Television....the sin of all sins


Capitalist pig
I have been studying Television and it's effects on the brain, trying to surface some concrete information that would absolutely say that television rots the human brain and is best to be eliminated by culture. But, I stand here before you to say I haven't found an article yet that suggests anything to this effect at all.

Most of the websites I have encountered, even scientific articles that are claiming adverse effects to television viewing are basing this entirely off of
brainwashing possibilities of television (subliminal messages and advertising) and the rate of flickering on the screen that can cause eye problems for those with eyes that are extremely sensitive to light and flickering rates.

When I think about it though, what people watch on television is mostly fictional garbage. I've stopped reading fictional books for that very reason- it's make believe, doesn't exist, and I would rather spend my time learning information on things that actually effect my world. However, I still watched television when I made this decision and I don't understand how that tiny detail escaped me. Nearly all of television is fictional- reality television shows are scripted.

I have a cousin who doesn't own a television and isn't particularly interested in it. Most of what he watches is on youtube and such.

With the amount of television I watch on a daily basis, I'm sure I could find a better way to use my time. I've even decided on watching television while I work out- and while it is distract, it likely isn't doing me very good.

If anyone has knowledge on this topic and can site some scientific evidence that contradicts or backs what I have stated, please do.

Also not that this thread wasn't intended to be religious since I said the word 'sin' and 'sins' , it was just an eye catching title.

I would also say that motion pictures fall in this same category, so they are open for discussion as well.
I prefer to read...though I do like to take in a movie from time to time.
I would get things done and not get distracted or procrastinate if I stop watching tv. it will make me productive for sure because I would be doing things to ease the boredom of doing nothing.

That being said, leave TV alone!:m163:

Slant, if you haven't see this show yet, you HAVE to watch it.

Flapjack is AMAZING! It is pretty much my favorite show!
I usually watch movies. I avoid most tv shows (with some exceptions) like the plague.

I do like some channels though (discovery, history, etc). I still think that reading is probably better, but it's usually easier to watch something and follow along.
Advertising is evil, not TV.

:D It's not evil. Mostly annoying and insulting people's intelligence, I grant that.

I don't watch that much TV. Used to, though, in my teens and quite a lot. I could even say that TV taught me most of the things I know to a certain degree. Now I either lack the time or interest. Whole seasons of shows on DVD's are made exactly for me, so that I could obsess over them for a couple of weeks and not for years.
I've stopped reading fictional books for that very reason- it's make believe, doesn't exist, and I would rather spend my time learning information on things that actually effect my world.

Nearly all of television is fictional- reality television shows are scripted.

I would also say that motion pictures fall in this same category, so they are open for discussion as well.
They should burn. Wait, they already do. Well, most of them should.

Me and TV didn't get along. First, we didn't have a good TV-receiver, so I didn't care and just played outside with the other kids. Second, I could afford good TV already, but didn't care anymore. Problem solved. :D
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I would not say that Television is evil, however it does allow for a quick and easy route for the dissemination of propaganda, of course an insurmountable amount of other things we are exposed to can also disseminate propaganda. In the end it is how one uses Television I suppose
I know the slant, what you are trying to say? And where it points?

Actually, you know what our mind grasps, whatever we see. If you see some good news, discussion related to success, then your mind will talk the language of success. because you had fed data of success in your mind. Now time will pass, you will chant and it will go in your subconscious mind.

Now when you see main stream news, they are mostly full of negativity.See and watch carefully, you will find lot of negative materials. So if you stop watching tv, it is better for your mental health. Because it is real danger to see those negative images and let your mind grasp those horrible scenes.

You can use your tv for entertainment like music or any movie. There is no danger. Most people don't understand this thing.

Use your TV in meaningful manner. Not in time wasting. :D
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opiate for the masses

mostly garbage

i decided to stop watching tv over the past year or so...
the longer i do without it, the more i realize how lame it is

i hate to see a glowing box completely consume the minds of a room full of people

i so often see my family sitting in front of the tv in silence, perhaps abandoning countless meaningful conversations and possible interactions with people that actually exist.

so many people choose to submit their lives to this thing

i think the world would be a better place without it
We don't watch television--too boring, predictable, annoying and passive. We do have ten computers in the house, though.
We don't watch television--too boring, predictable, annoying and passive. We do have ten computers in the house, though.

Yes, it can be somewhat predictable at times

Indeed, to see people obsess over television programmes is disturbing but there are some positive aspects of television as the news and information disseminated, even though by definition it can at times be viewed as propaganda, can be conducive to people developing an intellectual side. In the end, it is the duty of the individual utilising the television to do as such in a moderated manner.
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I would argue that computers are more mentally engaging and stimulating than television is.