Surprised at how complimentary people can be . . .

IRL, it feel unnatural for me to give people compliments, usually. Sometimes I want to say them, but I think it will come off sounding weird or awkward, and sometimes I feel a compliment is called for but I don't want to say one because I can't think of anything I really find complimentary about the person/situation at the moment, and I don't want to say something insincere.

Online I am much more complimentary than IRL, mainly because I feel less awkward interacting with people in writing than in person. And, you people are all so nice, it's contagious. :) :)

Spot on. I give compliments all the time online on a lot of the forums I am on because for some reason it doesn't seem weird to do so. In real life though, I have to fight the urge to do so. I like want to give the compliment but I don't know how to say it without coming off as wanting something (meaning sex because I guess that's the only reason a guy would even talk to a girl in the real world. :m192:) so I avoid doing it.

Really the worst is not giving compliments, it's getting them. I have no idea what to say when I get a compliment. Here is a normal transcript of what happens.

Person: "You are a great leader"
Me: Look's other direction, mumbles, blushes "Sure, I guess"


Person: "You are a great leader"
Me: Same except ignoring the complement completely "Ohhh gosh isn't it such a nice day?"

I always get a weird look either way, like I was supposed to say something else.
It's easier to give compliments online, it's less awkward and because of the distance (usually) involved you don't have to worry about people thinking you're trying to get into their pants*.

*Uberrogo excepted

Kinda agree. The guys seem to be more comfortable giving compliments here online (at least on this forum), i think because they sense that when they give a compliment, it will be taken as such, and nothing more.

And just like many here said, i can't take compliments well either. :p
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And just like many here said, i can't take compliments well either. :p

Same here.

I am used to complimenting others, and I do it freely if I see someone doing something good or kind or just impressive. I am good at making people feel good about themselves. But when it's done to me, I don't take it well. My best answer has always been "Thank you" and sometimes I feel like it's not enough. So in result, I now shy away from compliments and divert the spotlight to the person giving the compliments. lol