Tension from Iraq

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Sorry but this whole situation turned out to be so funny even though I didn't intend to. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
Sorry but this whole situation turned out to be so funny even though I didn't intend to. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

I understand. You are using humor as a defense mechanism for your realization that you fucked up.
People here are actual people with real feelings. Imagine saying these things to a business colleague irl.

You can choose to keep existing with no regard for others, but everyone will be laughing at you behind your back because you are the joke.
I understand. You are using humor as a defense mechanism for your realization that you fucked up.
People here are actual people with real feelings. Imagine saying these things to a business colleague irl.

You can choose to keep existing with no regard for others, but everyone will be laughing at you behind your back because you are the joke.
I understand. You are using humor as a defense mechanism for your realization that you fucked up.
People here are actual people with real feelings. Imagine saying these things to a business colleague irl.

You can choose to keep existing with no regard for others, but everyone will be laughing at you behind your back because you are the joke.

I'm old enough to don't care what people think. People can have their opinion and who am I to judge?

Perhaps you never had a boss. You can't survive in the business world if you have that weak heart.

Lastly, I didn't fuck up. I have no regret. Why would I be? I of course don't care about some internet strangers so as they don't care about me. It's how it's in the rest of the world. They fucked up by being so kindergarten kiddo if someone had to fuck up, not me. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

I seriously don't want to deal with kids anymore. I'm too old for that shit. I'll leave if we don't sort this out like adults or I'll do my own thing here until I can. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're not getting banned. Nothing here is serious enough for us to consider it as the only viable punishment. But we don't take kindly to people badgering other members within the forum: resorting to ad hominems, suggestions of people needing 'therapy', as well as questions of their morality and the like. Whilst I could see - to an extent - some of the points you were initially trying to make, you went about it in an extremely insulting and low-effort way. Don't be surprised when residents of the country of which you're disparaging then take offense, at whatever level, to that which you said.

I'll ask for you to cease continuing this any further; either stay on topic as to the intention of the OP and engage in relevant discourse, or stop posting here. If you have any questions or issues with such a request, I'd prefer you to take it up with me in PM.
I respect your rules and all but it doesn't mean I'll hold back when I deal with such people. I have zero tolerance for people anymore though it doesn't mean what I'll do will be against your rules. Perhaps I can hold back so something like this won't happen anymore but can't promise that.
For what it's worth, @biwaly even as an American, I can understand what you were trying to say too, in your original comment. But like Rit4lin said, it was the delivery and ad hominems that I was against.

I didn't suggest the death penalty, you did and I reacted to that. Lol.

But yes we are adults. Let's be civilized. :)
But we don't take kindly to people badgering other members within the forum: resorting to ad hominems, suggestions of people needing 'therapy', as well as questions of their morality and the like.
Finally, lol.

Personally I was entertained by the exchange, which seemed so ludicrous as to be impossible to take seriously. There was some grade A clowning going on, and I can appreciate that, though if people are genuinely offended then that's a different matter.

@biwaly I'd like you to stick around and continue to say mad shit, but the rules must also be followed, too.
This has always been the case
This is empirically untrue.

Personally I think the gradual shift to a more objective and impersonal moderation culture is a positive change, as is a more explicit focus on the rules and following the spirit of those rules.

It's a mark of good leadership to be humble enough to acknowledge where things were not working, and to acknowledge the concern and voices of those being led; of those subject to that power. Defensiveness, on the other hand, only serves to separate leaders from the led and remain wilfully blind to whatever problems are there.

I don't think there's anything problematic with expressing approval of good moderation practices, or holding poor practices to account as objectively as possible. None of that entails any personal disapproval, either.

Responsibility, of course, is (or at least ought to be) proportional to authority.
There's your problem.

Nope. It's others' problem because when they take it personally for nothing and therefore attack like kindergarten kiddo they get hurt for nothing while I have my fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't know how it's in the USA but I won't let some kiddo take me as some doormat. :grinning::grinning::grinning:
I don't know how it's in the USA but I won't let some kiddo take me as some doormat.
Good on you bro.
I think the entire point is.. if it was said in jest, it could have been entertaining for me too, because I can appreciate some naughty or "dark" humor.

But I didn't get the sense that he was joking around. There were real insults and a true cynical and hating vibe going on. I can understand cynicism a lot. But I don't believe in the immatureand very unapologetic way it was delivered. I wasn't personally offended because hey, I didn't have anything to do with any of the wars or bombings. But I think I felt offended for my countrymen who like me, also didn't have anything to do with the shit he talked about. Wanna attack the KKK? Go right ahead I'll join you. But the innocents... there are several.
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