Exactly @Chickensoup . I agree with all you're saying here!Trump’s words on “dominating” the protestors felt so wrong to me. Because as you say, no one has rule over another. Collective power is not for Trump to use over the collective...or anyone who is not an enemy. I just felt there was something so paradoxical about him in storming over to the Church. Trump tear gassing peaceful protestors and clearing them out is like totally the opposite of Jesus flipping over the tables of money changers. I still don’t get how Christians vote for him. Just unbelievable.
I think every immigrant wave to the US has their own horror story. I mean, hello Chinese Exclusion act and Japanese Internment camps. And certainly, Asians are targeted for hate crimes right now just as brown people were targeted after 9/11. But, police brutality against black people is very specific to black people and hence the need to focus exclusively on them, their culture and their history because that’s gone on for too long.
It's a generational mindset I'm thinking. If we could find a way forward in acceptance the future of a diverse America would be an exciting place indeed. However, it will take all, every side, to come into that acceptance.
I'm hopeful in light of all the atrocities that have occurred in recent months the majority recognizes that there needs be a change from the highest of high right down to the depth of the sewer, beginning with the leadership.