Yes, I partially agree.
The pains and losses of white poverty being slid in at the "whipping post" when the white rulers have no other to do their bidding. The sick, blind, disabled white americans are often treated just as vile, if not worse, as are those with noticable skin or cultural differences.
If one wanted to review American history, study the Irish American imigrants, they were treated much, much worse. These divisions started in the streets of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, even Witchitaw Kansas had segregation.
For a country that was built on the resilience of the imigrant, and at the expense of the Native, it has become a melting pot of sewage yet again.
History repeats itself, less we move to change the mindset and challenge the conqueror. The American Experiment was meant to stand together for The People. It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution unless your _____ then the laws within do not apply. Fill in the blank with what ever race, color, creed, denomination. It is We The People of The United States of America. Much of that document was written with keeping in mind the Universal Laws of Human Rights. The right to live in dignity as a resident of the world.
Every human has the space, not only the right, to live in peace. To navigate and traverse their lives here on Earth with no other human blocking their Way. I could preach until my voice runs out about the injustice of putting a human under another's rulership. Decision makers are not rulers, rather guides. Once our so-called leadership understands that much we will have a cornerstone to progress and not a moment too soon.
America is a timed bomb whose time has run out.