a dream they had a while back, it's called confirmation bias.
finally someone who agrees with my previous post!
Not an out of body experience. I'm not sure if I've ever genuinely experienced that. Dissociation from myself, yes. But out of body? Not so much, no. If my thoughts have a physical location, it's like they're located within my field of vision. Like I'm broadcasting my thoughts in a certain direction. It's rare that people pick up on that, but it's happened.

i experience that of which you described to haunting similarity, except it is regarding thoughts on certain emotions or intuitions. it does feel like a dissociation since i tend to be oblivious of my own material part in the external world when i am engaged in you, usually my thoughts are 'out there' somewhere in my field of vision and i am not conscious of them encased in my own head. similarly, tend to place so much focus on where my emotions and intuitions

are derived from outside of me (it could be from a person, a present situation, etc.) that i seemingly merge or latch on to whatever it is. i don't control this, it readily happens without my conscious consent. maybe that is how i empathize with others so strongly because i tend to forget my own body that is supposed to have a stance of its own. it's almost as if i were the receiver and observer of my own life.

perhaps it is a part of perceiving the outer world from the windows of the inner world i live in. almost as if i were looking out from a window of my house as an observer who sees the external as a moving picture to be viewed without realizing that she too is a part of that picture. this is my definition of my own dissociation i have experienced.

i don't believe that people pick up on it and i'm not sure in what way they could.
Maybe I'm an exception to the rule? :(

I hate dreaming now. I'm actually seriously considering medication to stop it, or at least reduce it.

ah sorry, I just got excited when I saw confirmation bias...
I've wanted to post this for a week or so, and this seems to be the best thread to post it in. I had this experience back in December 2008. At the time, I had been looking into Reiki, Human Energy Field, Body Talk, etc. There were many similarities, and yet many differences, in the various healing modalities. I figure there is one unifying truth behind it all. I don't know if this qualifies as a 'spiritual' experience or not, but I'll post it anyway and see if others relate. :) I'm paraphrasing the following from my journal, and trying to be as clear as I can be.

I was in a room by myself, at home, with a blanket. I made myself comfortable, and began meditating. My focus was on healing. I wanted healing, and the phrase I focused on was something like "With all the authority given to me by God, I want healing!" I breathed very deeply, and kept focusing on that phrase. This got me into a very interesting state of mind. I was highly relaxed, yet highly intense. I first had shivers, or waves of sensation, running all over my body. Gradually they became stronger to the point where twitching would have been visible. This was not voluntary, but something that my body was doing on its own, or reacting to. I felt VERY warm - especially my hands, and I began sweating all over.

Then it got even more interesting. I realized that I could feel the life energy of my body actually flowing through me. It created a picture in my mind - motion and life, almost a liquid light - circulating through me. (It interesting to note that I pictured the light as being sort of a light golden-yellow colour with spots of white - according to the online aura test, my aura is VERY yellow!) I also realized that there were 'dark' locations, where the energy didn't flow. They felt 'dead' - as if those parts of my body were made of metal, rather than living cells.

I began to examine the dark regions, and some were physical problems - muscle knots, for example. Self-massaging took care of some of them, and the life energy began flowing. Cool! Other dead spots had emotional or spiritual ties, and I had to deal with the underlying issue(s) to resolve them and allow the life energy to flow. Sometimes I didn't know why the area was dead - just a vague feeling of pain or loneliness. I tried out a few different words, until I found one that matched the feeling.

One was fear and isolation, which was healed by me quoting from the Bible (specifically where God says "I will never leave you nor forsake you"). Very awesome! I didn't attempt to deal with everything - that didn't feel right for some reason - but I allowed myself to be guided by my intuition. The whole time the deep breathing (almost ragged breathing at times) and the mini-muscle-twitches continued.

There was one dark spot that I tried to resolve, but failed. It was centered in my left hand, in the large muscle between little finger and wrist. I honestly don't recall trying to identify what it was, but I definitely recall "attacking" it with healing! I had learned to influence the flow of the energy, and I directed it at that dark spot. I timed it with my breathing. When I inhaled, the dark would creep down towards my elbow. When I exhaled, I could "push" it back. I even used my other hand to help my focus my "push". Even though the spot was 'dead' it went CRAZY pins-and-needles! I was making headway against it, having most of it trapped in my hand. But that was the problem too - it wasn't relenting or exiting, only building pressure in my hand! The pins-and-needles feeling built to the point of very strong pain, and I actually looked to see if I was causing any visible damage to my hand. (I wasn't.) That approach obviously wasn't working, so I left it alone and tended to other areas.

Like my right shoulder. I actually spoke with my right shoulder! It was in pain because of how I'd been using it (or rather, abusing it). I agreed to do what I could to use it properly from then on, and it thanked me! My own shoulder thanked me!!................

Man ive been waiting for just an experience like this on this froum-site-Whatever! YES! i COMPLETELY know what you mean now man. Whenw i was reading it all and heard i deep in thought you were i was like..."wow...this man like entered the Avatar state"!

ok i still dont know too much about reiki yet but if this is what it is assosicated with....than i am already halfway there! My body has pretty much always talked to me. hmm but i think more in a....spiritual way maybe. maybe i just dont see it as a physical thing but when i practice Tai chi....iam listening to what feels right. THIS WHAT I FEEL?!?!

for so long i hear things..from my body espescially telling mehow to react. which is one reason i think ihave great reflexes!

man im so glad you posted this.....also dude.... i dont know if its a gift or just extreme desire but OBIOVUSLY have something spectacular about Healing.

Its like...i am working with my body to accomplish something great. just like your shoulder said thankyou...its like not only my body but my me this or do a backflip you know?

or climb thatr roof but have no fear within you. Like its trying to train me! I am my own trainer! omg....i always thought so...but now..after reading your feel so much better.

My energy tells me to Meditate ALOT more.. but as undisciplined i am i do not listen.

Also Milon do you ever find it hard to listen because you hear your own thoughts?
like you cant hear what is bcuz of waht you want? i get the truth mixed up with fear sometime.

but you all have no idea. what this has done to me. i feel as though ive been enlightned here. this explains why i always refer to a "us" when im joking. and i know im not skitsofrantic!!!!

i shal now listen to myself more.Thankyou Milon. :m107: Thankyou so much.

If ANYONE has more plz post.
Whitefire89, I don't know anything about the Avatar state. And I haven't studied Reiki yet, or anything else like that. So I don't quite follow what you're saying there, but I'm glad it helped you.

Whitefire89 said:
My energy tells me to Meditate ALOT more.. but as undisciplined i am i do not listen.

Also Milon do you ever find it hard to listen because you hear your own thoughts?

That part rings true with me, though. I need to meditate more. I know it. I think I even crave it. But I just don't do it. And yeah, I find it hard to listen because my own busy thoughts get in the way A LOT!
Whitefire89, I don't know anything about the Avatar state.........


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i wasnt serious man!!!!!


The Avatar state isnt a real thing. I was refering to the TV SHOw the Avatar. in it he goes avatr state and he can control Air, fire, earth and water. i was saying that u completely were at one with yourself. like deeply intuned. haha man i was NOT serious when i said that. i mean i was but not saying that theres actually a avatar state.

and if there is.....I WANT IT!:m200:
Hmm Reiki....wait a minute what is that?

Ive heard of it before. still dont know what it is tho.

Does it go along the lines of Chakras and so on?....

and if so what did it feel like my friend?

Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

Reiki is

Yes, it deals with chakras.

It felt either warm or cool depending on the person (though everyone else said it was warm) and slightly magnetic.
I've thought about attempting to repeat the experience, but somehow that felt wrong. I'd like to further explore this healing or connection with my body or subconsious, or whatever it was - but I don't know how to do that without violating the memory of it.

I've got that part figured out now. If I were to attempt to repeat the experience, I would have an idea in mind of what I was looking for. The first time this happened, I had no preconceived ideas, just an idea to follow my intuition and see where I landed. If I chase after an old experience, then I'm not going to be open to a new one. It would be a forced, false, inhibited experience at best. It is much better to simply keep seeking healing and see what comes of it. ^_^
Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

Reiki is

Yes, it deals with chakras.

It felt either warm or cool depending on the person (though everyone else said it was warm) and slightly magnetic.

OK so im reading here...and i cant really see how this is so different from kundalini!

I mean i believe i read somewhere earlier about....i forget but i beilieve Milon was wrting about Body energy or something? i forgto but all it says here is about HEALING and i mean....idk thats what im looking into. Like ARE KUNDALINI AND REIKI SO DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER???
I've wanted to post this for a week or so, and this seems to be the best thread to post it in. I had this experience back in December 2008. At the time, I had been looking into Reiki, Human Energy Field, Body Talk, etc. .


body talk!

thats what i was looking for. and in the wikipedia i didnt find that.
human energy field...body talk. does anyone have a good site to refer me to that can help me understand what i am looking for more so?

The wikipedia helped me understand only A PARt and i am grateful for it..but i want to understand the complete possiblities of Reiki. and it seemed wiki. only focused on healing.
I was on a meditation retreat a while back. I was contemplating metaphysical things, feeling particularly in touch with the ethereal for whatever reason. I went to the door of my room to attempt to close it because it was open slightly. The door was one of those tough doors, where you have to push hard for it to fully close. I approached the door and as I reached out, it slowly and quietly closed on its own. Not as if to slam shut when there is a draft and I was in my room in a building, it was one of those no wind at all days and no windows were open anyway - I checked. The event did not freak me out at all, it actually felt as though I were being helped.

A few years later at the same place, I was meditating in my room and had one of the most powerful out of body experiences. It wasn't "out of body" though, it was as though my existence expanded beyond the atmosphere. Difficult to explain... don't know why I'm sharing this.

I think this is along the lines of what you are after, though not really a fantastic "ability" like a super hero or some such thing. I've been meditating regularly since I was about six years old.

Haha I keep editing this post. I should also mention that that door closed and got stuck for a good five minutes. I did freak out about being trapped in my room, I wrestled with the door for several minutes and when I finally gave up and let go and stepped back, it opened.

Seriously, it was one of the oddest events in my life.
Last edited:
... don't know why I'm sharing this.

I think this is along the lines of what you are after, though not really a fantastic "ability" like a super hero or some such thing. I've been meditating regularly since I was about six years old.


thankyou. excactly what im lookin for. see i feel like a scientist of ome sort. i wanna conversate on did u feel so on?

i dont wanna seem like a scientist completely tho. i more want to understand than observe. like i wanna comepletely put myself in your position to see what you saw. so thats why i like long storys. i like details...

isnt that one of the things that defines an INFJ? say you werent really aurprised....felt as tho. u were being helped....

I agree. i dont know WHAT you did...or if it was even you but, i believe what your own energy did it for you? willed it and it did it for you in a sense? star wars....they say use the "force" but...they dont see it as a controled weapon but rather a partnership of energy or with energy. or nature i suppose. thats what i think im looking for. to be at one with nature and myself. to make myself an force of nature. idk. im still finding that part out but post and storys like this Always(pretty much) help me see others views and so on. ive truly never f elt something of the sort but have felt SIMILAR experiences. I actually plan on posting my storys very soon but do not want to now bcuz I KNOW they will take forever to write. so i will wait until im ready.

But i thankyou again for sharing your story. :m107: I needed that
This may make sense or it may not.

When it happened I did on some level equate it to The Force, but it put me in a strange quandary for a few days. I kept asking myself if I personally willed it to occur somehow, but it felt much more like for a moment I tapped into a larger pool of myself or phased in and out of some other reality which was closer to myself then reality as I commonly perceive it. There was something very connected to me about it, but also distinctively separate from my own preconceived notions.
This may make sense or it may not.

, but it felt much more like for a moment I tapped into a larger pool of myself or phased in and out of some other reality which was closer to myself then reality as I commonly perceive it. There was something very connected to me about it, but also distinctively separate from my own preconceived notions.

when i read thiis part i thought it was SOOOO twisted.

I was like WHAT?:m075:

but i see what you mean now. You mean was you...but not you right? well i mean...what were you meditating on my friend?

I tried medidtating last night and as i am a beginner i do lose foucs but also find it EXTREMELY hard to control my breathing. which is what i was trying to focus on.

But what were you trying to focus on at that moment?