ten bucks says this doesn't work

Apple. Differentiate fruit/veg? Fruit spreads seeds, veg grows them? Why see seeds as special non-life part of life. That's just traditional assumption. I'm a vegetable and an apple too. I participate in their life cycles physically.

Basically fruits have seeds inside of them, vegetables don't. The seed could be alive, not alive, or undead and it wouldn't matter, if it's on the inside it's a fruit.

Chillies are pulses I believe, same as beans. I think peppers are too but now it's getting complicated. I'm no botanist. I just happen to know seeds on the inside = fruit.
I couldn't decide between broccoli or a tomato. Then, I picked broccoli because tomatoes are red and I still don't really know what they are.

I wonder if it had something to do with the shape of the number six. ...Is it weird to say that? I really just want to know the statistics on this thing and why there really might be a common answer.
Here's another example of priming

This needs to be done in your head only:
Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10

5000 right? Wrong! Check it on a calculator

Lol. With this one I literally felt my thoughts split into two parts. Then the 4100-part turned to the 5000 part and said "WRONG!!!". 5000-part felt embarrassed.
It worked on me. That makes me kinda sad.
It worked the first time I did it, but that was a very long time ago.
I thought of carrot, which is funny because normally that would be the last thing to come to mind. When I think of vegetables normally something green comes to mind. Maybe it's because the background on this page was alot of triangle-shaped etchings, similar to that of a carrot. Just a theory.
I thought of broccoli, and then was disappointed with the fact I don't have any.
My mind went blank, I panicked, I couldn't think of a vegatable.

Then I thought of a carrot.
My mind was a total blank. Well, maybe a dim WTF???
I thought of a tomato o.0

666 kept reminding me of the devil so a red tomato came to mind o.0
yeah, i was like "uh...uh...uh...i don't know! uh, uh, squash! uh, is that okay?" why i mentally asked myself if that answer was okay i have no idea...

and i have no idea about the psychology/theory behind this. just found it stupidly amusing.

I got squash as well... huh.
wow, how the heck?!
We had a similar test back in elementary school. It was a bit longer than this one, building up a bit more. In the end you were supposed to pick a color and a tool.
Almost everyone picked a red hammer, where as both me and a friend of mine had figured it out in time and picked a pink typewriter and a green cheese slicer respectively.