- Enneagram
- 5
INTJ's tend to intuit situations and data - they "know" their information is correct. INFJs intuit people - they know what people are thinking, imagining, dreaming, etc.
Are you better with data, or people? That's the real question.
based on that, I am undoubtably an INFJ. I tend to be able to tell all kinds of things about people, based on just a few words, or just a look. e.g One day at work I walked into my office and my colleague was on the phone. She said ".....there is now". From that I got that it was her husband she was talking to. And that they had been talking about "sex stuff" on the phone to each other. My colleague was horrified when I told her what I thought. But she also eventually admitted that I was right. I didn't need her to admit it though, there was no doubt in my mind. She looks at me differently now. It's like she is worried about what else I know.