Supporting the black community

This time will ring in our souls through places we did not know could sound.

My heart breaks from the weight of the chains that tether me to an ideology that is not of my own. It does no good for me to plead my own account, for I am guilty by the cloak my soul was born into.

The Mask is a garb we wear when the weight becomes to heavy for care. </3
thank you. . just thank you
This time will ring in our souls through places we did not know could sound.

My heart breaks from the weight of the chains that tether me to an ideology that is not of my own. It does no good for me to plead my own account, for I am guilty by the cloak my soul was born into.

The Mask is a garb we wear when the weight becomes to heavy for care. </3

It hurts to watch, doesn’t it? “The clay beneath our feet is vile, and long the miles.” Gives me the shivers.

And, wasn’t Derek Chauvin also wearing a mask as he kneeled on George Floyd’s neck?

I’ve long thought that along with coming to an understanding of the painful and toxic legacy of slavery, and the development of black culture in the US, there is also a commiserate need to delve into white culture that not only exists on top of black culture, but covers their own set of pain and losses.

No one really want to talk about it because it is an offensive topic. You’re basically creating room to talk about how traumatizing it must’ve felt for slave owners to lose their free labor, their sons and have their property burned down to the Yet, a loss of a lifestyle, life and economic means of survival, however wrong, is still a loss. And, as you’ve pointed out, it doesn’t do anyone any good to live with a constant feeling of guilt and shame.

I feel like this is partly what black people are asking white people to do - get a grip on your own history. Don’t tell us you’ve freed us from slavery, to only subject us to a different kind of slavery, because some of you never wanted to give up slavery in the first place. But, most white people don’t even see it that way. Even white racists, a lot of that racism isn’t fueled by feelings of superiority, or wanting to subject black people to slavery, but by their inability to understand how they’ve been shoved into that role.

The responsibility lies however, with white people. Because the ones who never wanted to give up slavery in the first place, who perpetuate systematic injustices towards black people - they exist. They are in power and they need to be stopped.

I have to think about this a bit more...
It really is quite amazing to consider all the political slurs that have been invented recently to try to deligetimise the act of showing solidarity for demographics other than one's own.

'White guilt', 'virtue signalling', even 'cuck', &c.

Sincerity and unity must be really scary for the people promoting these labels.

Totally, because the greatest weakness of white racists are other white people. If one of your own tells you you’re wrong, it’s going to hurt. So, the defense is to disarm their ability to criticize you and use their affiliation against you.

Virtue signaling is a real thing tied to social media algorithms and callout culture, where you can increase your social status based on how many people you "call out". Unfortunately there is no path of redemption for those called out, it is about destroying rather than educating, and it is a self cannibalizing culture where you will eventually say something that is considered a microagression and therefore you deserve to lose everything with no chance of redemption.

For example, I would be considered fat phobic and pro diet culture because I am trying to lose weight to become heathier. The health at every size movement in conjunction with the fat liberation movement believes I am toxic and a part of diet culture, as well as suppressing women so now i also have internalized misogyny. On top of that since women of color are most often size policed, I am also racist and actively repressing WOC, all because I am trying to lose weight to become healthy. I shit you not. I have had real people tell me all of these things, people I know who run in my social circle, usually safely behind a screen because they "don't feel safe" to discuss it in person or even over the phone.

Some of this culture is really extreme and fucked up yo

What’s the context for these run-ins? Do you work in this field and it gets discussed a lot, or is this taking place in other types of forums?

Ah, thanks for clarifying! I think it's tough when people are set in their ways. People don't really change their perspectives.
We have to build our infrastructure in a way that minimizes harm and supports/elevates minorities rather than being apathetic.

It's not really my fight, but I support the idea of change.
I am in two minds about protests because I don't like conflict and would prefer peaceful action.
But people have a right to be upset and initiate change in ways they feel are appropriate. I do think it's merited and long overdue.
I've been to protests before for various things. I am more of a supplier/supporter though.
I like fueling the fire, not being the fire. I'd probably get trampled out there.
I've been trampled a few times before.

I do think that if we didn’t have protests, we’d be at war. Or, increasingly become more and more of an authoritarian / police state. At heart, it is a question of dealing with conflict, you’re right with that.

Personally, I hate conflict, but I do think the best way to deal with it is through dialog. I think the whole Brexit negotiation has been a brilliant example of handling conflict well, for the EU. As a comparison, there is the the Israel / Palestine conflict, which is probably the worse example.
I’ve long thought that along with coming to an understanding of the painful and toxic legacy of slavery, and the development of black culture in the US, there is also a commiserate need to delve into white culture that not only exists on top of black culture, but covers their own set of pain and losses
Yes, I partially agree.

The pains and losses of white poverty being slid in at the "whipping post" when the white rulers have no other to do their bidding. The sick, blind, disabled white americans are often treated just as vile, if not worse, as are those with noticable skin or cultural differences.

If one wanted to review American history, study the Irish American imigrants, they were treated much, much worse. These divisions started in the streets of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, even Witchitaw Kansas had segregation.

For a country that was built on the resilience of the imigrant, and at the expense of the Native, it has become a melting pot of sewage yet again.

History repeats itself, less we move to change the mindset and challenge the conqueror. The American Experiment was meant to stand together for The People. It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution unless your _____ then the laws within do not apply. Fill in the blank with what ever race, color, creed, denomination. It is We The People of The United States of America. Much of that document was written with keeping in mind the Universal Laws of Human Rights. The right to live in dignity as a resident of the world.

Every human has the space, not only the right, to live in peace. To navigate and traverse their lives here on Earth with no other human blocking their Way. I could preach until my voice runs out about the injustice of putting a human under another's rulership. Decision makers are not rulers, rather guides. Once our so-called leadership understands that much we will have a cornerstone to progress and not a moment too soon.

America is a timed bomb whose time has run out.
I meant it in a funny way, like...:m053:

Right, I'm not harboring any negativity or anything, I just genuinely am trying to understand how it is INTJ related in your mind
Yes, I partially agree.

The pains and losses of white poverty being slid in at the "whipping post" when the white rulers have no other to do their bidding. The sick, blind, disabled white americans are often treated just as vile, if not worse, as are those with noticable skin or cultural differences.

If one wanted to review American history, study the Irish American imigrants, they were treated much, much worse. These divisions started in the streets of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, even Witchitaw Kansas had segregation.

For a country that was built on the resilience of the imigrant, and at the expense of the Native, it has become a melting pot of sewage yet again.

History repeats itself, less we move to change the mindset and challenge the conqueror. The American Experiment was meant to stand together for The People. It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution unless your _____ then the laws within do not apply. Fill in the blank with what ever race, color, creed, denomination. It is We The People of The United States of America. Much of that document was written with keeping in mind the Universal Laws of Human Rights. The right to live in dignity as a resident of the world.

Every human has the space, not only the right, to live in peace. To navigate and traverse their lives here on Earth with no other human blocking their Way. I could preach until my voice runs out about the injustice of putting a human under another's rulership. Decision makers are not rulers, rather guides. Once our so-called leadership understands that much we will have a cornerstone to progress and not a moment too soon.

America is a timed bomb whose time has run out.

Trump’s words on “dominating” the protestors felt so wrong to me. Because as you say, no one has rule over another. Collective power is not for Trump to use over the collective...or anyone who is not an enemy. I just felt there was something so paradoxical about him in storming over to the Church. Trump tear gassing peaceful protestors and clearing them out is like totally the opposite of Jesus flipping over the tables of money changers. I still don’t get how Christians vote for him. Just unbelievable.

I think every immigrant wave to the US has their own horror story. I mean, hello Chinese Exclusion act and Japanese Internment camps. And certainly, Asians are targeted for hate crimes right now just as brown people were targeted after 9/11. But, police brutality against black people is very specific to black people and hence the need to focus exclusively on them, their culture and their history because that’s gone on for too long.