(Survey) INFx - N versus F

maybe it's from the misconception of feeling not being objective enough? i always figured that though...

and to me you seem quite spiritual, which usually stems from a feeling preference...

nor is spirituality to you more of an intellectual thing?

Perhaps being spiritual stems from being a "feeler" but still I want to rationalize my spirituality as much as possible. I do believe I have a strong "F" but I don't trust my feelings as much as I should.
Perhaps being spiritual stems from being a "feeler" but still I want to rationalize my spirituality as much as possible. I do believe I have a strong "F" but I don't trust my feelings as much as I should.

This is what happens to me I try to be caring, compassionate and think about others, also Im quite sensitive but I am certainly not partial, nor I try to make my decisions based on feelings, some descriptions which bother me about F.
It's just as natural for Ts to be cautious about trusting reason. It's just trying to keep tabs on your impulses because you're aware you're only human and, thus, prone to error.
I see what you guys are saying, it's just that my head spins everytime online tests ask "do you make decisions with your head or heart?"

What is that suppose to mean anyway? I would like to say that we make decisions with both things. If we make decisions based on logic only, then you would be leaving the human element out of the equation, but if you make decisions with your heart only, it's too subjective and other people and the situation at hand may be affected by placing your emotions on things of that sort.
I see what you guys are saying, it's just that my head spins everytime online tests ask "do you make decisions with your head or heart?"

What is that suppose to mean anyway? I would like to say that we make decisions with both things. If we make decisions based on logic only, then you would be leaving the human element out of the equation, but if you make decisions with your heart only, it's too subjective and other people and the situation at hand may be affected by placing your emotions on things of that sort.

exactly what I think, this questions can all be situational and different judgments must be applied accordingly.
Perhaps being spiritual stems from being a "feeler" but still I want to rationalize my spirituality as much as possible. I do believe I have a strong "F" but I don't trust my feelings as much as I should.

I completely agree with the rationalizing spirituality thing - I am FP (or I appear to be at the moment anyways) but I still want everything to make sense logically religion-wise; if it doesn't, I want nothing to do with it.

I will retake this test later on when I am less exhausted and drained and want to do more with my life than sleep for a million years.
I see what you guys are saying, it's just that my head spins everytime online tests ask "do you make decisions with your head or heart?"

What is that suppose to mean anyway? I would like to say that we make decisions with both things. If we make decisions based on logic only, then you would be leaving the human element out of the equation, but if you make decisions with your heart only, it's too subjective and other people and the situation at hand may be affected by placing your emotions on things of that sort.

That question put me in a bind too :/ I really didn't know how to answer that...there are a lot of F/T stereotypes that I really think are too...vague.
I see what you guys are saying, it's just that my head spins everytime online tests ask "do you make decisions with your head or heart?"

What is that suppose to mean anyway? I would like to say that we make decisions with both things. If we make decisions based on logic only, then you would be leaving the human element out of the equation, but if you make decisions with your heart only, it's too subjective and other people and the situation at hand may be affected by placing your emotions on things of that sort.

The one I had the most trouble with was "Are you more proud of your goals or your successes?" I suppose that's an S/N question, but I like BOTH of them...
I put that down to being a 5 wing on the enneagram though...

My original theory was that 4/5 enneagram people would end up in the "F > N" category, and the 1/9 enneagram sorts would end up in the other category. However, as half of us are ending up as thinkers on this test... :S It would seem that I need to research a different online assessment that's a bit more reliable.

While I do that, here are a couple of one-off answers to some previous comments.

Spirituality and F/T : I have met a couple of very spiritual INTJs, they just approach it in a different way than I do. They seem to want to dissect it whereas I want to just experience it, though.

Feeling vs. Thinking : I prefer Keirsey's take on this one. Imagine you are buying a present for someone: do you buy them something practical, or something you feel moved to get them? The former is T, the latter is F.

Proud of goals or successes : My guess is that NFs, who are the temperament that grows, would rate goals higher than successes in general. Perhaps this question is linked to iNtuition versus Sensing? NTs also feel a need to succeed (competence/results), so it could be a temperament question as well.