Thank you for articulating my very thoughts on all this.
Trump is an ass. In my opinion he should be going to prison and yet the republicans in congress refused and will continue to refuse to impeach him properly as they're afraid for their own jobs. (I feel like I'm channeling Bernie here I'm so angry with all this bull.)
Down to the basics: Trump is a sociopath. I'm not sure anyone in government really understands what this means and how severe of an issue it is to have someone in power with this problem. I only know how bad it is as I was married to one. He does not see value in any other living being unless they are doing something for him. He'd work with Hitler if it were to his own benefit.
I don't like Pence, but he's not going to blast a hole in the earth AND DECIMATE thousands or millions of lives all for his own ego.
I agree with all of what you said as well!
None of his party and admin with do or say anything because they...
a.) don't mind cheating to win even at the expense of fair elections.
b.) are profiting from the selling out of this country and it's citizens.
c.) are probably also sociopaths (statistically they disproportionately work in politics and banking/stocks/money-trading).
d.) are afraid of losing power as the voting dynamics change - as they should be...which again, is statistically not in their favor.
Had Obama done any number of things that Trump has - the Republicans and Faux News would have been marching in the streets demanding a public execution.
Also forgot to mention that Iran has indicated that it's full steam ahead on their nuclear enrichment program...the denuclearization treaty now burned to ashes after Trump pulled us out of it and now this drone BS...because the Obama admin signed the treaty, so it must be bad.
His stupid fragile ego unable to see beyond his own arrogance as he leads us down the path to war.
War is war and people die...he talks about things like they are games...his childish taunts and tweets - how anyone can think that is intelligent or effective diplomacy is beyond me.
We would be the laughing stock of the world if they weren't so afraid of what insane thing he might do or say next.
I agree that the lives of others - especially those who aren't in his eyes worthy to be seen or treated as human - mean little to nothing to him (as we currently have children living in fucking cages, sleeping on the floors with tin-foil garbage bag blankets).
I also don't doubt that our troops mean little to nothing to him either no matter what he says...he's demonstrated this many times with his words and actions.
As for Pence...I'm not so sure...he would criminalize abortion and do all kinds of kooky shit nobody but conservative evangelicals would want...if he thought it was a "holy war" he would be all over it too I have no doubt.
These two will go down in history as the worst Presidential administration we have ever had...that is, if there is a country after they are no longer in office.
Trump would burn this country down to spite his haters...I don't expect him to leave office without doing something terrible first.
Take care of yourself during these unnerving times.