surgery to fix deviated septum --- anyone with stories?


you mean this kind of saline spray, right?? (and not one of those "saline rinses" as they are called, such as a nettie pot)



Yup! That is exactly what I used but I used Walgreens and got 3oz bottles. i went through 4 of them - you'll want to use them for a few weeks after i even use them a year later from time to time.

well, i had it performed yesterday morning!! it went well.

i had the packing removed this morning. i know you said you didnt have packing. it was HORRENDOUS. when i 1st arrived home from surgery, it wasnt so bad. just a bit uncomfortable, headache, etc etc. as the night went on, anytime i spit, it was a bloody mess. swallowing blood. i couldnt even swallow without my nose feeling insanely plugged with mucus. it was very difficult.

getting the packing removed was actually very painless and simple, believe it or not!! my doctor is really good, gotta give him props for that. what happened was, as soon as he took the packing out, i felt this rush of air fly into my nostrils. it felt SO nice. haha. but it was short-lived, as he said that it would almost immeditaley get stuffed up once again, which it is now.

i have a new mustache bandage on. i look funny, hehe. gonna saline about 3 times a day, he said.

he says in a week, i should be able to breathe normally. is that about how long it took for you, or was it immediately after the surgery???

thanks for your insights, by the way!
I had a sinus removed when I was a teenager (20 freakin' years ago... Jesus!) and remember all about that gauze packing! It felt like the scene from Total Recall where he pulls the "bug" out from his nose - didn't hurt, but was a bit disconcerting.

Keep an eye on that "stuffed" sensation. It can lead to what's known as "Empty Nose Syndrome" which is still in the "proving" stages but still an issue. Basically, a lot of dead nerve endings that never heal properly, make it feel like your nose is always stuffed even when it isn't, mainly because you can't feel the airflow so it "feels" stuffed. It can also affect your sense of taste and smell - obviously, if you can't smell, that it makes it difficult to taste!

With me, it was only one side that suffered from the original problem and without sinuses on the one side, airflow's a bit chaotic. I suffer from a mild form of ENS on that one side, and I know I have no sense of smell on that side anymore either.

The other thing they don't tell you is that colds can become a real bitch and a half!
I had this procedure done over ten years ago. My nose was (and is) kind of a mess. I've had it hit with soccer balls, baseballs, plastic bowling pins, fists, I've fallen flat on my face, smashed it into a wall while sleeping, fallen out of trees, etc. But I had the septum problem corrected and, as I recall, getting the packing material out was actually quite painful. Huge clots of blood followed in the days after it was removed. The hydocodones were nice, though.

if i'm doing my math correctly, that means you were only 14 years old!!? wow. that mustve been a bitch, especially at that young age. yeah, i'm gonna keep an eye on the "stuffed" feeling. it still feels stuffed now, i can actually feel mucus in there though. it is only one day after, so i still have time to wait it out and see how it unfolds.


lol. what were you doing in trees?? peeping tom?

so far they've only given me tylenol "3", which has codeine. i'd love to enjoy the high feeling, but it just knocks me the fuck out. i pop the pill and within a half hour, i'm practically in an unconcscious passed out mode.
there aren't any trees in new york.

there's only one, and apparently, it grew in brooklyn.
:( I'm so sorry I missed it! Bad, bad, bad friend... ::sits by bedside waiting to be forgiven:: :(