Well-known member
- xxxx
Haha don't worry, there's forums I visit where I've been a member for years yet have a single digit post count.
side note: NEVER ever google the word creepy. I just did accidently. I know what the lurkers look like now.
Well I of course just googled it, now I'm going to have nightmares.
What's the difference between a lurker and a peeping Tom?
Interesting question. Is there a difference? Is a lurker a modern day peeping tom?
One is publicly accessible and the other is not. One is legal and the other is not. One is also sexual in nature while the other is not necessarily.
Hmm, good points. I had to google this. Here's one definition I found. "Lurker definition, to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively."
We might be ambushed?
This is creepy:
"Users active in the past 24 hours:
4334 Users have visited the forum. 116 members and 4218 guests"
Who are all these trespassers? **shakes the trees**
Isn't it weird to get freaked out that people read public posts on a public website that most of the world can read?
I think the only people who find INFJs **THAT** fascinating (that they're lurking around a forum so much) are fellow INFJs, bots, and those poor souls who fall in love with INFJs.
Watch out for those bots, though. They may go Ex Machina on us.
I'm a totally lurky member.
Sometimes I just like to 'listen', then think of a lengthy reply, then not post it.
Also, bots.
There is someone here named [MENTION=14657]bolognamacaroni[/MENTION] .