'Taxpayers should not have to fund feminist porn'

Should tax payers have to involuntarily fund feminist porn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
hmm government funded lesbian porn - that's something I haven't seen yet :) Are they going to demonstrate it for free (since the taxpayers had already paid for it)?

But when thought about seriously - hell NO !!! What's wrong with you swedes - did you collectivelly lost half of the brain or something?
Does the Swedish government fund or control newspapers as well?

EDIT: It sounds like the government did not approve of that article at all, actually.

The government partially funds newspapers, but they don't have an official control over what is published. However, they can interfere and reject things.

Hmm, I read that they didn't approve but also didn't reject. Instead they left it hanging and said it wasn't on their responsibility but rather the one who wrote it.

But when thought about seriously - hell NO !!! What's wrong with you swedes - did you collectivelly lost half of the brain or something?

I don't know what the hell is wrong with the idiots up there who approved this funding... 59% tax and it goes to shit like this...
btw it's common across Europe that filmmakers are funded by the government - otherwise no one would be willing to invest into that shit they are making. I think we need to abandon that practice.