Support yourself by generating wealth support your community as a consequence; that is good not evil.
Where that actually occurs, I agree. These days, however, you have WALMART who takes taxpayer money to pay for meager health benefits for its workers even as it destroys all local ma-and-pa competition (erasing more jobs than it creates, and fleecing the masses to pay for what it makes more than enough money on its own to pay for without cutting too deeply into the megawealth of its owners.
These days, we have Wellpoint and Humana and the other 5 insurer cartels who take people's money for decades while they're healthy and don't need their money back, and then cut them off the books the moment they get breast cancer, claiming things like an unreported case of acne 30 years prior, or labelling pregnancy as a 'pre-existing condition,' as excuse. I.e., theft on a massive scale.
You have Hewlett Packard/Fiorina who fires 10s of thousands of Americans, hires 10s of thousands of Indians and Indonesians and, instead of lowering their product prices enough to still be affordable to those 10s of thousands suddenly without jobs, buys several 30 million dollar private jets with the difference, then makes front companies to complete the purchase when reporters find out.
You have Mitt Romney who specialized in cannibalizing local businesses, buying them, chopping them up, and selling off their assets for a profit, destroying thousands of jobs in the process. Again, the allied beneficiary being big business and their disproportionately wealthy CEOs (who went from a 40:1 income ratio with their workers (as if that wasn't already enough) back in the early 70s (pre-reagan) to 400+:1 today, after 30 years of reaganomics.)
Halliburton electrocutes soldiers, blocks the roads of their competitors, can't even pour concrete with any precision, but routinely gets no-bid contracts from their government insiders... then reincorporates in Dubai where they can legally destroy all of their records after a year. So they aren't even American anymore, and yet still manage to qualify for all this preferential treatment.
ExxonMobil may make a similar profit margin to other industries, but still managed to make the single largest profit amount in all of human history, and yet couldn't be bothered to pay the US any taxes at all.... somehow, though, they did manage to wriggle out of us 154 million in tax REFUNDS. Refunds on what, exactly? (this is in addition to all the subsidies us taxpayers are forced to give them.)
Monsanto genetically engineers plants so they can survive incredibly toxic substances that they also happen to produce, including a terminator gene that prevents seeds being produced, thus requiring growers to buy their product year after year at dramatically higher prices than saving seed. They get laws passed in places like Iraq and India that make seed-saving illegal, thus making already poor people have to pay their exorbitant rates... and if a season isn't 110% productive, they farmer goes into debt in a place where the only wealthy neighbor they have is the local loan-shark, seeking 500% returns. Suicide rates among these farmers have sextupled since Monsanto moved into town. Meanwhile, while they haven't boiled-frogged America for the same laws just yet, they have managed enough of a revolving door with congress to grant them permission to sue any farmer out of business whose private and natural crops just happen to accidentally (and inevitably) get cross-pollonated with a monsanto strain.
Massey couldn't provide proper ventilation, Microsoft and Electronic Arts put more effort into murdering their competition than into making a good (and thus competative) product. Major banks looked the other way even as they knew what Madoff was up to, and you get blokes like the Wisconsin governor who gives away enormous tax breaks to his buddies, whimpers about the resulting budget shortfall, and goes after the unionized worker to make up the difference... well, except for the two or three outfits that actually supported his campaign. In the same bill is a clause that will allow him to sell off publicly-owned utilities on a no-bid basis to whomever he wants, and that would be the Koch brothers (who already own more 'captive-audience' utilities than used to be legal not only in that state but across most of the country, being the 2nd largest corporation on U.S. soil.) They're also big into making people's front lawns and sink faucets explode due to natural gas frakking.
All of the above would still be wealthy and powerful if they operated in the interest of the community IN TANDEM with their own interests, and yet that has proven to be too much to ask. In every case they exploited and abused their communities from larger profit margins when the margins they and their predecessors had were more than fine enough to offer them more than sufficient wealth.
Do you ignore this out of ignorance or deceit?