[INFJ] Tell me about a time when...


Alright, I thought this could be an interesting topic. On one of the INFJ personality profile pages it said this:

"INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident."

Do any of you have a specific stories or examples of this happening to you?

Here's one of mine: Eight years ago I had made this friend (this girl that I was very interested in at the time) at work, and we have stayed connected even though it has been about 5-6 years since I've seen her, and still occasionally talk as she travels the world. About a period of one to two years ago, I felt something was absolutely wrong with her. We hadn't really been in contact, but she immediately came to my thoughts.
I also kept having these dreams where she would be in them, and when I would wake up, I would feel that I needed to try to contact her just to see if she was okay. This happened at least two or three times over the span of several months.
She seemed to have disappeared, and she wasn't answering e-mails, her phone, and wasn't even reachable on social media. A couple months passed by and I did finally get a hold of her. She actually was not okay, at least, not emotionally with what she had been through for a couple of the years I hadn't talked to her.

It's crazy how little events like that have happened to me on occasion, and the fact that it may be with someone I may have not talked recently with, no matter how far away they may be.
@rmoat it sounds like you may be a HSP (highly sensitive person). Have you heard the term? It doesn't mean your emotionally sensitive, but rather sensitive to your environment and other peoples energies ;)

I can relate to that "just knowing a thing". Sometimes, it is before an event, others it is connecting dots and predicting an event, and others still it's after the event.

This just happened with me and my elderly neighbor. I had been mowing her lawn for her and helping her out as she had hurt her back. I heard her mowing one day and thought geeish, she must be feeling better. I was paying attention to my own stuff and quite busy, kept hearing the lawn mower and thought, she must be doing ok.

On Saturday last week I got a feeling I should go see her, just to check in and see how she was doing. That feeling persisted most the day, and into the next. On Monday morning, I felt it urgent to go over and see her that morning. I can't exactly explain why, but I went right after my breakfast.

After talking a minute she asked if I knew her brother Jack had died on Saturday:( I said no of course, but that explained the nagging feeling of going over and checking on her. You see, Jack was my mailman and ran the country store down the road...I was quite close to him as a kid. She just needed a comforting ear and reminice about the past as she processed her grief...I gave her a hug too.

This type of thing happens to me quite often.
@Sandie33, thank you so much for sharing! Alright, HSP is something new to me. I'm definitely going to look that up after I respond to your message. This is quite an amazing experience you have had, and love that you shared it.
It's quite incredible how little feelings like this sometimes build into an urgent feeling to make sure someone is okay.

I do remember feeling this way with another friend recently, and I texted them, and of course got a response back saying that my text must have been inspired as they were having a rough go.

Wow, this lady must have needed someone, and you felt inspired to go. I love these types of experiences, and stories. Thank you!
Definitely understand that! Good to know that you get that, yet very unfortunate that they are bad. I'm sorry.

I've predicted some things that are bad enough that I can't talk about them. It puts me off really even discussing this.
I have a couple that really stand out in my history.

As a teenager, I had a good friend who lived with her grandparents but she didn't get along with her grandfather very well. One night I spent the night with her and woke up from a dream where he died. It startled me so much, that the next morning I told her I felt like we should do something nice for her grandparents. We made them breakfast that morning and spent the whole morning helping them around the house. I went home that afternoon and in the evening as we were talking on the phone, my friend panicked and hung up on me. I called back and she panicked again and said she couldn't talk. Then, I realized something was wrong. And because she lived about 4 blocks away, when I heard sirens, I knew. Her grandfather passed away of a heart attack the same day I had that dream.

Then, another time as a teenager, I went on vacation with my high school best friend and her parents and we ended up at this really crappy diner with poor service. I had ordered mozzarella sticks and it came with salsa instead of marinara sauce so I didn't eat them. My best friend, being completely immature, decided to be a brat and make a mess on the table for the waitress who was being completely rude the whole time. I kept having this feeling that the waitress was going to dump the salsa in my lap, I didn't know why, I just kept suspecting it. When she came over and saw the mess, sure enough...she picked up the salsa and dumped it in my lap and said "oops!" - I was so mad at my friend as you could imagine.

And that brings to mind many more, but I'll stop there.
@selcouth, Wow... thank you for sharing. I now realize that a lot of these stories are probably very personal. And I have not experienced anything to that depth... yet, and it is a little bit worrying in a way to feel like something is going to happen (something bad), and it does happen.

As for the salsa, I would be pretty upset as well. That doesn't sound pleasant, though is better than dealing with feeling that someone may pass.

So very interesting. :-O

I have a couple that really stand out in my history.

As a teenager, I had a good friend who lived with her grandparents but she didn't get along with her grandfather very well. One night I spent the night with her and woke up from a dream where he died. It startled me so much, that the next morning I told her I felt like we should do something nice for her grandparents. We made them breakfast that morning and spent the whole morning helping them around the house. I went home that afternoon and in the evening as we were talking on the phone, my friend panicked and hung up on me. I called back and she panicked again and said she couldn't talk. Then, I realized something was wrong. And because she lived about 4 blocks away, when I heard sirens, I knew. Her grandfather passed away of a heart attack the same day I had that dream.

Then, another time as a teenager, I went on vacation with my high school best friend and her parents and we ended up at this really crappy diner with poor service. I had ordered mozzarella sticks and it came with salsa instead of marinara sauce so I didn't eat them. My best friend, being completely immature, decided to be a brat and make a mess on the table for the waitress who was being completely rude the whole time. I kept having this feeling that the waitress was going to dump the salsa in my lap, I didn't know why, I just kept suspecting it. When she came over and saw the mess, sure enough...she picked up the salsa and dumped it in my lap and said "oops!" - I was so mad at my friend as you could imagine.

And that brings to mind many more, but I'll stop there.