Switching from Pessimism to Optimism

Or being happy with where you are now. Doesn't necessarily preclude ambition for the future. I can generally be happy under almost any circumstances, as long as I have a relative amount of freedom. But I'd like to think that I will have more joy in the future, that the best years of my life are ahead of me still.

Happy and satisfied aren't the same, thought within the context, they have strong overlap.
So I was curious, has anyone here switched from pessimism to optimism? What was your technique?

Or if you are generally optimistic, how do you view things?

I used to never let myself hope for anything... that was a really weird, dark time in my life.
I wasn't "emo" or suicidal or depressing to be around, I just had a fundamental belief that besides what I had already certain types of good things just couldn't or wouldn't ever happen for me. Not even specific things, more general categories.

I've felt trapped, or stuck in a rut at times as well. These periods of my life have been the most pessimistic for me.
What usually happens is that I take a step outside myself. I believe good things can happen for others - why not for myself as well? I like to believe that overall I have a very realistic view of life, but in the moment I encourage myself to get excited about things, to dream up new possibilities on small scales, to do the things which make me more productive and to do the things that make me more happy...
and honestly, happiness and optimism are just things you have to find within yourself. It sounds corny - but you have to dig deep. I think that optimism is a state anyone can achieve. To a certain extent it is already ingrained within us along with other survival mechanisms which encourage us to keep breathing. You just need to put forth the effort to let it grow.
Happy and satisfied aren't the same, thought within the context, they have strong overlap.
To rephrase, being satisfied with where I am now, does not mean I would be satisfied to stay here forever. Being able to look ahead into my probable future (insomuch as anyone is able) allows me to see this and take steps to avoid future dissatisfaction.

.......hula monkey!:mhula:
Happy and satisfied aren't the same, thought within the context, they have strong overlap.

I'm usually unsatisfied, but often happy. It hasn't been until recently that I've started to move toward contentment, but there's one elusive piece remaining ... like a carrot in camouflage.

This proximity to contentment doesn't make me feel like I'm losing ambition though ... actually the opposite, because I'm building on something solid instead of a pile of sand that keeps blowing away. This progress definitely makes me feel optimistic. You have to chase something, right? At least I do.
To rephrase, being satisfied with where I am now, does not mean I would be satisfied to stay here forever. Being able to look ahead into my probable future (insomuch as anyone is able) allows me to see this and take steps to avoid future dissatisfaction.

.......hula monkey!:mhula:

Hula hair-whip halitosis party!

i am generally optimistic, though i do get sad from time to time. i think you have to keep things in perspective, remember there is always tomorrow to look forward to, and the mistakes and problems of your present and past won't last forever, and probably seem worse in your mind than they are in actuality.
an easy way to feel better is to look at the night sky and imagine that, for all we have and are on planet earth, there is a whole universe out there we've yet to discover. how small and insignificant our issues truly are, when contrasted against that immense region.
i kind of think everyone is a wonderful person too~ in their own way. that keeps me smiling ;)
[o_q];330515 said:
Being satisfied with what you have, is giving up ;)

What are you giving up on, not being satisfied?