Teachers to be armed

From a foreigners pov it's one of the scariest things I see about America.

From some Americans' pov, it's one of the scariest things I see about America.

I don't think the framers of the constitution envisioned teachers having to bear arms against students bearing arms, or 8 year old boys bearing uzi's at Fun Gun Shows and dying for that privilege either.
First, consider if everyone has semi autos, the criminals will just find automatic weapons. If everyone has automatic weapons, the criminals will just find explosives. It continues in a nice perpetual slippery slope until we are all living in a war zone.

Jim Gordon: What about escalation?
Batman: Escalation?
Jim Gordon: We start carrying semi-automatics, they buy automatics. We start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor-piercing rounds.
Batman: And?
Jim Gordon: And *you're* wearing a mask and jumping off rooftops. Now, take this guy: armed robbery, double homicide. Got a taste for theatrical, like you. Leaves a calling card.
Jim Gordon: What about escalation?
Batman: Escalation?
Jim Gordon: We start carrying semi-automatics, they buy automatics. We start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor-piercing rounds.
Batman: And?
Jim Gordon: And *you're* wearing a mask and jumping off rooftops. Now, take this guy: armed robbery, double homicide. Got a taste for theatrical, like you. Leaves a calling card.

So the solution to this problem is simply to put America's billionaires in costumes and have them fight crime! :mclap:

Official Declaration
: Satya's Law

"As an INFJ forum discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Batman or Superman approaches one."
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So the solution to this problem is simply to put America's billionaires in costumes and have them fight crime! :mclap:

It's the most natural next step. Bill Gates would kick some serious ass.

Official Declaration: Satya's Law

"As an INFJ forum discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Batman or Superman approaches one."

I don't mind if Batman has automatic weapons. He's hot.